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Planning Board Minutes 03/22/2010
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Millbury Planning Board was held on Monday, March 22, 2010, at 7:15 p.m. in the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA.  Chairman Richard Gosselin presided.

Present:  Jeffrey Markarian, Gary Schold, Richard Gosselin, Anna Lewandowski, Paul Piktelis, Associate Member Edd Cote

7:15 p.m.       Minutes

Motion by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Jeffrey Markarian, to approve the minutes of February 22, 2010, with one correction (addition of sewer connection requirements pursuant to Subdivision Rules & Regulations), motion carried unanimously.


  • Clerk Jeffrey Markarian read letter dated February 22, 2010 from Janette Hicks, regarding McCracken Road, traffic complaint and request to re-direct cars off of McCracken Road as access to the Shoppes.
7:30 p.m.       National Grid Power Line Expansion Project – Lianna Moore

Bess Gorman, Senior Counsel, National Grid, was present to inform the Board of the new transmission line improvements, which will be conducted from the Millbury Substation, through Auburn, to the back of Leicester, approximately seven miles worth, with 3 ½  miles  in Millbury, 3 ½ miles  in Auburn.  This project is presently before the Department of Public Utilities for approval under Chapter 40A,  Section 93.

Jessica Farrell gave an overview of the proposal.  The existing pole line will be located to a new pole structure, 40’ to 50’ of the existing right-of-way will have to be cleared in some areas.  The poles will be galvanized steel, approximately 85’ high.   Retired poles will be removed.

Lianna Moore addressed zoning issues, and advised that National Grid has petitioned the Department of Public Utilities, under M.G.L. c. 40A, sec. 3, for seven exemptions and an overall comprehensive exemption.  A hearing on the petition for exemptions will be held within the next couple of months.    

Mr. Gosselin asked if the additional clearing would be close to existing structures.  Ms. Gorman replied that National Grid has worked closely with abutters and have an outreach program in place.  He also asked where the power was coming from and going to.  It is coming from Millbury Substation 2 and going to the Worcester Substation.

Mrs. Lewandowski asked if there was any major opposition.  Ms. Gorman stated that over 600 mailings were sent, their main concerns were floodplain issues.  There were only 6 – 10 people present, some of which were from Auburn.  
John Mayer, environmental engineer, was also present.  Mr. Gosselin asked about the impact of trucks and debris, stating that he would like to see them cleaned before they get back onto the roads.  Mr. Mayer stated that they will have to comply with stormwater regulations.  Mr. Schold asked about the vegetation that will be cut.  Mr. Mayer replied that landowners will have the option to take the material or it will be chipped and removed.  

Dick Valentino asked if the permit from the Board of Selectmen has been received yet (in reference to the recent hearing regarding a street crossing permit).  The hearing has been closed, and they are waiting for a decision.  

8:00 p.m.       Public Hearing on Proposed Zoning related Warrant Articles

Clerk Jeffrey Markarian read the public hearing notice.  Town Planner Connors reviewed the revisions by Town Counsel with the Board.

Mr. Gosselin opened the meeting to the public.  

Ken Perro, 7 Wingfoot Lane, Millbury asked which uses would still be allowed by-right.  Town Planner Connors replied that the section which outlined permitted uses will be removed on the advice of town counsel.  Any permitted uses in the underlying zone will be allowed as long as they are not specifically prohibited or require a special permit in this bylaw.  

He asked about the height restriction and advised that other towns have increased this.  Ms. Connors responded that this is something the Board could consider for the next warrant.  

Mr. Perro asked if there were any significant change to Section 47.2, Scope of Authority.  Ms. Connors said no.  

Motion by Jeffrey Markarian, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to close the public hearing, motion carried unanimously.

Further motions will be taken later in the evening.

8:15 p.m.       Herb Chambers Dealership, Minor Modification to Special Permit

Herb Chambers is seeking to add a new arch depicting the Chrysler-Dodge franchise, to include a portal and signage.    The dealer will remove the current “Herb Chambers” lettering from the building, when the arch is installed.

