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April 5, 2010
APRIL 5, 2010

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Thomas Magauran, Chairman
                                Pat McArdle
John Sweeney, Clerk
        Julia Deane Crowley
                                                Steve Gonsalves
                                               Jay Ryder

MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice-Chairman Joe Napoli

BOARD SECRETARY:       Terri Santos

ALSO PRESENT:               Laura Pedulla
                                               Carol Sanz              
                                               Ricky Pursley                                                   
                                                    Eunice Manduca

Commencement – Chairman Magauran called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. and explained meeting procedure.

Moved by Member Ryder to open the public hearing 454 Wareham Street, seconded by Member Crowley.
VOTE 4-0-2 Approved
PUBLIC HEARING-Site Plan Review-Sardinha Family Trust, 454 Wareham Street c/o Jack O’Leary
The applicant has asked that the public hearing be continued due to absence of board member.  
Moved by Member Ryder to continue the public hearing to Monday, April 26, 8:30 P.M., seconded by Member Sweeney.
VOTE 4-0-2
NOTE-Member Gonsalves and Member McArdle recused    

Old/New Business

Discussion- 2015 Workshop
Chairman Magauran explained that for those who attended the meeting the 27th of March there was very good dialogue and much time was spent on the roads.  Chairman Magauran had opportunity to speak with Mass Highway and they stated that they were not opposed to smart growth.  They had no issue with putting in tree strips and pushing sidewalks away from the street, contrary to what the Dunkin Doughnuts consultant had recommended.

Chairman Magauran announced the change in the NOD workshop location from the Music Hall to Sippican Elementary School, Multi-purpose room Saturday April 10, 2010.  Chairman Magauran established the need for citizens to participate in the process.  In order to make the NOD successful for the Town of Marion, they will need to establish linkage to the village, slow down traffic on route six and make entire area pedestrian friendly.

The top ten myths for the NOD were listed and discussed (copy available for review at Marion Planning Board Office).

Member Gonsalves suggested that “having some really attractive signage in this future node, having our historic district, scenic waterfront on it” would help to provide linkage to village.

After discussion it was established that it would be important for the local businesses to participate in the decision making process.  It was brought up that many people are concerned that the village would be dwarfed by the economic activity that the NOD would contribute.  It was stressed that the important goal of the 2015 committee is to have the NOD complement the economic survival of the Village.

Approval of Minutes
No minutes to approve.

Approval of Bills
No bills to approve.

Chairman Magauran read letter to Baywatch Realty Trust from Richard Marx, Building Inspector and Zoning Enforcement officer ordering to cease and desist all clearing operations on parcels Map 24 Lots 27, 28 and 29.  Letter is on file at Marion Planning Board Office.  Also read was ZBA Notice of Determination to Bay watch Realty Trust.  Notice also on file at Marion Planning Board Office.
Member Ryder voiced his opinion that representation by one of our Selectman at the SRPEDD meetings would be fine.  It was questioned what their (SRPEDD) value was to the town of Marion from the Planning Boards perspective.  After discussion it was determined that the SRPEDD Representative would be selected with the next Board.

Moved by Member McArdle and seconded by Member Gonsalves to adjourn at 8:55.
VOTE 6-0-0 Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

John Sweeney, Clerk