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Planning Board Minutes 08/18/2008
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Millbury Planning Board was held on Monday, August 18, 2008 at 7:15 p.m. in the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA.  Chairman Richard Gosselin presided.

Present:  Rusty Valery, Brian Stowell, Richard Gosselin, Anna Lewandowski, Jeffery Markarian, Associate Member Peter Caruso, Jr.

7:15 p.m.       Grafton Street – Vassar Multi-Family Special Permit Public Hearing
Motion by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Brian Stowell, to continue the public hearing to Monday, September 8, 2008 at 8:15 p.m., motion carried unanimously.  

Cronin Brook Heights – Discussion about Braney Road sidewalk modification, signage on emergency access path, bound waiver memo

Mark Kitner was present.  Applicant is requesting a modification to the approved Braney Road sidewalk plan.  The Conservation Commission has requested changes to curbing for approximately 256 feet. The curbing has been modified and approval for installation of cape cod berm is being requested in this area of the certified vernal pool to accommodate wildlife in that area.  Mr. Kitner explained that the original vernal pool designation was mis-marked by the state.  (Conservation Commission received letter dated July 21, 2008 from the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife).   

Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Jefferey Markarian to approve the modification to the Braney Road sidewalk plan, as dated June 27, 2008, motion carried on a 4-1-0 vote.  Anna Lewandowski was opposed.

Mrs. Lewandowski stated that the original certificate of approval depicted the sidewalk from Cronin Brook Way to Danielle Drive and called for the mill and paving of Braney Road.  She did not believe the Board should have modified this at all.

The Board then discussed the request for signage at the emergency access path.  Mr. Sellazo, an abutter to the path forwarded an e-mail advising that 3 cars, a truck and 2 motorcycles have recently used this access.  Mr. Kitner advised that no construction vehicles are using this access.

The Board recommended that saw horses be placed in front of the access and if they are moved it would indicate that it was being used.  The Board will also ask Mr. Sellazo to file a police report, with as much information as possible regarding the vehicles, each time it is used to keep a log that can then be acted on.

Waivers for property boundaries:  Mr. Kitner advised that concrete bounds have been set for property corners on Cronin Brook Way, the plans called for stone bounds, granite bounds were originally required at the time the plan was approved, and concrete bounds are required now.  He is asking for relief for those 16  bounds already set.

Motion by Brian Stowell to grant relief, and allow the 16 concrete bounds as presently set on Cronin Brook Way, with granite to be required at all other locations.  There was no second.

The Board will require bounds to be granite.

Streetlights:  Mr. Kitner advised that he spoke to Sean McGloin, National Grid.  The only light which is serviced by a pole is the one at the intersection of Cronin Brook Way and Braney Road, which required a separate work order from the rest.  The light will be energized.

Mr. Gosselin indicated that there is a problem keeping the water in gutter line for lots 18, 19 and 20 (approximately), the area along the curve on Cronin Brook Way, it flows onto the sidewalk.  Mr. Kitner will observe the flow of water during the next rain storm.  

Mrs. Lewandowski asked for a status regarding the drainage problem for the driveways on Diana Hill Drive.  Mr. Kitner advised that engineered plans are being reviewed which would establish underground detention basins under the driveways.  She also stated that the street is in disrepair, and full of holes.  Mr. Kitner advised that the basins have been raised and the road will be paved to grade.  She also advised that there is no curb along lot 22.  Mr. Kitner stated that services to lot 29 must first be relocated and then the curbing will be installed, perhaps as early as this week.

Chairman Gosselin allowed a question from Mr. Harrington, 26 Braney Road.  He asked when the modification to the sidewalk width would be revised on the plan, there is no room for a 4 foot sidewalk along his property.  Mr. Kitner stated that this is the reason the retaining wall is going to be constructed, to address this, and to keep from encroaching onto his property.

