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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04/22/2008
Town of Millbury
Board of Selectmen Minutes
Municipal Office Building- Selectmen's Meeting Room
April 22, 2008                                                          7:10 P.M.

Present:  Board of Selectmen:  E. Bernard Plante, Chairman; Joseph J. Coggans, Jr., Kenneth Schold, Francis B. King, Michael O. Moore

Robert J. Spain, Town Manager, William H. Porter, Dave Mason, Jeff Handler of SMOC, Tom Reilly, The Millbury-Sutton Chronicle, Donna Boyton, The Telegram & Gazette, and concerned citizens

Chairman Plante opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


William H. Porter - Drainlayers License

Motion made by Selectman Coggans seconded by Selectman Schold to accept the new Drainlayers License of William H. Porter.  Motion carried unanimously.

Dave Mason - Drainlayers License

Motion made by Selectman Schold seconded by Selectman King to accept the new Drainlayers License of Dave Mason.  Motion carried unanimously.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008 -Selectmen's Meeting
Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman King to accept the minutes of the April 8, 2008 Selectmen's meeting as written.  
Motion carried unanimously.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - Executive Session Meeting
Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman King to accept the minutes of the April 8, 2008 Executive Session Meeting as written.
Motion carried unanimously.


Jeff Handler from SMOC appeared to discuss changes made to the program.  Selectmen Coggans, King and Plante suggested that SMOC has not been forthcoming with communication to the Board regarding changes made and what impact that will have on the community.  Mr. Handler tried to convince the Board that the program was virtually staying the same, but with more supervision, more programs and better staff.  Chairman Plante cautioned Mr. Handler that the Board will not let up on their commitment to the neighborhood.  
Selectman Coggans made a Motion to check into the laws regarding such programs in the community, seconded by Selectman Moore.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Spain asked the Board to accept his reappointments of the following:
Parks Commission- Randolph G. Mogren, Jr.
Sewer Commission- Happy Erickson, Jr.
Cable TV Committee- Frank Irr, Roger Desrosiers, Mary Krumsiek
Veterans Services- Phillip Buso
Council on Aging- Janitor- Brian Iadarola

Motion to accept the reappointments of the Town Manger made by Selectman King and seconded by Selectman Schold.  Motion carried unanimously.

The Board of Appeals recommended the appointment of Robert Simmarano as an alternate.
Motion to appoint Robert Simmarano to the Board of Appeals made by Selectman Moore and seconded by Selectman King.  Motion carried unanimously.

Outside Tables- Calabria, Village Knoll and The Wright Place are asking for outside seating.  Some of the sidewalks are private property and some is a public way. They need a permit or a license from the Board to place tables outside.  Selectman Coggans suggests that the Board set up some kind of criteria and that the City of Worcester must have a policy in place and would like to look at it. Acting Chief Desorcy went to Calabria today
to have them remove the tables that were outside already.  He does not think the tables are a good idea on the sidewalk area.  Mr. Spain would like to bring this back before the board at the next meeting.

Recycling update:  Cassella is operating and recycling is even easier than they thought; they have a sorter in Shrewsbury so you only have to separate cardboard; Looks like it is going very smooth.  Everything is being recycled- Just to reassure people.

Reposted Job Ads for Building Inspector and DPW: Selectman Moore asked why the DPW position is posted if on warrant to change job description; Mr. Spain answered even if the description changes they will still need to hire someone.  Selectman King asked why the Building Inspector had reposted; Have not received any qualified resumes yet.  Discussion ensued regarding the need for a full-time inspector and the Board agreed that it was necessary.

National Grid:  Mr. Spain attended a meeting wherein National Grid proposed building a high power transmission line from Millbury to Willimantic, CT.  This will help get the supply to the grid.  What they will follow is the current high tension wires.  Begin construction in the 2010 timeframe.  It will help out in the shortages and bring us tax revenue.  It will only be ¾ mile in Millbury but going through Sutton and Uxbridge.  

Mr. Spain recommends that we call for two lists from the Police Department to appoint a sergeant and a patrolman.  Selectman Coggans thinks that they have already asked for a list.    
Motion made by Selectman Moore and seconded by Selectman King to obtain both lists from the Police Department.  Motion carried unanimously.   

Reminder to meet before town meeting May 6, 2008 at 6:30 at the High School.

Little League Parade this Sunday, April 27, 2008.

Selectman Moore wanted to know about the Verizon progress.  Mr. Spain is working on a counter proposal; going through line by line; will meet again; committee has done a great job and has been very helpful him.  They are still a few months away to accepting a contract.  Mr. Spain says that it progressing well; Chairman Plante stated that other towns have down well.  The contract has to be in line with Charter Communications.

Sewer Project- 43% complete.  Greenwood Street project is complete and in it's 1 year warranty.  Singletary area, may have to just do a skim coat of the roads this year; every road that is getting sewer is getting repaved from curb to curb; Ahead of budget on the project; whole project should come in a bit below the 21 mil.  Project with Sutton is now moving, meeting on the 25th with Mr. Smith of Sutton.   Project is on time- on budget.

Chairman Plante wanted to know if there was anything on Gas Company on repaving.  Mr. Spain explained that Phil Genovese is handling that and will sit the utilities down and get the utilities to patch curb to curb.  The money we have will not get all of the roads done, but they will do their best to get to as many as they can.


One Day Liquor License - Loaves and Fishes Catering, N. Grafton, MA
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Coggans to grant a one-day liquor license to Loaves and Fishes Catering for an event at the Asa Waters Mansion on April 29, 2008.  Motion carried unanimously.

One Day Liquor License - Loaves and Fishes Catering, N. Grafton, MA
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman King to grant a one-day liquor license to Loaves and Fishes Catering for an event at the Asa Waters Mansion on May 9, 2008.  Motion carried unanimously.

Selectman Moore inquired about the Brierly Pond Dam and the grant that Senator Augustus and Representative Frost got for Millbury.  Regardless of ownership Mr. Spain is trying to secure the money and acknowledges that the dam needs to be fixed.


Letter from Stuart Mulhane regarding Poppy Days, May 1, 2 & 3.
Motion made by Selectman Moore, seconded by Selectman Coggans to allow the Poppy Days.  Motion carried unanimously.

Letter from Millbury Lions Club Parade asking and thanking for support.

Chairman Plante wanted to go over the Article in town warrant regarding the selection of the town manager; the goal was to have the town manager applicants not be required to
have town manager experience, it was not meant to take out the selection committee.  They will be postponing this Article.


Mr. Alexandrowicz spoke regarding the Ward Hill Sewer Project and wanted to give the company a pat on the back as they are courteous, professional and helpful.   

TV has April for town meeting.  Meeting is May 6, Election is April 29.


Motion to adjourn at 8:47 PM made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Moore.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Tish Hayes,
Secretary, Bd of Selectmen

E. Bernard Plante                       __________________________
Joseph F. Coggans, Jr.          __________________________
Michael O. Moore                        __________________________
Kenneth I. Schold                       __________________________
Francis B. King                 __________________________
                                                 Its Board of Selectmen