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Planning Board Minutes 10/02/2006
A special meeting of the Millbury Planning Board was held on Monday, October 2, 2006 at 7:15 p.m. in the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA.  Chairman William Borowski presided.

Present:  David Vecchio, Anna Lewandowski, William Borowski, Richard Gosslein, Rusty Valery

7:15 p.m.       Cronin Brook Heights, Public Hearing, cont.

Bob McKie was present to address the Board.  He responded to comments from the September 11, 2006 meeting, and provided a current status.

Chairman Borowski opened the meeting to the public.

There were no public comments.

Clerk Vecchio read letter from Waterman Design into the record.  He also read into the record a letter from residents at 12 Cronin Brook Way, which stated that they have had a different experience from the other residents on Cronin Brook Way, as their driveway and yard have been graded towards the house, causing runoff into the garage.

Jeff Walsh, Graves Engineering provided a brief summary and advised that drainage and sub-grade inspections will be conducted soon and the recommendation of Waterman Design will be reviewed.  He discussed the history of the Braney Road re-alignment.

Mrs. Lewandowski identified the following outstanding issues:

·       Grade driveways for lots 20 & 21 so that runoff flows down the driveway into the catch basin, drainage across lot 19 still needs to be addressed
·       Property lines of abutting properties are located within the designated bike path
·       Sidewalks and curbing to be installed from bike path to Cronin Brook Way
·       Curbing not set properly
·       Road finish course to be installed
·       Install street lights along Cronin Brook Way
·       Rock processing on lot 4 – permission was given to begin rock processing at the last meeting, however this has not yet been started
·       The gabion wall should be repaired and reviewed by a structural engineer; plans to be presented before any work is done
·       A licensed construction supervisor should be present on site daily
·       An infrared process should be conducted
·       Rocks and debris cover the culvert
·       Re-align Cronin Brook Way according to the plan
·       Provide fencing or vegetative screening around detention facilities, including the gabion wall which drops more than 4 feet
·       Locate where the stones for the wall are that were removed and indicate where they are to be replaced per condition #36 original plan to see if water & sewer are in the same trench  according to pictures that were previously presented.
·       Require developer to open the trenches and have them inspected, randomly remove curb to be sure it was set properly, and have this work witnessed by the Town Planner, DPW Director, Graves Engineering, Aquarion, and Planning Board members.

Mr. McKie was given the opportunity to respond.  He agreed to have the bikeway surveyed and will return to discuss installation of sidewalks, easements for the bike path have been recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds, curbing will be completed from the Piktellis property to the Swenson property, finish course will be installed after the street lights have been installed.  He is presently waiting for Board of Selectmen approval of locations.  As for the delay in rock processing on lot 4, he repeatedly tried to reach his contractor, LRC, and was advised that this work will begin on October 4th.  

Town Planner Connors advised the Board that communication has been better between the applicant and the town, she has conducted several site visits and a list for completion has been compiled.  

Mr. Gosselin identified drainage problems at the  bottom of the bike path, and suggested that the drainage be re-routed in that area.  He inquired as to when the finish coat on the roadways would be completed, and asked if it would be done before the winter. The applicant responded that it would.  Mr. McKie also advised the Board that the drainage structure referred to was re-located, two catch basins have been installed, one being at the end of the Piktellis property (which became necessary due to the re-alignment of Braney Road).  Mr. Gosselin also suggested that the catch basins be lowered to sub-grade until the finish coat is in place.  Mr. McKie and Mr. Walsh advised that they appear to be level to sub-grade now.  

Chairman Borowski again asked for public input.  There was none.

Motion to continue the public hearing to November 13, 2006 at 7:15 p.m. by Richard Gosselin, seconded by David Vecchio, motion carried unanimously.

Motion  to open the trenches and have them inspected, randomly remove curb to be sure it was set properly, and have this work witnessed by the Town Planner, DPW Director, Graves Engineering, Aquarion, and Planning Board members, by Anna Lewandowski, there was no second.  

The Board agreed to schedule a public hearing on the extension of time for completion of the Cronin Brook Heights subdivision to November 13, 2006 at 8:15 p.m.

8:45 p.m.       Gauthier – 20 River Street, Public Hearing, cont.  

Clerk Vecchio read letter from applicant requesting a continuance of the public hearing.  Motion to continue the public hearing to October 30, 2006 at 9:30 p.m. by David Vecchio, seconded by Richard Gosselin, motion carried unanimously.  

Other Business

Dwinell Road Performance Guarantee

Town Planner advised the Board that the bonding company will re-issue this bond so that it will remain in effect until this project has been completed.


Motion to adjourn by Rusty Valery, seconded by David Vecchio, motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Dean





