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Board of Selectmen Agenda 09/10/2013
Selectmen Meeting Room
September 10, 2013
  7:00 p.m.    

Pledge of Allegiance

New Business
NB-1    Bond Anticipation Note Renewal
        Aerial Scope amount $858,823.00

NB-2    Application for License to store flammables, combustibles
        or explosives- 1537 Grafton Road-Wyman/Gordon Company

NB-3    Adopt CMRPC Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan

NB-4    Application for Common Victualler-Maged Sawiras
        Riverside Ice Cream Parlor-56 Canal Street

NB-5    New Drainlayer Application to lay drains-Ed Salvidio
        Worcester, MA

Guest Presentation
7:15 GP-1       Laurie Connors- Town Planner    
Stormwater Maintenance Agreement for 29 McGrath Road (Solar Farm)                       

7:30 GP-2       Town Clerk-Jayne Davolio and DPW Director, Rob McNeil
        Transfer Station Rules & Regulations

GP-3    DPW Director, Rob McNeil – DPW Update

Previous Minutes
PM-1    Minutes of the Meeting – August 27, 2013        

Town Manager Report
  • Congratulations to Brian Turbitt
  • Approve Police Contract
  • Code Red
  • Wheelabrator tonnage
- any items that may properly come before the Board
Old/New Business

Dates to Remember
September 12, 2013- Irish Express at the Senior Center 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

September 24, 2013- Vote- All precincts at High School

On a Good Note
        Letter from Chief Rudge regarding 7/29/13 accident

Citizens Speak

Executive Session
Convene into Executive Session under M.G.L. c.30A, §21 tbd
