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Board of Selectmen Minutes 05/27/2008
Town of Millbury
Board of Selectmen Minutes
Municipal Office Building- Selectmen's Meeting Room
May 27, 2008                                                            7:00 P.M.

Present:  Board of Selectmen:  E. Bernard Plante, Chairman; Joseph J. Coggans, Jr., Kenneth Schold, Francis B. King, Michael O. Moore

Robert J. Spain, Town Manager, Steve Trychon-Verizon, Steven Nevalsky-Wheelock Inn, David Lahair, Anna Lewandowski, Tom Reilly, The Millbury-Sutton Chronicle and Donna Boyton, The Telegram & Gazette, and concerned citizens,

Chairman Plante opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Verizon Pole Petition- West Main Street-Pole 40.  Steve Trychon of Verizon spoke regarding a power upgrade for W. Main Street-existing pole being braced across the street to a building with push brace.  
Motion to approve Pole Petition made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.


Common Victualler License-Wheelock Inn-Steven Nevalsky-
He is remodeling on outside, next kitchen then he will start selling food.  Looks like an entirely different building.
Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Moore to approve the Common Victualler License.
Motion carried unanimously.

One Day Liquor License-Creedon & Company for June 29, 2008
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to approve one day liquor license.
Motion carried unanimously.

One Day Liquor License - Loaves and Fishes for May 31, 2008
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to approve one day liquor license.
Motion carried unanimously.

Emergency Management Agency Auxiliary Police Appointment
David Lahair he has been on the fire department for two years.  He wants to help the Town.
Motion by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Schold to appoint David Lahair to the Emergency Management Agency Auxiliary Police.
Motion carried unanimously.


Kopelman & Paige - Selectman Coggans asked for a hold for discussion.

Mirick O'Connell - Motion made by Selectman Moore, seconded by Selectman Schold to re-appoint Mirick O'Connell as labor counsel.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board of Appeals  
Harold Proodian - Motion made by Selectman Moore, seconded by Selectman Coggans to re-appoint Harold Proodian to the Board of Appeals. Motion carried unanimously.

Richard Valentino- Motion made by Selectman Moore, seconded by Selectman Coggans to re-appoint Richard Valentino to the Board of Appeals. Motion carried unanimously.

Conservation Commission
Ronald Stead- Motion made by Selectman Moore, seconded by Selectman Coggans to re-appoint Ronald Stead to the Conversation Commission. Motion carried unanimously.

Historical Commission
Bruce Nichols - Motion made by Selectman Moore, seconded by Selectman Coggans to re-appoint Bruce Nichols to the Historical Commission. Motion carried unanimously.

Butler Farm Re-Use Committee
George D'Auteuil - Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Moore to re-appoint George D'Auteuil to the Butler Farm Re-Use Committee. Motion carried unanimously.

Bradman Turner - Motion made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Coggans to re-appoint Bradman Turner to the Butler Farm Re-Use Committee. Motion carried unanimously.

Francis King - Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Moore to re-appoint Francis King to the Butler Farm Re-Use Committee. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Selectman King asbstained)

Norman Gonyea- Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Coggans to re-appoint Norman Gonyea to the Butler Farm Re-Use Committee. Motion carried unanimously.

Victor Irr, Jr.- Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Coggans to re-appoint Victor Irr, Jr. to the Butler Farm Re-Use Committee. Motion carried unanimously.

Industrial Development Finance Authority
E. Bernard Plante - Motion made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Coggans to re-appoint E. Bernard Plante to the Industrial Development Finance Authority. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Chairman Plante abstained).

Special Police Officer - Emergency Management Agency
Robert Beausoleil - Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to re-appoint Robert Beausoleil to the Emergency Management Agency-Special Police Officer. Motion carried unanimously.

Special Police Officer
E. Bernard Plante - Motion made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Coggans to re-appoint E. Bernard Plante as a Special Police Officer. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Chairman Plante abstained).

Liquor License Agents
Chief Richard Handfield  - Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Coggans to re-appoint Chief Handfield as a Liquor License Agent. Motion carried unanimously.  

Sgt. Donald Desorcy- Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to re-appoint Sgt. Desorcy as a Liquor License Agent.  Motion carried unanimously.

