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August 4, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Joseph Napoli, Chairman
Peter Winters, Vice-Chairman    
Jay Ryder, Clerk
Julia Deane Crowley
Patricia McArdle
Steve Gonsalves

MEMBERS ABSENT: Thomas Magauran

ALSO PRESENT:           Lucy Napoli
Eunice Manduca
Commencement - Chairman Napoli called the meeting to order at 7:25 p.m.

Discussion – Neighborhood Overlay District Meeting
The following issues were discussed:
·       Map 11, Lot 43 - Chairman Napoli said he was approached after the forum and asked why the property located on Map 11, Lot 43 (owned by Theodore Laycock) was not included in the overlay.  When asked, Mr. Laycock indicated that he would like his 11 acre parcel included.  It was agreed that the land will be included to the proposed overlay when the final maps are prepared.  
·       Density - Vice-Chairman Winters said he had a conversation with Attorney Witten, who stated that six to eight units per acre would be more acceptable.  
·       Village center – Mr. Ryder suggested a questionnaire to local business owners asking for their ideas and concerns.  Member McArdle noted that Mr. Ludes had objected to limitations imposed on his Village property while properties included in the overlay district would be given more options and flexibility.  Member Crowley suggested not allowing retail in the overlay and was told that was one of the purposes of the overlay.

Discussion – September 2 Meeting
Board members discussed alternative dates, times, and locations for one of the September meetings.  It was agreed that the Board will meet on Tuesday, September 2 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Main Conference Room.  

Discussion – Signs on Docks
A commercial dock on Creek Road with a large Yamaha sign was discussed.  Signs in other areas of town were discussed as well.  

Discussion - Master Plan Update
Vice-Chairman Winters said he and Chairman Napoli will be meeting with Mr. Dawson and Mrs. Mooney to discuss the transfer of funds left over from FY08 budget into the Master Plan Update account.  
Mr. Gricus, a town resident who is also a planner, has offered to prepare an RFP for the Master Plan update; this work will be done free of charge.  Mr. Gricus has also offered to help prepare a grant request for Smart Growth funds.     
It was agreed to invite Mr. Gricus to an upcoming meeting.  

Approval of Minutes – July 21, 2008, July 28, 2008
Moved by Member Ryder and seconded by Vice-Chairman Winters to approve the minutes of July 21 and July 28.  VOTE:  6-0-0

Approval of Bills  
Moved by Vice-Chairman Winters and seconded by Member Crowley to approve payment of the $85 invoice from Village Signs.  VOTE:  6-0-0

Moved by Vice-Chairman Winters and seconded by Member Gonsalves to approve payment of the $270.10 invoice from Field Engineering (Baldwin Brothers).  VOTE:  6-0-0

Moved by Vice-Chairman Winters and seconded by Member Crowley to approve payment of the $420 invoice from Field Engineering (Kittansett Club) subject to availability of funds.  VOTE:  6-0-0

Discussion – Letter from R. Sudduth
Board members discussed a letter received from resident Robert Sudduth suggesting the widening of roads.  

Discussion – Boat Restaurant
Member Ryder has been approached and asked if a boat restaurant would be allowed; review of the bylaw revealed that this use is prohibited in the Surface Water District.

Moved by Member Ryder and seconded by Member McArdle at 8:30 p.m. to adjourn.  VOTE:  6-0-0      

Respectfully submitted,

Jay Ryder, Clerk