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Planning Board Minutes 03/12/2012
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Millbury Planning Board was held on Monday, March 12, 2012, at 7:15 p.m., in the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA.  Chairman Richard Gosselin presided.

Present:  Gary Schold, Richard Gosselin, Anna Lewandowski, Paul Piktelis, Alternate Member Michael Georges

Absent:  Jeffrey Markarian

7:15 p.m.       Gustafson Sequin Public Hearing – 3 Colton Road

Norman Hill, Land Planning was present.  This is a 48 acre parcel, one new lot will be created.  The second lot will have no frontage on an adequate way.  A variance from the Board of Appeals has already been granted.  

The Board discussed proposed road improvements.  Roadway shall be improved to the following minimum construction standards:  18 foot wide paved surface on top of a gravel base of 12 inches compacted thickness.  Paved surface shall consist of a 2 inch course, after compaction from the end of the improved section of Colton Road, to the easterly line of lot 2.  

Clerk Gary Schold read waiver request letter.  

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to close the public hearing.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to grant a waiver from the frontage requirements for Lot 2, which does not have frontage on an improved way, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to grant a waiver from the requirements of Definitive Plan, under Section 5.3 of the Town’s Subdivision Rules & Regulations, the submitted plan shall only meet the application requirements for ANR plans, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis to grant a waiver from the requirement to show the site distance from the proposed access point on Lot 2, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to grant a waiver from the areas of frontage that exceed an 8% slope, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to grant approval for the Definitive Plan entitled “Definitive Subdivision Plan located at 3 Colton Road, Millbury, Massachusetts” date January12, 2012, prepared by Land Planning, Inc., 214 Worcester Street, Grafton, MA, subject to waivers as granted and conditions a & b, motion carried unanimously.  

7:30 p.m.       Warrant Articles Public Hearing, continued

The Board discussed revisions to Article 1, Section 12.41, Article 4, Section 46.2, and the addition of Section 51, Large-Scale Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installations.  

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to continue the public hearing to later this evening, motion carried unanimously.

8:15 p.m.       54/56 Canal Street Minor Modifications  

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis to approve  the addition of bituminous berm along the snow storage area to the west of the property adjacent to the residential neighbor as well as placement of crushed stone along the south side of the snow area as depicted on the Plan entitled “Proposed Modifications, 54 & 56 Canal Street, Millbury, MA” prepared by Choubah Engineering Group, P.C., dated 2/13/12 conditional upon the installation of bollards in the paved snow storage area to the west of the Riverside Mart to ensure that cars do not slide/drive into the Blackstone River.     Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis to approve  the planting of 8 arborvitaes around the existing dumpster pad, in lieu of lilac bushes, as well as installation of a black chain link fence with privacy slats around the perimeter of the dumpster pad.   The chain link fence with privacy slats is approved in lieu of the white stockade fence.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis to approve  construction of the concrete sidewalk along the entire south side of the ice cream barn.    Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis to approve  installation of the stairs off the parking area along southerly side of retaining wall with fencing system and gate (black chain link fence).  The Planning Board requires installation of a railing for the stairs in conformance with the Building Code.  Motion carried unanimously.
The Planning Board did not approve elimination of the small landscape area and granite curb on the northwest side of the Ice Cream Barn.  The landscaped island and granite curb shall be installed in conformance with the plan dated 10/25/10.  
Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis to approve  planting a variety of perennial and annual flowers to be chosen by the Applicant in lieu of the four common boxwood shrubs that were previously required and to approve elimination of the landscape area in front of the Ice Cream Barn (parking side) and extension of the concrete sidewalk to accommodate the new covered porch as depicted on the modified Plan referenced in #1, dated 2/13/12.  Motion carried unanimously.
The Planning Board tabled discussion on modification of the Ice Cream Barn floor layout until revised parking calculations are submitted that take into account restaurant seating and retail/office square footage in conformance with Zoning Bylaws, Section 33.2.  
Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis to approve  the new building elevations on the condition that decorative elements (i.e. columns) are installed in conformance with the Plan referenced in #1 and dated 2/13/12.  Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis to approve  elimination of the lighting pole next to the dumpster (there is an existing pole with a light fixture on it already).  Motion carried unanimously,
Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis to deny applicant’s request for  replacement of the gooseneck lighting units along north, south and west sides of the Ice Cream Barn with wall pack units.   The gooseneck lighting and decorative sconces shall be installed as depicted on the Plan dated 10/25/10.   Wallpacks shall be installed as depicted on the Retail Building Rear Elevation drawing (Blackstone River side) dated 2/13/12.  Motion carried unanimously.  
9:05 p.m.       Sullivan Place & Herrick’s Lane ANR Plan
Member Gary Schold stepped down, citing a conflict.  
In e-mail dated March 6, 2012, Conservation Commission Chair, Donald Flynn advised the Board that the Wetlands Protection Act did allow for crossing of wetlands to access property, and that the Conservation Commission would review the request when it comes before them.
Ms. Lewandowski read letter dated March 6, 2012 from Alpha Omega Engineering, Inc., requesting a waiver from Section 4.1 of the Millbury Subdivision Rules & Regulations.
Motion by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to grant a waiver from Section 4.1 of the Millbury Subdivision Rules & Regulations, allowing a scale of 1” = 50’ (instead of 1” = 40’).  Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to approve the ANR plan entitled “Subdivision of Land at Sullivan Place & Herrick’s Lane, owned by Millbury Youth Camp, 259 West Main Street, Millbury, Massacusetts”, dated February 17, 2012, prepared by Alpha Omega Engineering, Inc., 25 Highland View Dr., Sutton, MA 01590, with approved waiver for scale, motion carried unanimously.  
Member Gary Schold returned to meeting.

9:15 p.m.       Warrant Articles Public Hearing, continued
The Board made further revisions to sections 12.41 (d), newly added section 51.6.2 and 51.6.6.  
There was no public comment.
Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to close the public hearing, motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to submit the warrant articles as amended, to the Board of Selectmen, to be included on the 2012 Town Warrant, motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Gary Schold, to approve the minutes of February 27, 2012, motion carried unanimously.
Other Business
Chairman Gosselin advised the Board that he recently attended an informative presentation on public health at CMRPC and suggested that a representative attend a future Board meeting to be televised for the benefit of the public.  Town Planner Connors will make the arrangements.
Motion to adjourn by Paul Piktelis, seconded by Gary Schold, motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Dean

