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Board of Selectmen Minutes 01/27/2009
Board of Selectmen Minutes
Town Hall – Selectmen’s Meeting Room
JANUARY 27, 2009                                                                        7:00 p.m.

Present:        Board of Selectmen:  Acting Chairman Joseph F. Coggans, Jr., Kenneth I. Schold, Francis B. King.   Chairman Plante Absent.

Robert Spain, Town Manager; Laurie Connors, Brian Turbitt, Denise Marlborough, Brian Stowell, Tom Reilly, The Millbury-Sutton Chronicle and concerned citizens

Acting Chairman Coggans opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Vice Chairman Coggans announced that Chairman Plante was in the hospital for a couple of days and he wanted to convey to the people that he is thankful for the well wishes and he is doing better.

Public Hearing- -Belfont House-Transfer License-Selectman Schold read notice.
Bernice O’Gassian appeared.  No one appeared to speak against it.  She needs to transfer the license into her name and would like to keep it a nice quiet place.
Motion made by Selectman Schold to close the public hearing, seconded by Selectman King.  Motion carried unanimously.
Motion made by Selectman Schold to transfer license and change manager seconded by Selectman King.  
Motion carried unanimously.

NB-1-New Drainlayer Thomas Keating
GM Bergeron-They are putting an addition on a house at 40 Martin Street and they would like sewer connection.  
Motion made by Selectman Schold to approve the license, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

NB-3-Drainlayer Renewals:  
-J.A. Polito
        -Paxton Lawn Maintenance d/b/a Busy Bee Nursery
        -D’s Enterprises Inc. d/b/a Standard Builders, Inc.
        -Affordable Septic Service
        -C&G Excavating

Motion made by Selectman Schold to approve the above listed Drainlayer renewals, seconded by Selectman King.  
Motion carried unanimously.

Pvious Meeting Minutes
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to approve the minutes of the Tuesday January 13, 2009 meeting.  
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to approve the minutes of the January 13, 2009 Executive Session.
Motion carried unanimously.

Town Manager Report
Appointing Rob Morton from Millbury Savings Bank to the Bicentennial Committee.  Motion made by Selectman Schold to concur with the appointment, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.
Chairs of the Bicentennial Committee are Roger Desrosiers and Bill Kane.

They have declared snow and ice emergency-already deficient spending in a tough budget year.  We have spent $175,000 so far.  In the process of replenishing the salt and sand now.  

Had a meeting with Alert Ambulance, Tom Carroll, COO, Matt Belsito, Chief Handfield and the Fire and Police Chief of Sutton, and it was very productive. The financials are on their way-will be here on Friday.

The Court upheld the findings to close Hide-A-Way at 11:00 p.m. on Thursday - Saturday.  

Budget update:  It is as bad as we thought-this year we will be short $186,157.00.  Have to cut that out of the budget; has had conversations with the school.  Tomorrow expect to get numbers for fy10 to look at both years.  Most definitely will be less state aid next year.  Trying to come up with a budget that is least painful.  

7:15 Public Hearing-  CDGB Grant FY09 -Selectman Schold read notice.
Laurie Connors introduced Tim Hansen from CMRPC who conducted the public hearing.  *see attached Project Description for reference.  It is to help communities fund certain activities and must be consistent with a community development strategy.  You have to meet one or the other qualifications; Low/moderate income or urgent need.  We have two target areas, Armory Village and Bramanville Village.  $30,000 cap per project.  Individuals would have to qualify.  Low-moderate-$38,450 for a family of 4-moderate-$61,000 same family of 4.  Lien would be on property for 15 years-only have to pay back if they sell-100% within the first 5 years, then decreases by 1/120th  each month after.  
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to have Acting Chairman Coggans sign agreement.  Motion carried unanimously.
Motion made by Selectman Schold to submit application, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion to close public hearing by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King.  
Motion carried unanimously.
Laurie Connors is maintaining a waiting list-now has 40 names of people interested.  Contact Laurie if interested.

Melanson Heath FY08 Audit Report- Scott MacIntyre (*full reports in Selectmen’s office)
Police detail revolving account report:  Wanted to find out why deficits were occurring.  Records were incomplete and inadequately maintained by the department.  Based on that work met with Town officials to get a solid and complete account system in place going forward and they have implemented it well.  The period of time was 2005-2008, only one person was handling both disbursements and collections-this is never a good idea.  Short in account as of today approximately $58,000, this will require an article to transfer of funds.  The procedures that are in place now are appropriate and if they had been in place in the past would not have occurred.  

Financial Statements:  He is happy to be here in January, which is a huge improvement over the past couple of years.  FY 2008 audit went very well.  No disagreement in the application of accounting principles.  

Auditor’s opinion:  Millbury had a clean opinion-well within standards.

Management Letter:  *attached for reference
Current year recommendations:  Improve compensated absence accounting at school department; Ensure proper recording of tax tile taking in general ledger, Monitor collateralization of cash balances; and Establish FTC “red flag” security documentation.  Most of these issues have already been resolved.

Audit went very smoothly and he was very pleased at how this audit went.  

Acting Chairman Coggans is upset that the police money has to be made up, especially in these times.  He wanted to compliment the finance director, treasurer, manager and audit company.  He is happy that things are finally coming together.  Mr. Spain said that most of the issues brought forth have already been addressed and they are working with the school to get those issues resolved as well.  He is very confident that any issues will not be repeated. Chairman Plante would like to address this with the Chief and the manager in a future meeting.

Acting Chairman Coggans would like a by-law stating that the Town will only fly flags that are made in the USA.
Motion for to add by-law to the warrant regarding flags made in the USA made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King.  
Motion carried unanimously.

We need to put together a charter review committee for 2010.  Acting Chairman Coggans thinks it would be important to have some members of the original committee on hand.  We will send a letter to the different bodies to let them know they need to appoint someone by the end of February.

Letter from TGI Fridays thanking the Town officials, Matt Belsito, Bob Blackman and Tom Brown who made themselves available for inspections and getting the reopening asap and very helpful.

Letter regarding donation of Honda pump for engine 1 from 146 Supply for help in pumping basements.  Acting Chairman Coggans stepped down from Acting Chairman.  Motion made by Selectman Schold to accept the donation, seconded by Selectman Coggans.
Motion carried 2-0-1 (Selectman King abstained as he is a member of Fire Department).  Selectman Coggans went back to Acting Chairman.

Executive session
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to move into Executive Session at 8:06 p.m. under Chapter 39, Section 23B, Paragraphs 3 and 6 to discuss collective bargaining or potential litigation and to consider the purchase or taking of real property.

                                                        Selectman Coggans, Jr.  - Yes
                                                        Selectman Schold                - Yes
                                                        Selectman King          - Yes   
Acting Chairman Coggans stated that the Board will leave Executive Session solely to adjourn; no other business will be conducted.

The Board returned to open session as 8:30 p.m.

Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman King to adjourn at 8:30 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Tish Hayes, Secretary, Bd of Selectmen

Joseph F. Coggans, Jr.          __________________________
Kenneth I. Schold                       __________________________
Francis B. King                 __________________________
                                                    Its Board of Selectmen