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Board of Selectmen Minutes 02/26/2008

Board of Selectmen Minutes
Town Hall - Selectmen's Meeting Room
                        February 26, 2008                                                                       7:00 p.m.

Present:        Board of Selectmen:  E. Bernard Plante, Chairman; Joseph J. Coggans, Jr., Michael O. Moore, Kenneth I. Schold, Francis B. King

Bob Spain, Town Manager;  Attorney Peter Keenan; Anna Lewandowski; Maryann Kozlowski; Donna Boynton, The Telegram & Gazette; Tom Reilly, The Millbury-Sutton Chronicle; and Concerned Citizens

Chairman Plante opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Calabria Restaurant - Application for Liquor License - Attorney Peter Keenan
The Calabria Restaurant has been without liquor license for five months since opening.  Selectman Schold questioned the description on the license which included the sidewalk.  Attorney Keenan explained that it is a 10'-11' wide sidewalk almost made specifically for dining outside.  They would set up 6-7 tables against the glass with closed fences and flowers for summer use.  Chairman Plante stated that he was concerned about the traffic.  Attorney Keenan is aware that parking has been an issue and a valet service has been hired to alleviate that.    Mr. Spain is going to talk to the Chief to enforce hour parking spaces and during the day the restaurant encourages patrons to park in the back.
Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Schold to approve the all alcohol liquor license.  Motion carried unanimously.


Tax Rebate Information - Anna Lewandowski
Mrs. Lewandowski wanted to let people know that in order to receive the tax stimulation rebate you have to file a tax return even if it is direct deposit social security.  File a 1040A or 1040.


The Wright Place - Maryann Kozlowski
Chairman Plante thought the place looked nice.  They serve breakfast and lunch.  Selectman Moore asked about the hours; they are  Monday -Friday  6 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday 6 a.m. to
2 p.m. and Sunday 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by
Selectman Moore to approve the Common Victualler license for The Wright Place.
Motion carried unanimously.
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2008 Drainlayers License Renewal
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Coggans to renew the drainlayer license for William H. Webb II of W. H. Webb Construction Co., Inc.  Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Plante requested a Moment of Silence be observed for Stanley Stickney, who worked many years as the School Business Manager and was a member of the Council on Aging Board of Directors, and for  Raymond Gemme, a High School Guidance  Counselor and member of the Scholarship Fund Committee.


Municipal Secretary - Mr. Spain submitted the name of Patricia Machacz of Millbury for the position of Municipal Secretary.  Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Schold to approve the hiring of Patricia Machacz as Municipal Secretary.   
Motion carried unanimously.

Autumn Gates Street Lights - The Developer wants to put in decorative street lights and has been told that they must supply two complete spare sets of replacement.  Motion made by Selectman Moore, seconded by Selectman Coggans to allow installation of decorative lights at Autumn Gates.  Motion carried unanimously.

FYO9 Budget Presentation
Mr. Spain is trying to provide the services that the town requests such as streets and sidewalks, and the schools. Overall the town is in reasonable shape financially, but the economy is not that great right now.  The budget will have to get tighter in the next few years because State aid will be affected and because of the current state of the economy.  In years past the town has had a high free cash number and that will not continue.  Mr. Spain wants to reduce the reliance on free cash, and he wants to start a multi-year budget process working hand-in-hand with the School Department and all departments.  The budget that is being presented today is not balanced; we do not have the final school numbers.  There is money in the budget to put in a stabilization fund.  Budget discussions begin Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. with the Finance Committee; this is the beginning of a long process to get the budget approved at the May 6, 2008 Annual Town Meeting.  Mr. Spain reminded the Board that on March 5th there will be a tri-board meeting to go over general issues with the budget.  Overall the budget is now $34,611,891.00 - this does not include the final numbers from the school.  The budget has a 5% increase from last year; the School Department is up a little over 7%.  Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School budget is going down this year - overall the school increase is less than it has been.  There is no need for a 2 ½ override.  
Selectman King asked for a closing date, Mr. Spain told him it was March 6, but he can put items on after that date.  The warrant will be closed at the April 8th meeting.  
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Autumn Gates Earth Removal - Selectman Coggans asked Mr. Spain to look into Autumn Gates earth removal.  Mr. Spain said that they are moving forward on it.  Selectman Coggans stated that they owe money and asked Mr. Spain to look into that for him.

Ward Avenue - Selectman Schold brought up Ward Avenue and the drainage issue.  Selectman King stated that there will be a pumping station put in so that will straighten out the issues.  Mr. Spain said that hopefully the town can tie into the current drain on Route 122, if the grade is such that we can do it; that he is aware of the issues and trying to correct them.

Emergency Number - Chairman Plante mentioned a gentleman who did not have electricity last night and couldn't get an emergency number from the Police Department.  The Department now has an emergency number that they can give out to callers.


Police Department Audit - Selectman Moore wanted to know the status of the police audit.  Mr. Spain answered that there were two audits to talk about.  After calling the boss of the regular contact person they got financial statements from the regular audit. He expects a management letter next week.  On the police forensic audit they are working on it and need more information to narrow down where they think the problem might be.  There is not an exact date yet when it will be done.

Solid Waste - Mr. Spain stated that the cost of transportation has gone up dramatically.  He had asked the Board to vote to go to the Blackstone Valley Center, now with the figures and numbers that is probably not the best option because getting it there is costly.  Phil Genovese and Selectman Moore have been soliciting proposals from other companies.  He needs to apologize to Bill Walsh because he is going to ask the Board to rescind their vote as now it is not economically feasible; the numbers that they gave us from the Board of Health with total pound recycling were grossly off.  Chairman Plante added that our neighbors are having the same problems with recycling.  Mr. Spain said that we didn't have time to look and it is never good to make a rush decision.  

Project Need Form/MassHighway - Selectman Moore brought up the MassHighway grant being put forward for McCracken Road; some residents were asking him if there would be a hearing for input if this is going to proceed.  Chairman Plante answered that the Board always has a public hearing.

Correspondence from Representative Paul Frost addressed to the Board of Selectmen and the School Committee regarding sponsorship of a joint resolution calling for early notification of the minimum local aid to cities and towns. It also calls for legislation to restore the $124 million in lottery aide that the governor cut in his '01 budget.  Chairman Plante said they appreciate the letter but they will not balance their budget on it.
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Motion made by Selectman Moore, seconded by Selectman King to approve the Town Manager contract for Mr. Robert Spain.  Motion carried unanimously.  


Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman Schold to move into Executive Session at 8:12 p.m. under Chapter 39, Section 23B, Paragraph 3.

                                                        Selectman Coggans, Jr.  - Yes
                                                        Selectman Moore         - Yes
                                                        Selectman Schold                - Yes
                                                        Selectman King          - Yes
                                                        Chairman Plante         - Yes

Chairman Plante stated that the Board will leave Executive Session solely to adjourn; no other business will be conducted.

The Board returned to open session as 9:26 p.m.


Motion made by Selectman Coggans, seconded by Selectman King to adjourn at 9:27 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce A. Ostrowski
Secretary, Board of Selectmen

                        E. Bernard Plante                                                       
                        Joseph F. Coggans, Jr.                                          
                        Michael O. Moore                                                        
                        Kenneth I. Schold                                                       
                        Francis B. King                                                                                                         Its Board of Selectmen