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Board of Selectmen Agenda 08/14/2012
Selectmen’s Meeting Room
August 14, 2012
  7:00 p.m.    
Pledge of Allegiance

New Business
NB-1    Drainlayer License to Lay Drains-Chase Harris
        George McGuirk-Sutton MA

NB-2    Drainlayer License to Lay Drains-Berthiaume Construction
        Dan Berthiaume-Charlton MA

NB-3    Common Victualler License-The Queen’s Cups
        Renee King-238 Millbury Avenue

NB-3    Common Victualler License-Subway
        Nitinkurnar R. Patel-70 Worcester/Providence Tpk.

NB-4    Appoint Chief David Rudge as Forest Fire Warden

*NB-5   Drainlayer License to Lay Drains-Woodridge LLC          *ADDED
        Russell Dedoming-Boylston, MA

Guest Presentation
7:15 GP-1       DPW Update-Rob McNeil
7:45 GP-2       Laurie Connors- Acceptance of Easement Documents
associated with Lady Slipper Lane                      

Previous Minutes
PM-1    Minutes of the Meeting – July 24, 2012

Town Manager Report
        - Town Manager Appointments
  • Philip Day to Safety Committee
  • Appoint Nancy St. George Whittier to
Disability Commission
  • Discuss Clerks, Custodians & Library Workers
and Dispatchers Contract

        - any items that may properly come before the Board

On a Good Note
        Helen DiLeo is turning 90 years old!    

        Letter from the Fire Department regarding Ladies Auxiliary Donation
        Letter from the Charlton Town Administrator

Citizens Speak


Executive Session
Convene into Executive Session under M.G.L. c.30A, §21,
Paragraph 6:  To consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real estate, if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body.
