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Board of Selectmen Agenda 07/14/2009
Mtgs/Events-July 09                     Mtgs/Events-Aug 09                      Mtgs/Events-Sept. 09
BOS Mtg-7/14/09                 BOS Mtg - 8/11/09                       BOS Mtg - 9/8/09
BOS Mtg-7/28/09                 BOS Mtg - 8/25/09                       BOS Mtg- 9/22/09
                                        Fireman Muster 8/29/09
JULY 14, 2009
7:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

Presentation of Plagues to Walter Hagstrom and Richard Plante

Pinning of Sergeant Brian Lewos

New Business
7:15 p.m.   NB-1        New Drainlayer-Peter Fox                        
                -P&M Asphalt Inc.

7:15 p.m.    NB-2       New Drainlayer-Thomas Mallet            
                -A.F. Mallet Excavating

7:20 p.m.    NB-3       Appointments to Financial Management                    
                Task Force
                  NB-4 One-Day Liquor License-Creedon & Company        
                -80th birthday-July 19, 2009 -Asa Waters

                  NB-5 Appoint Lisa Shaw to the Millbury Affordable    
                Housing Trust

Previous Minutes

PM-1    Minutes of the Meeting – June 8, 2009                   

PM-2    Minutes of the Meeting – June 9, 2009                   

PM-3    Minutes of the Meeting - June 23, 2009                  

Town Manager Items

TM-1    Town Manager’s Report                   
-Replacement of McCracken Bridge culvert
        -Alert Ambulance

        - any items that may properly come before the Board

Old Business


Citizens Speak

Executive Session

        To be determined