Mr. Gosselin advised Mr. Harrington that the Board has already received a sidewalk survey which indicates that there is 4 feet available in that area.  If Mr. Harrington believes that this is not correct he may retain his own surveyor and if there is a difference of opinion he may submit it to the Board to counter the plan which the Board already has.

ANR Plan:  2 Mayfair Drive, Comeau

Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Anna Lewandowski to approve the ANR Plan dated July 29, 2008, prepared for Rene & Elizabeth Comeau, prepared by Guerard Survey Co. & Assoc. Inc., property located at 2 Mayfair Drive, motion carried unanimously.

7:45 p.m.       146 Wheelock Avenue, Definitive Plan Public Hearing – Paquette

Clerk Valery read the public hearing notice.

Mr. Paquette explained that he and his neighbor, Mr. Brousseau are attempting to straighten out a property line issue.  Board of Appeals approval has been granted.  

Mr. Valery read letter from Robert Blackman, Building Inspector ( no issues), Sewer Superintendent Brad Lange (no impact to system) and request for waivers from applicant.  

There was no public input.

Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Rusty Valery to close the public hearing, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Anna Lewandowski to waive the frontage requirements for 146 Wheelock Avenue, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Anna Lewandowski to waive the requirements of a definitive plan under Section 5.3 of the Town of Millbury’s Subdivision Rules & Regulations, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Rusty Valery, to approve the definitive plan entitled “Plan of Property Surveyed for Loring G. Paquette & Rosalie L. Paquette, 146 Wheelock Avenue, Millbury, MA”, dated October 26, 2007, prepared by Jarvis Land Survey, Inc., subject to condition a, revision to zoning block data prior to endorsement, motion carried unanimously.

Other Business:

Oakes Circle:  Clerk Valery read letter from Barbara Brown, Oakes Circle Condominiums, requesting a status on the lighting and the completion of the streets.  Ms. Connors advised that the Board has not forgotten about this project.  She is unable to speak to this in detail as the matter is pending litigation.  No money is available from the developer for a new cost estimate, therefore she has approached the town manager and it was agreed that Town Counsel will be requested to work on this.

CDGB Grant:  The Board asked the Planner why the funding for this grant was rejected.  Ms. Connors responded by saying that no formal written response has been received yet, however she has heard that towns frequently re-apply for funding and she will do so.  

Bramanville Village Overlay District:  Ms. Connors advised the Board that the CMRPC representative that originally authored this proposal will no longer be working
for CMRPC.  The Board will request that he be present at its September 8th meeting, together with his replacement, to review the proposed bylaw.

Open Space Plan:  Ms. Connors advised the Board that she is waiting for a letter of support from the Planning Board so that she may complete the filing of the Open Space Plan for approval.  Mrs. Lewandowski wants the approximately 18 access points to Dorothy Pond depicted on the plan prior to the Board’s endorsement.  She agreed to look through her files to find out the contact person from the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife that she believes has access to this information.

Working Session (Small Conference Room) – Review Engineering Proposals

At this time the Board changed its meeting location to the small conference room.  This is still an open meeting and the public is welcome, however it will not be possible to televise this portion of the meeting.  

The Board rated each applicant and its proposal, as follows:

Applicant                           Ratings Total

McKenzie Engineering Group              8       

Places Site Consultants                 8

Tighe & Bond                            18

Beals & Thomas                          12

Lenard Engineering                      11

BETA Group                              16

Coler & Colantonio                      9

Commonwealth Engineers          12

Design Consultants                      8

Fay, Spoffard & Thorndike               16

Fuss & O’Neill                          16

Gale Associates, Inc.                   12

GEOD Consulting                 12

Graves Engineering                      16

Lenard Engineering                      12

Nitsch Engineering                      20

PARE Corporation                        8

Tetra Tech Rizzo                                12

Engineering firms to advance to interview:  Fuss & O’Neill, BETA Engineering, Graves Engineering and Tighe & Bond.                      


Motion to adjourn by Brian Stowell, seconded by Rusty Valery, motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Dean





