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Board of Selectmen Agenda 07/08/2014
Selectmen Meeting Room
July 8, 2014   7:00 p.m.        

Pledge of Allegiance

New Business
NB-1    One-Day Liquor License-Tasting Caterers
        Asa Waters Mansion- July 12, 2014

NB-2    New Drainlayer License to lay drains-Douglas Excavating
        Fred Douglas- Barre, MA                 

Guest Presentation
7:15 GP-1       Town Clerk Jayne Davolio-Transfer Station Fee

7:20 GP-1       Daniel Chauvin-Animal Control Officer-  Update
  • Dolegewicz
  • Barberieri
  •  Gauthier
Previous Minutes
PM-1    Minutes of the Meeting – June 10, 2014

PM-2    Minutes of the Meeting – June 24, 2014

Town Manager Report
  • Bicentennial Committee Reappointments
  • Safety Committee is meeting on Sept. 4, 2014
- any items that may properly come before the Board             

Dates to Remember
Friday July 11th from 8 to 9:30 PM --
See the 2013 Red Sox World Series Trophy at the Youth Group Center!

Saturday July 19th --Millbury Days at Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary

On a Good Note


Citizens Speak

Executive Session
Convene into Executive Session under M.G.L. c.30A, §21 –tbd
