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Board of Selectmen Agenda 05/11/2010
Selectmen Meeting Room
May 11, 2010
7:00 p.m.       
Pledge of Allegiance

Reorganization of Board

New Business

7:00 pm         NB-1    New Drainlayer-Andrew Simmler
                                -A&G Construction

7:00 pm NB-1    New Drainlayer-John Magill, Jr.
                                -Highfield Developer Corp.

7:05 pm NB-2    One Day Liquor License-Loaves & Fishes
-Asa Waters- May 15, 2010

Guest Presentation
7:10 pm GP-1    DPW Director-Update

Previous Minutes

PM-1    Minutes of the Meeting – April 13, 2010 

PM-2    Minutes of the Meeting– April 20, 2010          

PM-3    Minutes of the Meeting-May 4, 2010      

Town Manager Items
TM-1    Town Manager’s Report                           
                -Appoint Todd Army-EMA;
                -Appoint Claire Forgues-Millbury Cultural Council
                -Wheelabrator tonnage
                - any items that may properly come before the Board

Old Business

                OB-2    -Tanks, National Grid

On a Good Note

        National Police Week;           
        Letter of Commendation

Citizens Speak

Executive Session
Convene Executive Session MGL Chapter 39, §23B, paragraph 3 to discuss collective bargaining and paragraph 6 to consider the purchase of real property.
