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December 8, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Ora Mae Torres, Chair
                                Dorothy Burrill
                                Steve Cushing
                                James Grady
                                Roger Blanchette
ALSO PRESENT:           Helen Westergard
                                Suzanne Peterson
                                Karen Sunnarborg

Mrs. Torres called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Meeting Minutes
Moved by Mr. Grady to approve the minutes of October 13th and November 10, 2009 and seconded by Mr. Blanchette.  October 13, 2009 VOTE: 4-0-1 (Mr. Cushing abstained)
November 10, 2009 VOTE: 5-0-0

LNV Expansion Project  
Ms. Torres updated the news of the expansion project.  We are still waiting to hear from DHCD.  Dana Angelo has set up a preconstruction meeting which included Jon Witten who represented the ZBA.  Unfortunately,  Dana Angelo couldn’t make the meeting.  There was a representative from Dellbrook, Mr. Ferelli and also from EA Fish, Mr. Tom Reed who will be representing EA Fish for the construction piece.   Dana Angelo will remain as lead person for the lease.  There is a baseline schedule from EA Fish.  Mr. Dawson is still working on the Policies and Procedures for the rent calculation which will be voted on at a later time.  Ms. Torres noted that this will be part of the side agreement.  Mr. Dawson and Jon Witten have been working on the lease in terms of the insurance and the language.  Ms. Torres noted that EA Fish is paying for all the fencing.  The perimeter of the water side calls for a split rail fence.  The rest of the perimeter of the property is chain link and is 6 inches above the ground.  

Housing Production Plan
Ms. Torres noted there will be a multi board meeting on January 12, 2010 at the Music Hall.  This includes the Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning Board, Board of Health and the Conservation Commission for Ms. Sunnarborg to do a presentation on the Housing Needs Assessment so that we can get feedback from each of them.  There was discussion on the Housing Needs Assessment Draft with some minor changes in the format.  Ms. Sunnarborg will re-draft the Housing Needs Assessment with the changes and will prepare a power point presentation for the meeting on January 12th.  Ms. Torres will put a press release in the newspapers.  Ms. Torres asked if Ms. Sunnarborg could meet with the trust again in February, at that time we could talk about strategies.  Ms. Sunnarborg asked about town owned properties.  Mr. Blanchette suggested contacting Mr. Rockwell.   Application has been made to DHCD for the 4 units on River Road to be certified for our subsidized housing inventory.   

February 10, 2010 is the deadline that applications need to be submitted for potential projects.  On December 16, 2009 there will be a public hearing for which folks will come with proposals and the CPC committee will be there to answer questions and pick up applications that are due on February 10, 2010.  This will be at the Music Hall.  Folks can submit additional information on February 24th on their proposals.  On March 10, 2010 there is a follow up second public hearing to review and discuss CPC prior to the 2010 spring town meeting.  There was discussion regarding assisted living and affordable family housing in Marion.

Little Neck Village

Maintenance Log Update
At present time no incidences to report.  

Old Business
We are waiting on Jon Witten – Town Counsel for a definition on homelessness.  Mr. Witten also needs to check the status of  D’Italia  so the town can certify the units.   Once there is a comprehensive permit the town can go forward with the certification. We will then be able to include the numbers in our subsidized housing inventory.

New Business
The schedule of meetings for 2010 was given to all members.

Minutes from transcription by,

Grace Hatch, Assistant - MAHT