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Bicentennial Committee Minutes 12/01/2010
Date:   Wednesday, December1, 2010              Time:   7:00 p.m.

Location:       Asa Waters Mansion, 123 Elm Street, Millbury


Committee Members Present
Cynthia Burr
Carole Chiras
David Cofske
Roger Derosiers
Jeffrey Dore
Catherine Elliott
Frank Gagliardi
Karen Gagliardi
William Kane, Sr.
Denise Marlborough
Ronald Marlborough
E. Joseph McKeon
Robert Morton
Mary Lou Mulhane
Paul Raffa
Christopher Sinacola
Carol Vulter
Armand White

Committee Members Absent
Marc Auclair
Tish Hayes
Joyce Ostrowski
Harold Proodian
Rebecca Rehm

Guests Presents
Peg Spang, Tom Lambert, Maryann Shaw and Cyndi Papia


Meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m.

Agenda Item I - Approval of meeting minutes from April 28, 2010 meeting.
Motion: Accept minutes as presented. Moved to accept by, Karen Gagliardi, seconded by Jeffe Dore.
Vote: No discussion, all in favor, none opposed.  Motion approved 18-0.  

Approval of meeting minutes from June 9, 2010 meeting.
Motion: Accept minutes as presented. Moved to accept by, Bill Kane, seconded by Carol Vulter.
Vote: No discussion, all in favor, none opposed.  Motion approved 18-0.  

Approval of meeting minutes from August 25, 2010 meeting.
Motion: Accept minutes as presented. Moved to accept by, Paul Raffa, seconded by Carole Chiras.

Agenda Item II – Treasurers Report:
Rob reports that we are about $13,000 ahead of budgeted figures; pledge drive among resident is likely to exceed $10,000. Motion to accept report by Cindy Burr, seconded by Jeff Dore, unanimously approved. Rob reported on the previously approved vouches at the executive committee so as to secure the 2011 and 2012 golf dates, and that a more detailed budget will be forthcoming. Budgeted goal is to raise $15,000 from the golf tournaments.

        $1,665.67 was for postage necessary to launch the pledge drive. Unanimously approved.

        Golf tournament at Blackstone National for 6/20/2011. $500 deposit. Unanimously approved. David  reported that there is groundwork going on.

        Golf tournament at Highfields for 2012. $500 deposit. Unanimously approved.

        Remaining vouchers presented by Bill. Two from City Sporting Goods delivered to the full committee by accident, but the third for 72 tee-shirts in the amount of $422.79  was approved for replenishing inventory. Motion by Denise M., second by Dave, unanimously approved.

Agenda Item III – Open Meeting Law Changes and Updates:
Chairmen reminded all members It is important for each major committee, including history, media, finance and events, to keep a record of its attendance, and motions made and accepted; remember the rules about email discussions, that members do not get into discussing business via email or other means over the internet. And meeting minutes must be made available within seven days.

        Cindy Burr asked about whether subcommittees need to adhere to these rules. Roger said his current understanding is that it is NOT necessary for subcommittees to do this. The website may well take care of addressing location and times of meetings, helping us meet the requirements.

        Armand asked what happens if you don't keep minutes. Roger said there have been cases where members of the public have questioned whether policies and votes taken were legal (not pertaining to MBC or Millbury).

        Rob said minutes are a good record-keeping exercise, but suggests that the subcommittees have no independent authority to act, the powers of decision making and expenditures being held by the executive and general MBC committees. Cindy Burr concurs. Roger said that may well be the correct interpretation, but wants to be sure that subcommittees at least keep records of what they have done.

Bill said that without some record-keeping, it would be difficult or impossible for subcommittees to recall what they have done; it wouldn't be good to rely on recollection.

        Armand said he keeps notes, but not formal minutes, and that motions and votes are recorded. Bill said that seems sufficient. General understanding seems to exist on these points.

Removal letters:
Roger said that removal letters have been prepared and will be mailed out December 2, 2010, removing two members from the MBC, and granting those individuals ñ Marc Auclair and Harold Proodian ñ two weeks to reply, during which they can choose to become active, or resign. A failure of these individuals to respond to the removal letters will simply result in their being removed from the committee.

Agenda Item IV – Committee Reports:

Finance and Fund-raising Committee Report:
Rob Morton reporting. We have sold 38 commemorative Santa collectible figurines, but have paid for the inventory through #70. Hoping that the Christmas season will see a pickup in sales, and believes the Santa will be the premiere keepsake from the 200th anniversary celebration.