Sgt. Mark Moore- Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to re-appoint Sgt. Moore as a Liquor License Agent.  Motion carried 4-0-1. (Selectman Moore abstained).

Sgt. Richard O'Brien - Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to re-appoint Sgt. O'Brien as a Liquor License Agent.  Motion carried unanimously.

Sgt. Stephen McFaul -Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to re-appoint Sgt. McFaul as a Liquor License Agent.  Motion carried unanimously.

Central MA Regional Planning Commission
Kenneth I. Schold- Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman King to re-appoint Kenneth Schold to the CMRPC as 2nd delegate.  Motion carried 4-0-1. (Selectman Schold abstained).

Francis King- Motion made by Selectman Moore, seconded by Selectman Coggans to re-appoint Francis King to the CMRPC as an alternate delagate.  Motion carried 4-0-1. (Selectman King abstained).

Board of Fire Engineers
Matthew Belsito - Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Moore to re-appoint Chief Belsito to the Board of Fire Engineers.  Motion carried 4-0-1. (Selectman King abstained).

Marc Auclair - Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Coggans to re-appoint Marc Auclair to the Board of Fire Engineers.  Motion carried 4-0-1. (Selectman King abstained).

David Rudge- Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Schold to re-appoint David Rudge to the Board of Fire Engineers.  Motion carried 4-0-1. (Selectman King abstained).

Philip Day, Jr. - Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Schold to re-appoint Philip Day, Jr. to the Board of Fire Engineers.  Motion carried 4-0-1. (Selectman King abstained).

Jeffrey Dore- Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Moore to re-appoint Jeffrey Dore to the Board of Fire Engineers.  Motion carried 4-0-1. (Selectman King abstained).

Forest Fire Warden
Matthew Belsito - Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Moore to re-appoint Chief Belsito as the Forest Fire Warden.  Motion carried 4-0-1. (Selectman King abstained).

Council on Aging
Lee Ayotte- Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Schold  to re-appoint Lee Ayotte to the Council on Aging.  Motion carried unanimously.

Betty Hamilton Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman King  to re-appoint Betty Hamilton to the Council on Aging.  Motion carried unanimously.

Lorraine Hayes - Motion made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Schold to re-appoint Lorraine Hayes to the Council on Aging.  Motion carried unanimously.

Worcester Regional Transit Authority
Judy O'Connor - Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to re-appoint Judy O'Connor as a representative to the Worcester Regional Transit Authority.  Motion carried unanimously.

Kopleman & Paige Issue- Selectman Coggans very displeased with last year's representation; they lost an appeal-not enough preparation and at town meeting when town counsel did not get up and speak when asked.  Untimely getting back to us and finds their work marginal.  Wants to look for alternate counsel.  Does not want to reappoint just because of convenience.

Motion made by Selectman Moore to put the town counsel position out to bid, seconded by Selectman Coggans.  Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Spain wanted to address the idea of a staff counsel-sometimes may need special counsel.  Board agrees-Selectman Moore thinks it is a great idea.  In the long run it will save money.  Selectman King thinks there are three incidents that we should have won with Kopelman & Paige.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 -Selectmen's Meeting
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to accept the minutes of the May 13, 2008 Selectmen's meeting as written.  
Motion carried unanimously.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 - Executive Session Minutes
Motion made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Coggans to accept the minutes of the May 13, 2008 Executive Session as written.  
Motion carried unanimously.


Appointed Sheryll Davis as Cemetery Commissioner.
Motion made by Selectman Moore, seconded by Selectman Schold to approve the appointment of Sheryll Davis as the Cemetery Commissioner.
Motion carried unanimously.

Appointed Heather Graziano to the Disabilities Commission.
Motion made by Selectman Moore, seconded by Selectman King to approve the appointment of Heather Graziano to the Disabilities Commission..
Motion carried unanimously.