Jim Whitehead from Innovative Media was present.  He advised that the overhang is 1’6” away from the fascia, and 5’9” from the doorway.  Ms. Connors asked about changes to the paved area and flower beds.  Parking lines will be removed.  Ms. Connors would like to see concrete used as the transition between the arch and the connecting sidewalks.  

Andrew Croshaw, Radcliff Contractors explained that the pavement will remain flush with the sidewalk, stripes can be removed, seal coated and re-striped.  

Motion to approve the minor modification to the special permit by Gary Schold, seconded by Jeffrey Markarian, (originally issued to George Chabot on November 15, 1995),  property located at 2 Latti Farm Road, which is currently the Herb Chambers Chrysler Jeep Dodge dealership, to allow construction of a free-standing arch , as depicted on plan entitled “Chrysler Portal Frame, Her Chambers CJD, Millbury, MA”, dated 2/15/10, prepared by Thrush Engineering, Inc., and plan entitled “Herb Chambers CJD:  Chrysler Arch Elevations” dated 3/12/10, prepared by Innovative Media, motion carried unanimously.  Approval is conditional upon the following:

  • The parking area stripes under and in front of the proposed arch footings shall be abrasively removed, and the area shall be seal-coated;
  • A concrete walkway shall be installed beneath the arch – it will extend from the edge of the existing concrete walkway in front of and to the north of the building and beneath the arch to the northern edge of the arch footings.  This concrete walkway shall have a finish that is similar to the finish of the existing walkway.  The walkway will provide a visual, aesthetic and physical transition from the asphalt parking lot to the concrete walkway in front of the building; and
  • The current “Herb Chambers” sign shall be removed prior to erection of the arch.  A temporary “Herb Chambers” sign consisting of black vinyl lettering (as depicted in renderings) shall be installed until installation of permanent signage, as approved by the Planning Board.  
Planning Board Vote:  Zoning Articles for Town Warrant

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to submit as written, the following amendments which will take into account the prior re-formatted zoning bylaws:

  • Article 1, Section 14.11(o)
  • Article 1, Section 14.11 (p)
  • Article 2, Section 27.6.13
  • Article 2, Section 27.7
  • Article 2, Section 27.10
  • Article 2, Section 44.14
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Jeffrey Markarian, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to submit as amended, Article 1, Section 12.43, Application and Review Procedures, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to submit the amendment to Article 3, Section 34.6(4)(A) Real Estate Signs, as written, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Jeffrey Markarian, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to submit the amendment to Article 1, Section 14.11, Planning Board Authority, as written, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Jeffrey Markarian, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to submit the amendment to Article 2, Establishment of Districts, as further amended to include the word “or” between the words manufacturing and processing, under Section 26.13 Permitted Industrial Uses, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Jeffrey Markarian, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to submit the amendment to Article 5, Definitions, to include Enegy, Alternative, Energy, Renewable, Manufacturing Facility, Public Utility, and Research and Development Facility, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Jeffrey Markarian, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to submit the amendment to Article 4, Section 50, Small Wind Turbines (Sections 50.1 – 50.10), as written, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Jeffrey Markarian, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to submit the amendment to Article 4, Section 47, Special Regulations, (Sections 47.1 – 47.11), as amended to include the words “land surveyor”, Section 47.4.3, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to submit the article to amend the zoning map so as to modify the boundaries of the Aquifer and Watershed Protection Overlay District, motion carried unanimously.

9:20 p.m.       Brierly Pond I Covenant Release

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Jeffrey Markarian, to accept, as modified (reference to plan instead of deed reference, and reference to Ashton Lane instead of Road B), the Covenant Release for Brierly Pond I, motion carried unanimously.

Other Business:

  • The Board agreed to cancel the Planning Board meeting of April 12, 2010.

Motion to adjourn by Jeffrey Markarian, seconded by Gary Schold, motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Dean





