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Planning Board Minutes 09/12/2011
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Millbury Planning Board was held on Monday, September 12, 2011, at 7:15 p.m., in the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA.  Chairman Richard Gosselin presided.

Present:  Gary Schold, Richard Gosselin, Anna Lewandowski, Paul Piktelis, Jeffrey Markarian

7:15 p.m.       Longwood Farm Estates Confirmation of Deadline Extension

Clerk Schold read letter from Roger Leland to the Planning Board, requesting a letter confirming that the construction deadline date of February 12, 2012 is eligible for the two year automatic extension pursuant to the permit extension act.  The deadline is now February 12, 2014.  

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to confirm the deadline extension date of February 12, 2014, motion carried unanimously.  The Board agreed to issue a letter to Mr. Leland.


Motion by Jeffery Markarian, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to approve the minutes of August 15, 2011, motion carried unanimously.  

7:30 p.m.       HMEA, 6 Latti Farm Road, Public Hearing

Clerk Gary Schold read the public hearing notice.

John Grenier, applicant’s engineer was present, with John Moran from HMEA.  HMEA is a job training, non-profit entity, located within 70 town in Massachusetts.  They propose a 16,000 sf facility with a redemption center that is run by its clients.  The front half of the site will be developed, the back half will be used for passive recreation.  88 parking spaces are provided.  Applicant is requesting a waiver for curbing.  The Board indicated that it would like to see granite curbing in some areas, such as the front of the building, and would like curbing in the rear area where the trucks are to protect the people using the sidewalk there.  Ms. Connors suggested the use of concrete sidewalks and berms.

Mr. Grenier addressed comments from Town Planner and Tighe & Bond.  

Mr. Gosselin advised the engineer that the datum used was incorrect, it does not convert easily to the town’s GIS system.  Monuments at all corners are required.  He also wanted details on the drainage easements, that must actually be in place with supporting legal documents.  

Mrs. Lewandowski asked Mr. Grenier to identify snow storage areas on the plan, which he did, there are four areas designated.  She inquired as to whether it would be a day facility, yes it would, serving 100 – 110 people, 1/3rd are severely mentally handicapped.  These clients are able to work in the redemption center on the property.  

Steve Balestrieri, Grove Street, spoke and told the Board his son benefited from the programs at HMEA, he was grateful for their program and will become a volunteer at this facility if it is approved.  

Mr. Gosselin asked the applicant to sent the new elevation plans (created after the datum is corrected), to Tighe & Bond.

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Jeff Markarian, to continue the public hearing to Monday, September 26, 2011 at 7:30 p.m., motion carried unanimously.

Other Business:  

  • Town Planner Connors advised the Board that Mark Elbag, from Tighe & Bond is leaving the company on September 23, 2011.  The Board thanked Mark and appreciated his service.
  • Mrs. Lewandowski would like to have the Board form a committee to review and revise the Accessory Dwelling Bylaw.  She would like to serve on the committee and has the names of two individuals that came forward from one of the public hearings, as well as the Board’s former Associate Member, Edd Cote.
8:10 p.m.       1 – 5 Elm Street, Dunkin Donuts, Public Hearing, cont.

Attorney Peter Keenan was present with applicant Brian Marino of the Westford Group and Norman Hill, of Land Planning, Inc.

Norman Hill advised the Board that the Conservation Commission has required some changes to the haybale locations, and a six foot privacy fence was added for the abutter’s benefit.  The landscape plan was also revised, and a retaining wall to be added around the dumpster pad.  The curb cut was moved further from the red light.  He specifically addressed Tighe & Bond’s comments 28 and 29, relocation of the red light and signage.  

Mr. Gosselin continues to have concerns with the trucks backing in, the crosswalk locations, push button for the light and wants to be sure ADA requirements are all met.  

Ms. Connors asked if LED for the traffic lights would be used.  Attorney Keenan advised the Board that the applicant is willing to install an opticom system for the traffic lights, up to the amount of $10,000, or provide LED lighting at this intersection if the town prefers.  

He went on to say that this is the fourth time before the Planning Board, went twice before the Conservation Commission, met with Town Planner, DPW Director, and town’s engineer.  20 – 25 jobs will be provided, with preference to Millbury residents, with the elimination of kerosene and diesel sales it will eliminate a lot of truck traffic.  All surface water will be treated, town will have a permanent easement to the pipes and the Conservation Commission to the preserved land there.  

There will be significant improvement to landscaping and lighting sequence, with a new pedestrian system.  No snow will be stored on site.  Attractive lighting will be in place with a 6 foot privacy fence for surrounding property.

All businesses need truck deliveries.  He again explained the dumpster trucks, Dunkin Donut delivery trucks and fuel delivery trucks.  

Attorney Keenan submitted pictures of truck deliveries in various locations, blocking streets and backing in to businesses.  His client owns several Dunkin Donuts and the same system is used there as is on this plan, and it works well.  He is willing to spend some money to help the town.  This proposal conforms to all zoning.  

Mr. Gosselin is concerned that cars trying to exit will block off cars traveling on the roads, his biggest concern is traffic, what if the traffic engineer’s calculations are not accurate.  He wanted to know of the applicant has asked the acting Police Chief if a three minute blocking of the roadway for the delivery truck would cause a major problem.

Mr. Schold rebutted by saying that the buildings that the trucks service in the pictures have been there for years.  This will create a new situation.

Chairman Gosselin opened the meeting to the public.

Owner of the property, Tim McLaughlin told the Board that the diesel trucks that entered his property were as big as the Dunkin Donut delivery trucks and that business has been in use since 1979, with no complaints.  He is eliminating this portion of his business and this would also eliminate the trucks entering for diesel fuel.  In 2009 alone Superior Oil trucks made over 1000 trips to his station to get diesel fuel and this is only one of his accounts.  

Jim McLaughlin stated that there are other streets in town that can be used, the town didn’t seem to have a problem with the bridge being out for two or three years, also IBA uses tractor trailer trucks, how do they deliver?

There was no further public input.

Motion to close the public hearing by Gary Schold, seconded by Jeff Markarian, motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Gosselin declared a five minute recess.

The Board began its discussion on possible conditions.  It recognized that Fire Chief Belsito’s letter was not read into the record.

Motion by Jeff Markarian to re-open the public hearing, seconded by Paul Piktelis, motion carried unanimously.

Clerk Gary Schold read letter from Fire Chief Belsito regarding his concern with response time, into the record.  

Motion by Anna Lewandowski to close the public hearing, seconded by Paul Piktelis, motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Gosselin and Mr. Schold have traffic concerns, Mr. Schold in particular was concerned with the bridge re-opening and the proximity to Windle Field and its related traffic issues.

The Planning Board asked Town Planner Connors to talk to other planners if in their experience, can a solution can be reached in some way?  

Motion by Jeffrey Markarian to re-open the public hearing, seconded by Gary Schold, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Jeffrey Markarian to continue the public hearing to Monday, September 26, 2011 at 8:30 p.m., motion carried unanimously.


Motion to adjourn by Paul Piktelis, seconded by Jeffrey Markarian, motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Dean





