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February 9, 2010

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Ora Mae Torres, Chair
                                Roger Blanchette
                                Dorothy Burrill
                                Steve Cushing
                                James Grady
Jon Henry

ALSO PRESENT:           J. Witten, Town Counsel
                                Paul Dawson
                                Helen Westergard
                                Suzanne Peterson
                                Jack Beck, Buzzards Bay Area
                                Kirk Smith, Habitat for Humanity
                                Chuck Gricus

Approval of Minutes
Approve the meeting minutes of January 12, 2010 as written.  VOTE:  5-0-1

Little Neck Village
Mr. Grady made a motion that the trust would wait until 5:00 p.m., March 12, 2010 before taking any legal action available to us and we hope that during the interim this matter may be resolved between EA Fish and Citibank and any other party involved with their financing and we wait for a proper reply in this regard.  Seconded by Mr. Cushing. VOTE:  6-0-0

Ms. Torres asked Mr. Witten about the side agreement.  Ms. Torres passed out the side agreement to the trust.  Ms. Burrill asked was there any conflict with the standard form of lease and the policy that was already agreed upon.  Ms. Burrill asked if there was a conflict between our policy that was voted on and EA Fish’s standard lease.  Mr. Witten noted that this is correct.
Mr. Blanchette made a motion and seconded by Mr. Grady that the Marion Affordable Housing Trust vote to approve and execute a Notice of Lease with respect to the Lease between the Town of Marion Affordable Housing Trust and EAF Little Neck Village, LLC for the purposes of recording the same with the Plymouth County Registry of Deeds, said Notice of Lease to be held in escrow by Marion Town Counsel pending satisfactory delivery to Town Counsel of a letter agreement from EAF Little Neck Village, LLC clarifying the rental rates for existing tenants at Little Neck Village as of August 25, 2008.  VOTE: 5-0-1

Ms. Torres made a motion and seconded by Mr. Cushing that the Trustees of the Marion Affordable Housing Trust vote to approve the application for and compliance with, a Conservation and Management Permit Issued by the Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program pertaining to the land subject to the Lease between Town of Marion Affordable Housing Trust and EAF Little Neck Village, LLC.  VOTE: 5-0-1

Mr. Henry made a motion, seconded by Mr. Blanchette for authorization to sign lease, master copy of lease, notice of lease with trustee permission, Paul sign notice.         VOTE:   5-0-1

Habitat for Humanity
Representatives from Habitat for Humanity discussed procedures for their organization.

An application was submitted on February 10, 2010.

New Business
Mr. Dawson will be advertising for a Trustee replacement.

Mr. Blanchette made a motion and was seconded by Ms. Burrill not to renew NAHRO (National Association of Housing & Redevelopment Officials) monthly newsletter.  VOTE: 6-0-0

Moved by Mr. Grady, seconded by Mr. Cushing to purchase a plaque in honor of Mr. Foster. VOTE: 6-0-0

Mr. Grady made a motion to go into executive session to discuss the possible purchase of a piece of property.  The Affordable Housing Trust deems that open public negotiation would be detrimental to negotiating strategies and Mr. Grady amended the motion to that effect.   Motion seconded by Mr. Cushing.  VOTE:  Mr. Henry I, Mr. Blanchette I, Mr. Grady I, Ms. Burrill I, Mr. Cushing I.  At 8:43 p.m. into executive session.

Respectfully submitted,

Grace Hatch, Assistant MAHT