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June 14, 2010

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Ora Mae Torres, Chair
                                Roger Blanchette
                                Steve Cushing
Jon Henry
Sharon Matzek

MEMBERS ABSENT: Dorothy Burrill

ALSO PRESENT:           Helen Westergard

Ms. Torres called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Moved by Mr. Cushing and seconded by Mr. Blanchette to approve the meeting minutes of May 10, 2010 as written.  VOTE:  4-0-1

Ms. Torres asked if the trust would be sending a letter to the owner of the property on Route 6, Normand F. Smith Trustee Richard Hawes Revocable Trust, P.O. Box 30-321, Acushnet, MA inquiring about that property.

Housing Production Plan
Ms. Sunnarborg was unable to make the meeting.  Ms. Torres asked that the board review the Housing Production Plan and get questions or concerns to her and she will forward them to Ms. Sunnarborg.  An appointment will be made with the Planning Board to get their approval.  Ms. Torres noted that the plan will require Selectmen approval and Planning Board approval from the town.  The Planning Board is aware and they have seen our needs assessment and gave us a vote of approval previously.  Mr. Grady asked about the 2015?  Ms. Torres believes Ms. Sunnarborg contacted all boards and committee’s.  Ms. Torres will send this to 2015.  Ms. Torres noted that we will need another public forum.  A vote would then take place.  Mr. Henry said there is a mandatory amount of time for the public to review.  Once received by the state it is approximately 90 – 120 days for approval.

Little Neck Village
Ms. Torres noted that that the trust has one issue that needs to be addressed in terms of management at Little Neck village.  The issue is DHCD appointing a management group to monitor the management at Little Neck Village.  Ms. Torres spoke with Attorney Witten and he suggested going before the ZBA for this minor modification to the comprehensive permit.  It may be on the ZBA agenda for July 15th.

Habitat Update
Ms. Torres spoke with Attorney Jon Witten regarding property sharing where MAHT partnered with Open Space to acquire property on Rt. 6.  Attorney Witten feels that it is moving along fairly well and has spoken with the Attorney from the other property and does not see any big obstacles.  Habitat has also been in touch with Attorney Witten.

New Appointments
Ms. Torres and the Board welcomed Sharon Matzek.  Ms. Torres suggested sending out new contact information.  Mr. Grace will start on July 1, 2010.

New Business
John Rockwell has drawn up a map for the trust with the Velocity Zone & Wetland soils vacant land.

It was agreed by the trust members to wait until July for elections.

Moved by Ms. Torres and seconded by Mr. Henry to adjourn at 7:45 p.m.   

Respectfully submitted,

Grace Hatch, Assistant MAHT