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June 16, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Joseph Napoli, Chairman
Peter Winters, Vice-Chairman    
                                Thomas Magauran
Julia Deane Crowley
Jay Ryder, Clerk
Patricia McArdle (left meeting at 7:50 p.m.)
MEMBERS ABSENT: Steve Gonsalves
BOARD SECRETARY:        Debra Paiva                             
ALSO PRESENT:           Lucy Napoli
                                Eunice Manduca
                                Susan Nilson
                                John Kelly, Jr.
                                John Whittemore
                                Will Saltonstall
Commencement – Chairman Napoli called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and explained meeting procedure.

NOTE:  Member McArdle left the meeting at 7:50 p.m., after the Site Plan Review for the Kittansett Club.       

Old/New Business
Comments to ZBA – 313 Wareham Street
The application was reviewed and discussed.

Moved by Member Magauran and seconded by Member Ryder to support the application for an owner occupied residential unit above the retail and also that the Planning Board does not believe that that there is a need for the ZBA to adjudicate a variance.  In addition, Chairman Napoli should contact the Chairman of the ZBA and let him know of this opinion.  VOTE:  5-0-0

Discussion – Neighborhood Overlay District
Board members discussed dates to have the NOD informational session.  Two dates (July 30, August 20) were agreed upon and the final date will be chosen at the July 7 meeting; Attorney Witten and Ken Motta will be asked if they will be available to attend.  It will be a meeting of the Planning Board but it will be posted for the Planning Board, Affordable Housing Trust, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Board of Selectmen to attend.  Letters will be sent to any property owners in the proposed district.  At the July 7 meeting the Board will prepare a press release.  Member Crowley recommended that prior to the meeting a letter might be sent to Elizabeth Brainard seeking her input.  

Discussion – Master Plan Update
Updating the Master Plan was briefly discussed.  It was agreed that SRPEDD would be contacted and asked to provide the Master Plans of towns similar to Marion.  

Approval of Minutes – June 2, 2008
Moved by Vice-Chairman Winters and seconded by Member Ryder to approve the June 2 minutes as amended.  VOTE:  5-0-0

Payment of bills
Moved by Vice-Chairman Winters and seconded by Member Magauran to approve payment of invoice #6269 from Field Engineering in the amount of $210.  VOTE:  6-0-0
Moved by Member Magauran and seconded by Member Ryder to approve payment of the bill from Field Engineering for review of the Special Permit application for Sippican Café.  The invoice is for $840 and approval is for up to the amount available ($750).  Mr. Monger will be contacted and asked to provide an additional $90 to pay the balance of the invoice.  VOTE:  5-0-0

Moved by Vice-Chairman Winters and seconded by Member Magauran to approve payment of the invoice from Pencils in the amount of $10.  VOTE:  5-0-0

Discussion – Budget
Any encumbrances or budget carryovers need to be submitted to the Town Accountant by July 18.    
Vice-Chairman Winters said Attorney Witten and Field Engineering should be asked to submit an invoice for attendance at the NOD meetings.  He recommended that any consulting funds in the budget should be rolled into the fund for the Master Plan update.   

Discussion - 219 Wareham Street
Board members discussed vehicles being parked on the public access way (walkway and sidewalk) at Mr. D’Italia’s property.  

Discussion – Board of Health fees
On July 1 the Board of Health will begin charging a $40 fee for review of courtesy copies/request for comment from Town Boards, including the Planning Board.  

Moved by Vice-Chairman Winters and seconded by Member Ryder to adjourn at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jay Ryder, Clerk