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Board of Selectmen Agenda 11/12/2013
Selectmen Meeting Room
November 12, 2013
  7:00 p.m.    
Pledge of Allegiance

New Business
NB-1    Holiday Liquor License Hours

NB-2    2014 CIC Grant Application

Guest Presentation
7:10 GP-1       Bicentennial Committee

Public Hearing
7:15 PH-1       Tax Classification Hearing

Guest Presentation
7:30 GP-2       Chief Kenny A. Howell

7:45 GP-3       Redevelopment Authority Joint Appointment       

8:00 GP-4       Cemetery Commission- Fees

Public Hearing
8:30 PH-2       Regina Ferrecchia- Victoria Terrace Dog

Previous Minutes
PM-1    Minutes of the Meeting – October 22, 2013       

PM-2    Minutes of the Workshop Meeting- October 29, 2013

Town Manager Report
  • Millbury Cultural Council Appointments
  • Approval of Charter Communications contract
  • Approval of DPW Contract
  • Asian Longhorn Beetle
  • Budget timeline
- any items that may properly come before the Board

Old/New Business

Dates to Remember
Saturday, November 16, 2013- Brush Chipping at DPW Garage
Sunday, December 8, 2013- Chain of Lights

On a Good Note

Citizens Speak

Executive Session
Convene into Executive Session under M.G.L. c.30A, §21 tbd
