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Board of Selectmen Minutes 06/23/2009
Special Meeting-Board of Selectmen Minutes
High School Teacher’s Lounge
June 23, 2009                                                                                                   6:30 p.m.

Present:        Board of Selectmen:  Chairman E. Bernard Plante, Joseph F. Coggans, Jr., Kenneth I. Schold, Francis B. King, Brian W. Stowell.   
Robert Spain, Town Manager, Brian Turbitt, Finance Director, Edd Cote, Richard Valentino and Tom Riley.

Chairman Plante opened the meeting

Reappointment of Helen Mankevitch to the Council on Aging.  Motion made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Stowell to reappoint Helen Mankevitch.
Motion carried unanimously.

One Day Liquor License:  Marie’s Catering-July 12, 2009 at Asa Waters.
Motion made by Selectman Schold to approve the license, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion regarding numbers coming in from the State Budget-It looks like they will be cutting Chapter 70 money but there should be stimulus money coming in.  The cut is approximately $207,000.00 with $120,000.00 in stimulus money, which leaves us $87,000.00 in the hole.  We need to leave things as is for this meeting as the Budget has not been signed by the Governor.

The Superintendent says that they are unwilling to share in the cuts only in the revenue.   We are trying to look at all of our options.

We need to postpone the Hide-A-Way hearing until July 28 after the owner’s sentencing.

Motion to adjourn made by Selectman Coggans at 7:35 p.m., seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Tish Hayes

E. Bernard Plante                       __________________________
Joseph F. Coggans, Jr.          __________________________
Kenneth I. Schold                       __________________________
Francis B. King                 __________________________
Brian W. Stowell                        __________________________
                                            Its Board of Selectmen