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September 8, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Ora Mae Torres, Chair
Dorothy Burrill
                                Jon Henry
                                Steve Cushing
                                Roger Blanchette

                                Reginald Foster
ALSO PRESENT:           Helen Westergard
                                Suzanne Peterson

Mrs. Torres called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

Approval of Meeting Minutes
Moved by Mr. Cushing and seconded by Mr. Blanchette with 1 addition to approve the minutes of the August 11, 2009 meeting as written.  VOTE:  5-0-0

Little Neck Village

Maintenance Log Update
Mrs. Torres noted that in our policies and in our minutes it has always been that the residents go directly to the DPW.  Mr. Blanchette said that the committee does not want this and Mr. Henry agreed.  Mrs. Torres said a vote needed to be taken to change the current policy.  Mrs.Burrill made a motion that Grace should be called and be the first official on it and a log be kept in town hall and follow-up until the issue is resolved.  Seconded by Mr. Cushing VOTE: 4-1-0

Waiting List Update
Mrs. Torres noted that everyone on the waiting list received notice.  This will be updated on an annual basis.  

Vacant Unit
The vacancy that exists is in the 2nd step process.  Mrs. Torres will e-mail everyone with the draft letter for the other 2 people regarding the vacancy.  We will discuss at the October Meeting.  Mr. Blanchette asked if pets are allowed and is there any language in the Tenant Selection Plan?   Mrs. Torres noted we would some research.  Mrs. Burrill asked if the current income guidelines will apply to the new residents.  Mrs. Torres noted it is not for any new residents coming in.  The calculations will be based on the formula’s at 60% in the HUD figures.  We will be setting up a meeting with Laurie McGuire & Grace so that there is a better understanding of the application.  Mrs. Burrill would like to be present.     

Housing Production Plan
Karen Sunnarborg was selected as the consultant.  She has extensive experience.  Mrs. Torres offered a second meeting in September or for the next meeting in October to meet her.  The trust felt that the next meeting in October would be find.   Mrs. Burrill asked was she up to date on current procedures.  Mrs. Torres noted that she is the most current of the 3.  Mr. Cushing asked when Karen Sunnarborg will be starting?  Mrs. Torres said she is already under contract.  

LNV Expansion Project
Mrs. Torres noted that there was a meeting to review the lease and Jon Witten attended and they had a quorum and Paul Dawson sat in.  Mrs. Torres would like to thank Jim Grady and Reg Foster for doing a superb job going through the lease word for word along with Jon Witten, Town Counsel.  She feels that the town could not have better representation. I would like to thank them very much for their work.  Mrs. Torres said that one of the concerns for the project is keeping the building permit active.  Approximately two weeks ago EA Fish put in a sonatube so we officially have broken ground on the site.  This will preserve the building permit as active.

Captain’s Cottage

EA Fish received their Memorandum of Agreement from Mass Historical.  EA Fish now needs approval of the agreement.

Mrs. Torres made a motion to accept the Memorandum of Agreement by Mass Housing & EA Fish.

VOTE:  5-0-0

Hermitage Trust Property
Mrs. Torres noted that the closing should still happen in September per Jon Witten.  The Hermitage Trust attorney has restated the terms and plans for the structures and is reviewing.  Jon Witten during the lease review talked about the existing lot line that exists and he said to make it clean it should be removed and he will take care of that.  Mrs. Burrill asked about the fence on the property.  Mrs. Torres will follow-up.    

New Business
A motion was made by Mr. Blanchette to purchase a transcription recorded and seconded by Mr. Cushing, VOTE 5-0-0

Respectfully submitted,

Ora Mae Torres, Chair