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Board of Selectmen Agenda 09/28/2010
Selectmen Meeting Room
September 28, 2010
7:00 p.m.       
Pledge of Allegiance

New Business
7:00 pm NB-1     New Drainlayer-Robert Speroni

NB-2    Uno Restaurant-Transfer of Stock
        -approved by ABCC

NB-3    Handicap Spot at Police Station 

NB-4    One Day Liquor License-Banks Catering   
Sam Adams Dinner October 23, 2010-Asa Waters

NB-5    One Day Liquor License-Struck Catering
                Wedding-October 16, 2010-Asa Waters

NB-6    One Day Liquor License-Cardoos Catering
                Wedding-October 10, 2010-Asa Waters

Old Business
OB-1    National Grid Street Crossing Petition

OB-2    Transfer Station Expenses

Guest Presentation
7:15 pm GP-1    Roadway Advisory Committee

7:45 pm GP-2    John McGarry-DPW Update

Public Hearing Continued
PH-1    DPW Reorganization

Previous Minutes
PM-1    Minutes of the Meeting – September 7, 2010

Town Manager Report     
- Center School Lease
- Cell Tower RFP
- Update on Sewer Project
- School Request for Carpenter School
- Reappoint Kim Corey, Judith Brink, Paula Aspinwall,
 Catherine Elliot, Laurie Connors effective July 1, 2010
-  Appoint Alan Linkevich to Redevelopment Authority
         - any items that may properly come before the Board

Old Business

On a Good Note

        Fire Prevention Week Proclamation               

Citizens Speak

Executive Session
        Convene under Paragraphs 1 and 3.  Others tbd