        Goal with commemorative coin is to raise $5,000 to $6,000. Donation of $1,500 to make die cast and first inventory of 50 coins, placing some at local banks to encourage sales. Acceptance of $1,500 from Bernard and Mildred Gover for the purchase. Motion by Paul, second by David Cofske. Frank Gagliardi asked what the price will be. It will be $30 for the two-coin set in the box. Rob said that the unit profit is $13.50. Vote to accept the $1,500 donation was unanimous. Second motion allows for designs as presented, showing. Joe moved, Karen G. second, no discussion, unanimous acceptance of the images as presented, observe depicting MBC logo, reverse the S&D Spinning Mill, crossed pair of Asa Waters guns, with lettering and so forth. Antique nickel finish.

        New pricing on clothing items. Bill reports that in the 18 months since the shirts were first designed and ordered, prices have continued to climb. He is working on an agreement that will hold the MBC's costs from the supplier constant for six-month increments. Nonetheless, some price increases can be anticipated, and a review of prices will be done before January 1, 2011, and it is possible that retail prices for the various items will increase. For example, the hooded sweatshirts increased from $24.99 to $30 each. The spread is very small, the intent being less to raise money than to get the word out about the MBC. Roger noted to Paul that the next version of the brochure will need to reflect new prices.

        Wine tasting event over the last two years has netted about $8,000.

        Expressed confidence that the capital campaign will reach the goal of $200,000.

        Main and Elm pole decorations: Competitive bids received, and vendors selected, including banners by Sign-a-Rama, 567 Southbridge St., Worcester, $295.00; plaques by City Sporting Goods, 154 Blithewood Ave., Worcester, $47; decals at $5 each. 10 of each item. Total of $3,470.00.  Overall, estimated expenses of between $6,000 and $7,500. Motion by Bill, second by Paul. Discussion. Jeff wants to know how many. There are 17 sponsors thus far. Each will carry the MBC logo with the name of the sponsor beneath it. Rob noted that initial, first-year pledges more than pay for the costs of the banners and associated items. In addition, the fund-raising thermometer will be designed over this winter and ready for the spring of 2011. Banners will go up beginning this spring, and on an ongoing basis thereafter, and may come down to accommodate banners for other civic events, including Memorial Day and Chain of Lights, in accordance with the town's customary traditions. Pole hardware associated with the banners, included in the price, will become the property of the town at the conclusion of the 200th anniversary celebration. Carol Vulter asked what they look like. Bill said Town of Shrewsbury has banners similar to this. Others noted that Grafton Hill neighborhood in Worcester has some as well. They will be placed in the most highly trafficked areas of Millbury, those being downtown. Three banners at Platinum level; two banners at Gold level; one banner lowest level, presumably Silver level. No further discussion. Unanimously approved.

        Fran King's annual event netted $1,000 for the MBC.

        Karen Gagliardi brought an example of the new MBC candy bar, a $1 white chocolate item, which will debut at the Millbury Chain of Lights event on Sunday, December 5, 2010. They will be at select locations on that date, and as sales suggest, they may be expanded. Also possibly a fund-raiser through the National Honor Society at Millbury High School. 100 have been ordered and will be ready for the Chain of Lights. 50 cents per bar profit. Manufactured by the Candy Shoppe in downtown Millbury.

        Karen reports that we have sold 51 books, and have made $1,262 profit in all since sales began. This is the reproduction of the 1915 Centennial History book.

        Karen reports that a fund-raiser will be held on January 26, 2011, at Pizza Chef in Millbury. The last one at Uno's at the Shoppes at Blackstone Valley raised just $51. There is general agreement that these fundraisers are valuable, but we don't want to overdo them, having too many in a short time.

Events Committee Report:
Ron said that the Ball Committee meeting will be held Dec. 2 at Asa Waters Masion. Committee members last month visited the Mechanic's Hall venue.

        Armand said there are 10 subcommittees on the Ball Committee, for entertainment, food, decorating, tickets and programs, slide show, photos, etc. The next full meeting will be on February 3, 2011. We visited Mechanic's Hall, got a full and informative tour with Sharon Onorato and Robert Kennedy. Date is April 6, 2013, semi-formal dress, no head tables, a blessing and speaker, but details not seat. Seating will be open, full tables can be reserved however, and the committee is holding open whether there will be all reserved seating. No raffle is planned, as it is viewed as inappropriate. Planning seating for 400, but can accommodate up to 600. The time of the function, cocktail hour, etc., TBA, as well as the details of the meal, whether sit-down, buffet, stations, etc. The hall needs no significant additional decoration. Overall fee for attendance, including costs of photos, to be determined, but the guiding principle is to ìkeep it reasonable.î Rob asked about timing of the budget. Armand said hopefully by summer 2011, but definitely by this time next year.

