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Board of Selectmen Minutes 09/09/2008
Town of Millbury
Board of Selectmen Minutes
Municipal Office Building- Selectmen’s Meeting Room

September 9, 2008                                                                       7:05 P.M.

Present:  Board of Selectmen:  E. Bernard Plante, Chairman; Joseph F. Coggans, Jr., Kenneth Schold, Francis B. King and Michael Moore.  

Bob Spain, Town Manager; Paul Dicicco, Ellen Cummings, Peter Bohman, Joe Deliso,  Michelle Desorcey, Larry Bingaman, Donna Boynton, Worcester Telegram, Tom Riley, Millbury Sutton Chronicle and concerned citizens.
Chairman Plante opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Verizon Contract:  Mr. Spain and the Board wanted to thank Verizon for giving the Senior Center a check for $5,000 for computers.  He also stated that the contract was fair and good for the Town.  Selectman King asked about the deadlines and evaluations and who will oversee?  The Committee and the Town Manager’s office will be checking.   Mr. Plante would like to thank the Committee again for their time and effort.

Motion made by Selectman King to sign the Verizon Cable License Contract, seconded by Selectman Schold.   Motion carried unanimously.  

The representative from Verizon said that they should be offering FIOS within days to most of the residents of Millbury.

Joseph Deliso--Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce-Economic Development
Update on project with CMRCP-Regional infrastructure mapping and planning. Phase one is pretty well complete, the existing infrastructure of all 11 towns (roads, sewer, and water).   They will be sending out invitations for an October 29 meeting.  They are trying to get the towns to work together.   They will send a draft concept of commitment for review.

Sewer Commission - Representative from Earth Tech-Joe Boccadoro spoke about the sewer project overall.   It is on schedule, on budget and there no areas of concern.    Greenwood St., Lake Singletary and East Millbury Park Hill area:  Greenwood is substantially complete-system is operating fine without any major issues-connections are at 2/3 of the area; Lake Singletary Laurel Heights, under construction for 17 mos.  95% complete, drilling at Brierly Dam is complete, job not complete, anticipation for completion is October-daily road closures will continue through end of project; East Millbury/Park Hill Ave. crews are out and moving along pretty well, through the end of the year.  Overall is well.  Mr. Spain wanted to thank both contractors they have been very cooperative.  
Aquarion Water- Larry Bingaman provided an update as to what happened last weekend on the perchlorate contamination.  Series of tests over nine days, there is no detection in the Millbury system.  Still investigating the initial detection-the well is still out of service and will remain out of service until DEP clears it.  Everyone worked around the clock to get the word out.   They will use reverse 911 in the future.  Selectman Schold wanted to know why they only checked water once a year.    The DEP sets the standards for testing.  Selectman Moore wanted to know how a false positive could be found.  Could be equipment or lab issue, all other testing since has been fine, but trying to find out why.  Mr. Spain asked if they had any plans to do more testing instead of once a year.  For this particular well it will be tested once a month and then quarterly.  It has not been found in any other communities.  Selectman Coggans commended local staff who were out early Saturday am--a little disappointed initially in how they handled it but kudos for listening to the people and answering all questions.    There is no odor or taste associated with perchlorate.


New Drainlayers License -Gabriel/Daniel Berthiaume - GJB Construction Company
Motion made by Selectman King seconded by Selectman Schold to accept the new Drainlayers License of GJB Construction Company.  
Motion carried unanimously.

Bartending Service of New England-Asa Waters- October 4, 2008.
Motion made by Selectman  King, seconded by Selectman Schold, to approve a one day liquor license for Bartending Service of New England on October 4, 2008.
Motion carried unanimously.

Minutes of the Meeting – August 26, 2008
Motion made by Selectman Schold to approve the minutes as written; seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

Executive Minutes of the Meeting – August 26, 2008
Motion made by Selectman Schold to approve the executive minutes as written; seconded by Selectman Moore.
Motion carried unanimously.


Please attend the September 20, 2008 Fireman Field Day-at Shaw School.  

Reminder--Please VOTE on September 16, 2008.

Gave the Director of DPW the charge of putting up a sign in the cemetery.

Update on street lights in Cronin Brook-Lights should be on by Friday the 19th after they put the fuses in where they belong.  Selectman Coggans asked Mr. Spain to have the new DPW Director look into the sewer/water pipes on that road to see if they were placed in correctly.

FIBA TECH- Sign revised waiver on FIBA Tech.  They are also refinancing their 2003 bond.  
Motion to sign made by Selectman King; seconded by Selectman Coggans.
Motion carried unanimously.

The auditors have been in all week; things are going a lot smoother than they did last year.  Free cash is certified.  

The Town Clerk heard from the Secretary of State’s office and they have approved all of the new by-laws except for the loitering by-law.  


Mr. Nelson-24 McCracken Road- would like to thank inmates for cleaning road, ask people to stop littering.  Wants to know why Selectman Coggans said you need to listen to the people, when he does not want to listen to the people of McCracken Rd.  Selectman Coggans stated they have listened time and time again.  He wants to make the road safe for the whole town.  If they have something new to bring to the table the Board will be happy to listen.


Letter from Fire Dept regarding donation from Mr. Rajotte for fire equipment .

Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Coggans to accept donation and disburse funds.  
Motion carried 4-0-1 (Selectman King abstained).

Selectman King inquired about the Bicentennial Committee.  Mr. Spain will be appointing them shortly and presenting them to the Selectman at the next meeting.  He is planning on having the first meeting sometime in October to get the ball rolling.


Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Schold to adjourn at 8:30 p.m.  
Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Tish Hayes,

Secretary, Bd of Selectmen

E. Bernard Plante                       __________________________
Joseph F. Coggans, Jr.          __________________________
Michael O. Moore                        __________________________
Kenneth I. Schold                       __________________________
Francis B. King                 __________________________
                                                 Its Board of Selectmen