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Planning Board Minutes 12/18/2006
December 18, 2006
7:00 PM

The Planning Board for the City of CityMarlborough met on Monday, December 18, 2006 in Memorial Hall, 3rd floor, City Hall, placeCityMarlborough, StateMA PostalCode01752.  Members present: Barbara L. Fenby, Chairperson, Philip Hodge, Acting Clerk, Edward Coveney, Robert Hanson, Clyde L. Johnson, Sean Fay, and Steve Kerrigan. Also present: City Engineer Tom Cullen.


Meeting Minutes December 4, 2006

On a motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Hanson it was duly voted:

To accept and file the minutes of the meeting with the noted changes of Monday, December 4, 2006.


Correspondence from Ernie Houde

Mr. Houde is asking to start the process of C61A, 14 land located at 0 Berlin Road of purchasing said land.

On a motion by Mr. Hodge, and seconded by Mr. Hanson, it was duly noted:

To accept and file correspondence from Mr. Houde.

Rezoning of 640 Bolton Street

A petition for rezoning of Map 17 Parcel 10 was requested by the owner of property.

A public hearing was scheduled for January 22 at 7:30 PM.

St. Mary’s Variance Request

Attorney Arthur Bergeron made a brief presentation on the new proposal. The original proposal was for a total of 41 units with the total lot coverage of 54.7%. The new proposal is for a total of 36 units with the total lot coverage by housing would be 50.9%. The Planning Board by statute was to determine if the Zoning Board of Appeals correctly decided the new plan “amounts to specific and material changes in the conditions upon which the previous unfavorable action was based”.

On a motion by Mr. Hodge, seconded by Mr. Hanson it was duly voted (7-0):

To affirm the Zoning Board of Appeals decision that there were significant changes to the new plan that included the new proposal of total units to be 36 with total lot coverage of 50.9%.  


497 and 515 Northborough Road West

On a motion by Mr. Coveney, seconded by Mr. Johnson, it was duly voted:

To accept and refer the proposed plan to the City Engineer for his review and recommendation at the next meeting on Monday, January 8, 2006.


On a motion by Mr. Fay, seconded by Mr. Kerrigan it was duly voted:

To take a 5 minute recess.



Update from City Engineer

Tom Cullen stated that there no updates at this time. .

Eager Court

Passbook Performance Bond

Correspondence from City Solicitor Donald Rider, Jr.

City Solicitor Donald Rider was asked to review the passbook performance book to make sure it was in proper form. The paperwork was in proper form except for the maintenance date and the notary wording. The necessary changes need to be made before the board will sign.

PENDING SUBDIVISION PLANS: Updates and Discussions


Purcell Farm/LDS/197 Stow Road

Tom Temple, the Assistant City Engineer, stated that this subdivision plan meets the requirements set fourth by the code of the City of placeCityMarlborough and the Planning Board should approve the plan. There are still revisions to the utility plan that the Engineering Department will need to address during individual review.

Mr. Hodge has his concerns with this subdivision. He states that this subdivision does not meet the intension of the Limited Development subdivision. According to the City Solicitor’s opinion, the voting needs to be addressed to way the statute was written. The current owners of the property intend to place the farmhouse on placeLot 1 under a preservation restriction which would prohibit any drastic changes to the home.

Attorney David Gadbois sent correspondence regarding the fact and findings for the special permit.  Fact and findings are requirements of Chapter 40 A of the General Laws applied to the granting of any special permit.

On a motion by Mr. Kerrigan, seconded by Mr. Hanson it was duly voted:

To accept and file correspondence and to table a decision of the limited development subdivision until the board members have read the findings and facts prepared by Attorney Gadbois.

Pleasant Farms/ 710 Pleasant Street

Tom Temple, Assistant City Engineer, sent correspondence via email to Mrs. Lizotte stating that he has spoken to the developer and the developer stated he was meeting with Priscilla Ryder, the Conservation Commissioner, on December 20, 2006 to discuss the development.

On a motion by Mr. Hodge, seconded by Mr. Hanson it was duly voted:

To accept and file correspondence by Tom Temple.





Limited Development Subdivision

The Board would like to request an update as well as a copy of the proposed change in the permit.


On a motion by Mr. Kerrigan, seconded by Mr. Hanson, it was duly voted:

To accept all of the items listed under communications and/or correspondence.

On a motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Hanson, it was duly voted:

To adjourn at 8:00 p.m.

                        A TRUE COPY
                        ATTEST:         _____________________________
                                                Acting Clerk, Philip J. Hodge