        Ron reports that Brian Ashmankas is actively working on the ìBirthday Bash.î Roger says that there is discussion of having a Chain of Lights First Night-type day of activities leading up to a birthday party at the end of the day at Asa Waters Mansion, with a grand birthday cake, and a cake contest with a variety of categories. This is all in discussion stages.

Ron says that he and Bill are looking into the parade, planning stages.

Armand presented a chronological list of events as they are currently constituted.

Ron Marlborough departed meeting at 8:17 p.m.

Media Committee Report:
Paul has been working with Aaron McGarry, development director at Old Sturbridge Village, to develop a good-sized event. He attended an event in August, spoke with the organizer of the Rebels and Redcoats Group. Is in contact with Paul O'Shaughnessy, head of the 10th Regiment of Foot, Revolutionary War era re-enactors. See The goal by the end of 2010 is to get someone from the re-enactors group to come to Millbury and tour the proposed site. There are two dates for the Revolutionary re-enactment that Paul has in mind. The re-enactors are not yet booked through 2011. Cindy Burr said there will be no conflict with the annual car show date, which is traditionally the Sunday after Columbus Day holiday.

        Roger asked whether there is a contingency plan. Paul said there is, but it would be a much smaller group, still adequate, but not on the same scale. Stowe Farm and Hawk Hill Orchard are on board. The Pearson family, whose property adjoins the others, are expected to eventually sign on. October was selected so as to avoid trampling of any hay crops or damaging any fruit.

        Armand said he has attended many of these re-enactments, and it will be very good, regardless of size. General agreement on this point. Potential dates are October 13-14 and October 20-21, 2012.

        Meeting of the Media Committee was held on Monday, November 29, 2010 at Barnes & Noble. Met with Cyndi, reviewed the new website, use of WordPress, obviating the need for special designers, and enabling people on each MBC committee and subcommittee to work on the website. There is blogging and full functionality akin to what is found on popular social media websites such as Facebook. Will link to the MBC Facebook page, and the website And there is no cost. Even newsletters can be sent out for free.

        Bill said this is very good news, and ends a months-long struggle to get a useable electronic presence, thanked Cyndi and Paul for their efforts. Roger likes the ability of everyone to access it, but is concerned about having folks able to post information. Paul and Cyndi said that administrators will control that, with full access, and there are other levels, with plenty of safeguards, and the ability to determine who accessed the site when and what they did.

        Bill moved to purchase domain name for the next three years, seconded by Jeff Dore.

        MBC Facebook page has 573 friends to date.

        Next Media Committee meeting will be 6:30 p.m. January 4, 2011, at the Millbury Public Library.

        Paul made a plea for volunteers for content, because having only one or a few people doing the writing drains that person or persons. At this point, Bill mentioned the discussion at the executive committee of the need for a media point person on each subcommittee, to establish a smooth flow of information to Paul and other members of the Media Committee.

        Bill moved this, Armand seconded, no further discussion, unanimously approved.

History Committee Report:
Last scheduled meeting had to be canceled; next meeting will be at 5 p.m. January 11, 2011, at Asa Waters Mansion, at which time there will be discussion and designation of a media committee liaison.

        There is interest in oral history recording.

        Carol said that original photos and as much documentation thereof as possible will be collected for the Arcadia Press ìImages of America: Millburyî book project that Chris Sinacola is undertaking.

        Working on information about West Millbury with Gary Dwinell.

        Working with Millbury Public Schools to have one day per academic year devoted to the history of Millbury, in all grades K-12, presumably on June 11 each year. Much work remains to be done on this.

        Frank Gagliardi mentioned that the Millbury Historical Society has committed to an expanded number of events, including a graveyard walk in Central Cemetery for the fall of 2012, not a scary or Halloween related theme, but a tour with semi-professional characters who will be speaking to the touring public, the tour to last approximately one hour. Some of these characters would include Asa Waters and members of his family, Roland Bowen of Civil War note, and others. Cindy Burr suggests that this be held on the first weekend in October, since there is a competing car show in Webster, and that is not the weekend under consideration for the Revolutionary encampment; also, a tour of Millbury history sites for adults; a walking tour of downtown Millbury, which has many interesting buildings.

        Roger noted that with the website, it should be possible to enter all the various events outlined by Frank on the electronic calendar, and these listings should be a priority. Suggests that those events that require funding be outlined and funding requests for same submitted in a timely fashion.