Hired Robert Blackman as Building Inspector.
He is from North Attleboro; He is the assistant building inspector there.  The department heads interviewed and highly recommended him.  His hire is contingent upon getting the Commissioner of Buildings exam.  He will be starting on 16th of June.  Ron Desantis has agreed to work with him initially to show him the ropes of Millbury.  Selectman Coggans wanted to know why he wants to leave his current position; Mr. Spain asked that very question and the answers was that he is an assistant now, wants to be inspector.  
Selectman Moore wanted to know if he will be getting a vehicle; Mr. Spain answered that there will be a vehicle for town use.  Selectman King wanted to know if it would be a three year hire or hire at will.  Mr. Spain said that according to the charter it is a three year appointment.
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to approve the hire of Robert Blackman as Building Inspector contingent upon the passing of the certification. Motion carried unanimously.

Selectman King would like him to come into the next meeting.

Chief Handfield recommends we send letter to all liquor establishments letting them know that they need licenses for raffles or lotteries.  Selectman Coggans would like to see provisions in the State law so as not to penalize people who are trying to help out a family in an unfortunate situation.  Organizations should run the raffles, not the bar.  

Verizon Update-They met again Friday.  Money is the last issue.  Customer service standards are moving along.  Paul Dicco will now go back to cable committee and see where we are at-getting much closer-some basic disagreements on value-going back to charter contract.  It should be worked out soon.

Selectman King had a question on sewer commissions-West Main Street-Brierly Pond status-They have agreed to MOU-but haven't signed it yet-waiting on Polito's lawyer.  They are under the gun in terms of time.    Mr. Spain is confident we will be done in time.  Rest of sewer is moving along nicely.  Grafton Road project is starting June 2. Chairman Plante wanted to know if our paving program was starting soon.  Mr. Spain explained that maybe even able to do more roads than first anticipated seeing that the estimates came back a little lower.  June hopefully-maybe July.    Selectman King asked Mr. Spain to submit a list of roads to Board as soon as it is finalized. This year we are trying to fix as many roads that can be fixed not reconstructed.  Use Chap 90 money for roads and sidewalks.  Some roads have not been turned into the state-maybe another $10,000 there.  
Chairman Plante was glad we have a program in place.  Mr. Spain thought this will actually manage the roads.  Selectman Schold wanted to know if we have a bylaw that states when a utility company opens a road that they have to pave curb to curb.  Mr. Spain is not sure; but he wants to make it clear to everyone that it has to be done.


Selectman Coggans want to know if we have gotten any money from carpenter's school.  Mr. Spain replied that yes, we got $6000 within days of the meeting.

Selectman King wanted to know about the Transfer Station hours after a Monday holiday.  Mr. Spain told the Board that if you keep it open you will need to take people away from highway department or pay overtime.  Selectman Coggans disagrees.  He is sure that it was discussed before and the hours were changed.  The workers do not have to be the same two people, we can use the DPW.  Mr. Spain suggested that we are all tight-staffed right now.   Tom Reilly suggested that the discussion was when they were talking about the closing of the transfer station on Thursdays.  Mr. Spain asked that the Board keep the hours as is to keep the budget in line. Selectman King is sure that it was voted on and does not think that it will be a strain on the DPW to help out the transfer station.
Selectman Coggans made a Motion on a policy that the DPW Director and Town Manager take a look and reorganizes the schedule to have transfer station open day after a Monday holiday.  Selectman Schold asked if this was supposed to be only a summer policy. Selectman Coggans thins it should be open for the convenience of the public, motion seconded by Selectman Moore.
Motion carried unanimously.

Selectman Moore wanted to thank everyone on behalf of Sheriff Glodis for the plaque from the Butler Farm Committee regarding the inmate workers.

Letter from A. Robert Beausoleil regarding a donation from Boston Marathon.  Mr. Beausoleil would like to set up a revolving account for the Emergency Management Agency and Police Auxiliary.
Motion made by Selectman Moore, seconded by Selectman King to accept donation and set up account.
Motion carried unanimously.

Donation from Marlboro Emergency Management Agency- a 5 ton 1968 Diesel truck for use at Butler Farm-can go through 5 ft of water.  
Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman King to accept the donation.
Motion carried unanimously.


Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Schold to adjourn at 8:05 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Tish Hayes,
Secretary, Board of Selectmen

E. Bernard Plante                       __________________________
Joseph F. Coggans, Jr.          __________________________
Michael O. Moore                        __________________________
Kenneth I. Schold                       __________________________
Francis B. King                 __________________________
                                                 Its Board of Selectmen