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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04/06/2009
Board of Selectmen Minutes
Special Meeting with School Committee
Municipal Office Building – Selectmen’s Meeting Room
April 6, 2009                                                                   6:05 p.m.

Present:        Board of Selectmen:  Chairman E. Bernard Plante, Kenneth I. Schold, Francis B. King and Joseph F. Coggans, Jr.
School Committee:  Chairman Jane Pojani, Tom Clawson, Art Corey, and Leslie Vigneau.
Robert Spain, Town Manager, Superintendent Hitchcock, Superintendent, Brian Turbitt, Finance Director, Linda Swenson, Brian Stowell, Dick Valentino, Tom Reilly, The Millbury-Sutton Chronicle, and concerned citizens.

Chairman Plante opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Selectman Coggans wanted to thank the countless people for their visits, cards and phone calls-there has been a great outpouring of support for him.  He regrets that he had to miss his first meeting.  He also wanted to thank the Board and Town Manager for all they have done.

Chairman Plante turned the meeting over to Chairman of the School Committee Jane Pojani who said that we are here to discuss the budget because the Finance Committee came up with their recommendations.

Superintendent Hitchcock spoke and thanked everyone for coming.  The Finance Committee made their recommendations and she was asked by the School Committee to make those cuts. She wants to show what the impact would be if the school cuts $1,029,235.  *Attached is list of proposed cuts.
In terms of personnel; Full year administrative wage freeze for 10 administrators; Reducing a principal at Elmwood by .5, Loss of eight teachers, 3 at Elmwood, 3 at Shaw and 2 at the High School.  They have ratios that are 1 teacher to 19/20 students will go up to 1/26 in Elmwood.  They will charge fees at Shaw and Jr./Sr. High of $100/per student $200/cap at High School, Shaw $50/student $100/family.  If after school busing is cut you may see MCAS scores drop or not graduate on time.  She looked under every stone to find money.
Ms. Pojani stated that the Finance Committee recommended a 63.55/36.45% split.  She wants to ask for the Board of Selectmen to work with them regarding the split; they would like the split to be better for them possibly 58/42.  If any additional money comes in have special town meeting and then split it, unless comes in before town meeting, change in Medicare number to reflect a higher number, this year brought in $157,000.  Mr. Spain said that the Medicare number cannot change-it goes by local receipts-we did change it before and the DOR told us it was illegal-we cannot do it.   Superintendent wanted to know that the number was for estimated receipts; Mr. Spain thinks it is $160,000.  He recommended a 60/40 split as of February 13th it was on the table, that is what he did his budget on-and he is sticking by it.  He did put in the suggested corrected budget at the Finance Committee’s urging-he cannot see the town going any lower.  Chairman Plante cannot see anyplace else that he has to cut.  Mr. Spain agrees that if any money does come in that they should have a special town meeting so that the money does not go into free cash.  Mr. Spain does recommend that town meeting should be held on May 5th and Mr. Plante indicated that the Board will do a special town meeting if necessary.  Mr. Corey wanted to know if the money would be split 60/40.  Mr. Plante said that we will look at where the money comes from and work it out from there.

Mr. Borowski wanted to let them know that losing 8 teachers would have an impact immediately but maybe three four years down the road.  Therefore he would like to ask the Selectmen and Town Manager to reconsider the 60/40 split.  Selectmen King wanted to let the School Committee know that we have looked everywhere and was wondering if they have discussed furloughs and freezes with the unions.  Superintendent Hitchcock has done meetings and is getting the information about the health insurance-some furlough days may go.  Selectman King wants to know how many bodies will this save.  This could save maybe 3 positions.  Chairman Pojani wanted to know when the vote is coming up---Bob has called an Insurance Advisory Committee meeting for Friday but there is an issue with the MTA regarding the furlough days.  Chairman Plante said that the retirees do not understand what is going on.  It needs to be explained to them and to everyone.  Mr. Spain explained the insurance meeting.  *see attached handout.  Retirees on Fallon Sr or Medex will not change.
Chairman Plante says it is a terrific way to go-but do not want to force retirees into a policy.
Selectman Coggans agrees with the damage down the road-he has gotten closer to the school dept in recent years-but the problem we all have here is that this is a legitimate budget-we do not have any more room to cut.  As it is we have only added one new police officer in 20 years.  There is no place to cut on the Fire Department.  The school side needs the town hall for things such as payroll, taxes collected, the highway department which is already running 3-5 people down, this is not our doing-this has to do with the incompetence of Boston and Washington.    We need to trust each other-we need to know that if promises are made regarding money that they will be shared faired and equitably.  It is what it is and we need to do what we have to.  Chairman Pojani wanted to know how many people at the town hall will be laid off.  It is the equivalent of 8.8 full-time positions. Department heads were not laid off because they can work more that 40 hrs a week.  
The Superintendent wanted to ask again for the 58/42 split again.  Mr. Borowski wanted to make a point that $30,000 is much more effective on their side.
Town Moderator Tom Fox spoke and wanted to emphasize how important it is to present a balanced budget at Town Meeting.

The School Committee left at 6:50 p.m.

Executive Session
Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Schold to move into Executive Session at 7:10 p.m. under Chapter 39, Section 23B, Paragraphs 3 to discuss collective bargaining or potential litigation.

                Chairman Plante         -Yes
                        Selectman Coggans, Jr.  - Yes
                        Selectman Schold                - Yes
                        Selectman King                  - Yes   
Chairman Plante stated that the Board will leave Executive Session and other business will be conducted.

The Board returned to open session at 7:35 p.m.

Hastings Ave will be closed due to sewer construction this from the 6th to the 10th of April.  They will be putting a fire truck in the enclosure.  
Motion made to close Hastings Ave for construction from April 6-10th by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Coggans
Motion carried unanimously.

Based on the 60/40 split, the difference is off $33,000 but we can up the local receipt estimates by $33,000 to help the school level the budget.  It is not good practice-but it may help matters.  School Committee will be willing to take a vote.  This is in the spirit of cooperation but it is definitely a risk.
Motion made by Selectman King to raise local receipts estimate, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.

The Board needs to take a look at raising some fees.  The transfer station fee to go up $10.00 and building department fees we need to consider.  This will not affect the senior citizens. They will vote on the building fees next meeting.
Motion made by Selectman King to raise the transfer station fee by $10.00, seconded by Selectman Schold.  
Motion carried 3-1.  Selectman Coggans opposed.

Selectman King cannot see promoting anyone in these tough budget times.
Motion not to promote the two sergeants and not to hire the lieutenant made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried 3-1.  (Selectman Coggans votes present)

Mr. Spain reviewed the warrant as it is just about final.

Selectman King asked if the Asa Waters Task Force could pay for some of the oil cleanup.  Mr. Spain will ask again.

Slectman King inquired about the Providence St Bridge.  It will be closed for awhile-they have to go out for re-bid. We will stay on top of MA Highway to get this done as soon as possible.

Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman King to adjourn at 8:20 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Tish Hayes, Secretary, Bd of Selectmen

        E Bernard Plante                        __________________________

Joseph F. Coggans, Jr.          __________________________

Kenneth I. Schold                       __________________________

Francis B. King                 __________________________
                                                    Its Board of Selectmen