        Carole Chiras noted that the history of Millbury itself has to be diffused among the community itself, including among teachers, for example.

Old Business:
Report on Selectman Fran King's annual event. $1,000 received from this event, which was a crock pot cook-off.

        MBC presence at the Chain of Lights on Dec. 5. Bill called for volunteers to staff the table at the Millbury Senior Center. Bill will set up at 10 a.m. Various committee members agreed to be at the Center to help staff the table throughout the afternoon, with the event slated to end at 4:30 p.m.

        Copies of the MBC's annual report to the town manager were distributed for the reading pleasure of the committee members.

        Discussion on meat raffle at St. Charles Hotel. Roger and Bill emphasized that the success of the meat raffle depends upon getting a lot of people to attend them. At least six committed volunteers needed to help out with the event. Key is getting people to the event.  Karen said that she can get a lot of people to attend this event, and Armand and Peg Spang said they could help out as well. Bill agreed to send a letter requesting a reserved date.

New Business:
Discuss policy of no quorum for MBC. Roger said this item stems from the fact that the last meeting did not have a quorum, so was unable to formally vote to accept the gift of $1,500 for the commemorative coin from the Gover family. Had there been a deadline, the lack of a quorum might have meant loss of an important decision. Thus, would the general committee permit

        Joe McKeon moved to allow this, Carol Vulter second. Discussion made clear it is for urgent business only. Bill said intent is not to circumvent general committee in any way, but merely to move things forward in a timely fashion when necessary. It may encompass both financial and non-financial items and decisions. It's important to keep moving forward, so that if the executive committee has approved something, their OK can stand. But this only applies for that month or that meeting. Bill emphasized that there is always some kind of decision to be made. Roger noted that we must also be careful of the Open Meeting Law.

        Policy was unanimously adopted, 16-0.

        Discuss new subcommittee on photography. Roger said there is likely going to be a need for another subcommittee, probably subsumed under the Events Committee, which is devoted to photography, to fulfill the general desire to chronicle in an orderly fashion the events of the MBC celebration through 2013. For example, there has been informal discussion of putting a DVD together at the end of the bicentennial celebration.

        Armand said that a committee should be started, and photos collected from throughout the community. Armand is willing to be the point person to store photographs on a large-capacity hard drive. Later on, there would be a need to sort through the presumably thousands of photos.

        Roger said one of the purposes of the photography committee would be to decide what kinds of photos will be used, and in what kinds of media and formats, products, etc.

        Bill said the purpose is to ensure that there is someone making sure that events are recorded; there is no thought of trying to exclude anyone in the community who is contributing or offering photos in a formal or informal fashion throughout the MBC celebration.

        Cindy Burr said that it could be film, archival material, etc., i.e., probably not limited to photos.

        Cyndi said that much can be done online.

        Roger asked for a motion and second to establish a committee. The vote to create the committee will allow the committee to proceed, but is subsequent to the creation of the committee. Those were made. Frank Gagliardi suggested there needs to be a lot of discussion.

        Paul said the main purpose of the photography committee is to have a person in charge of backing up information, someone to insure the protection of photographs, and to ensure that there is a professional photographer available at key events.

        The committee was created by a unanimous vote, and will have authority to name itself.

        Discuss Halloween Hollow. Tom Lambert intends to create a Halloween Hallow in Millbury, making Millbury the alternative to Salem for Halloween. Events would include the car show, a cemetery tour, a pumpkin carving contest, a costume ball at Asa Waters, perhaps a headless horseman touring around town. A two or three-day event, to be held in 2011 and beyond, something that would be carried on to future generations. It would be, Maryanne Shaw said, essentially a ìHalloween Chain of Lights.î

        Roger suggested that it might be helpful if the MBC committee members had a one-page description of the proposal, as this is new to the committee. Members expressed interest, but suggested that it is ambitious and want more details.

        Discuss meeting nights for MBC. Roger asked whether a change of meeting dates is necessary or warranted. Cindy Burr suggested the poor attendance was just a happenstance, and that no change is likely needed. Paul suggested that having a limit to the meetings, perhaps 7 to 9 p.m., would make things potentially more attractive to members. No change was suggested. General consensus was that Wednesdays are as good a day as any other.

        Discuss the Westboro Community Chorus opportunity for fund-raiser.

The Millbury Federated Church has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Next Meetings:

7 p.m. Wednesday, February 9, 2011.
7 p.m., Wednesday, March 23, 2011.

Motion to adjourn was made by Paul Raffa, seconded by Karen Gagliardi, unanimously approved.

Submitted by
Christopher Sinacola