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Planning Board Minutes 11/15/2004
November 15, 2004

The Planning Board for the City of Marlborough met on Monday, November 15, 2004, in Memorial Hall, 3rd floor, City Hall, Marlborough, MA 01752.  Members present: Chairperson Barbara L. Fenby, Clerk Colleen M. Hughes, Philip J. Hodge, Edward F. Coveney, Robert Hanson and Clyde L. Johnson.  Also present: City Engineer James Arsenault.


On a motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Hanson, it was duly voted:

To accept and file the minutes of the meeting of October 4, 2004.  The minutes of the October 18 meeting were unavailable in advance and will be voted at the next meeting.


Jericho Hill Trees

There has not been a response by Commissioner LaFreniere to the Board’s inquiry.  City Engineer Arsenault advised the Board that correspondence will be forthcoming by the next meeting.

Update on Limited Development Subdivision

Mr. Hodge advised the Board that he and Mrs. Wilderman gave another presentation to the Urban Affairs Committee on this topic.  Several members of the Urban Affairs Committee had visited a site that would be appropriate to this type of development and the homeowner was in attendance as well.

The Urban Affairs Committee voted unanimously to recommend acceptance of the change.  There was some minor discussion regarding “common driveways” and a brief amendment was to be added to the language.

The proposal should report out of Committee at this evenings meeting.
Discussion of Berlin Farms Special Permit Application

(Mr. Hanson abstained from the meeting and left the room.)

There was a brief discussion among the remaining members regarding the proximity of the roadway to existing roadways.  Unfortunately, a large number of existing lots off of Berlin Road lend themselves to this sort of arrangement as they are deep lots.  The Board asked Mrs. Wilderman to find the piece of property to the south of this site.

On a motion by Mr. Hodge, seconded by Mr. Coveney, (with both Mr. Hanson and Mr. Johnson abstaining), it was duly voted:

To approve the Special Permit Application for the “Berlin Farms Subdivision”.  The Board would encourage the developer to find a way, during the course of the definitive subdivision project, to eliminate a continuation of the separate roadway entrances.

Update by Community Development Director

Mr. Lima was unavailable for this evening’s meeting but submitted a report for the Board’s review.

Correspondence to Utilize City Property

On a motion by Mr. Hodge, seconded by Mr. Coveney, it was duly voted:

To accept and file the correspondence from DPW Commissioner LaFreniere regarding the sale or use of property at 12 Main Street.


Update from City Engineer

Mr. Arsenault submitted an updated subdivision status report that shows that several of the outstanding subdivisions are moving towards completion.

Water’s Edge

According to the City Engineer, Mr. Ansari is almost completed the punch list items.

Forest Trail

On a motion by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Johnson, it was duly voted:

To deny the request for extension of the subdivision approval, thereby revoking the approval of the Subdivision entitled, “Definitive Subdivision Plan of Forest Trail, an Open Space Development, Mosher Lane, Marlborough, MA, “ rescind the bond and all outstanding lot releases for this subdivision.  The developer has failed to comply with section 11 of the Planning Board covenant by failing to complete the project within the proscribed time limit or obtain an acceptable extension.  Name of Subdivider: DOE Builders, Inc., P. O. Box 400, Hudson, MA 01749.
Engineer: Consolidated Design Group, Inc., 21 Main Street, Suite 9, Hudson, MA 01749.  Covenant recorded in the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds in Book 36520, page 575 on September 26, 2002.

Additionally, the bond will be rescinded and the outstanding lot releases will be revoked as well.

Wellington Street

On a motion by Mr. Hodge, seconded by Mr. Coveney, it was duly voted:

To accept and file the correspondence from Conservation Officer Priscilla Ryder regarding issues on the Wellington Street subdivision, and to refer the matter to the City Engineer and the Building Commissioner for their review.

Crystal Ridge Estates

On a motion by Mr. Hodge, seconded by Mr. Coveney, it was duly voted:

To accept and file the correspondence from Linda Fossile of Crystal Ridge Realty Trust requesting a bond reduction and to refer the matter to the City Engineer for his review and recommendation at the next meeting on Monday, November 29, 2004.

Elm Farm Valley Estates

On a motion by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Hodge, it was duly voted:

To accept and file the correspondence from Linda Fossile of Elm Farm Realty Trust requesting a bond reduction and to refer the matter to the City Engineer for his review and recommendation at the next meeting on Monday, November 29, 2004.

Orchard Estates III

On a motion by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Hodge, it was duly voted:

To accept and file the correspondence from Linda Fossile of Apple Orchard Realty Trust requesting a bond reduction and to refer the matter to the City Engineer for his review and recommendation at the next meeting on Monday, November 29, 2004.

PENDING SUBDIVISION PLANS: Updates and Discussions

Old Orchard Heights

A brief discussion was held regarding the issue of the drainage for this proposed project.  It would appear that the information provided by the previous surveyor and engineer is totally incorrect and the further field work needs to be completed.

On a motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Coveney, it was duly voted:

To accept and file the correspondence from Stephen E. Poole, P.E. on behalf of his clients and to approve an extension of consideration for this project until December 6, 2004.

Eager Court

On a motion by Mr. Hodge, seconded by Mr. Johnson, it was duly voted:

To accept and file the correspondence from Thomas DiPersio regarding the submittal of the final plans.


Davis Estates

A public hearing date of December 6, 2004, 8:00 p.m. was set for this proposal.

Chestnut Ridge

A public hearing date of December 6, 2004, 8:15 p.m. was set for this proposal.


On a motion by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Coveney, it was duly voted:

To accept and file all items listed under communications and/or correspondence.

On a motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Coveney, it was duly voted:

To adjourn at 8:15 p.m.

                                A TRUE COPY
                                ATTEST:         ___________________________
                                                        Colleen M. Hughes, Clerk