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School Agenda 12/09/2009
Millbury School Committee Meeting

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
7:00 p.m. Regular Session

High School Media Center


1.      Approval of  Regular Session  Minutes of 11.18.09

2.      Report of the Administration
        a.      Youth Risk Behavior Survey Presentation by Dr. Gordon Benson
        b.      Posting for Part-Time Interim Assistant Principal at Elmwood Street School
        c.      Request SC Approval for Cheerleaders to Attend National Competition – Vote Needed

3.      Budget
        a.      Windle Field Pole Payment Update
        b.      Revolving Accounts Update
        c.      Superintendent’s Capital Improvement Project List Recommendations – Vote Needed

4.      Old Business
        a.      Second Reading of Facility Use Policy

5.      New Business
        a.      Discussion Pertaining to Property Adjacent to Windle Field
        b.      Recommendation to Cancel 12/16/09 School Committee Meeting

6.      Executive Session
      a.  Contract Negotiations

7.      Future Meetings:
        January 13, 2010        High School Media Center        7:00  p.m.
                                        Tour 6:30  p.m.
        January 27, 2010  High School Media Center   7:00 p.m.

8.      Adjourn