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June 17, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Ora Mae Torres, Chair
James Grady
Dorothy Burrill
                                Jon Henry
                                Reg Foster
                                Steve Cushing

MEMBERS ABSENT: Roger Blanchette
ALSO PRESENT:           Jon Witten
                                Paul Dawson
                                Helen Westergard
                                Suzanne Peterson
                                Dana Angelo

Mrs. Torres called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Meeting Minutes
Moved by Mr. Cushing and seconded by Mr. Grady to approve the minutes of the April 14 meeting as written.  VOTE:  6-0-0

Discussion – Financial Report
Mr. Grady made the following observations regarding the financial report:
The report does not contain an ending date
The “contract date” item does not specify whether it’s the beginning or end date of the contract
The line item for Daley & Witten should contain a zero

Little Neck Village

2009 – 2010 Leases
Revisions to language contained in the 2009-2010 leases were discussed.  It was agreed that there will be a lease for tenants currently residing at Little Neck Village and there will be a lease for anyone moving in after July 1.  

Moved by Mr. Grady and seconded by Mr. Henry that there will be two leases; one for the existing tenants, with the final sentence in the paragraph removed, and another lease for any new tenants after July 1, with the final sentence remaining.  VOTE:  6-0-0

Maintenance log update
The following issues have been resolved or are in the process of being resolved:
Repair of the upper level concrete decks has been priced; temporary repairs should be done this week.  
An exterminator has sprayed the outside foundation area; one tenant has complained that her unit still has spiders, beetles, etc.  
The unit numbers have been replaced.
All locks and keys have been changed.  
A tenant requested rubber stripping for her refrigerator door; the stripping has been installed.
A tenant requested a list of repairs; the DPW does not take care of all of the requested repairs.  One request was for the repair of a hole in the deck, which will be taken of this week.
Two requests for washing machine repair have been taken care of.
An unsigned letter requesting clearing of brush and high grass at the rear of the site was received.  The letter was forwarded to DPW; Mrs. Torres said that would result in trespassing and conservation issues and it’s not likely that the work will be done.  
Mrs. Westergard said she has insects in her apartment.  DPW has indicated that they do not spray the insides of the units; Mrs. Westergard said she was told it’s been done in the past.  Mrs. Peterson said she has seen spider eggs in the shingles, which were not sprayed.  Mr. Dawson said he could talk to DPW again but there are concerns relative to public health complaints.  He said right now the inclination is to have the tenants handle the unit interiors themselves.  

Waiting List
The waiting list is still in the process of being updated.  
59 applications were sent out
8 were returned by the post office
10 requests to be removed from the list were received
31 requests to remain on the list were received
4 new names were added to the list
25 of the names on the list are of residents or family members of residents
6 of the names on the list are of non-residents
On May 13, 21 follow-up letters were sent to people who had not responded to the first round of letters.  8 were returned by the post office, 3 are being followed up on, 5 have not responded.  One person was missed on the follow-up list and a message was left on her answering machine today.  One person said she would be returning her application but then yesterday she indicated that she will be requesting to have her name removed from the list.  
Several people have requested that their names be removed from the list because they are over the income limits; some of the people on the list are over the income limit and would not be eligible for a unit if one were available to them today.

RFP for Housing Production Plan update consultant
Mrs. Torres has had conversations with some consultants.  Mr. Dawson explained that the Trust was required to solicit but not receive requests for prices from at least three companies.  For projects less than $20,000 three written quotes were required; projects greater than $25,000 require a sealed bid process.  
Mr. Dawson said the important thing is for the Trust to develop a comprehensive scope of work to include all the things they want done.  

Moved by Mr. Grady and seconded by Mr. Cushing that Mrs. Torres work with the Town Administrator and Town Counsel to prepare the necessary RFP to advertise for a consultant consistent with DHCD rules and regulations.  VOTE:  6-0-0    

CPC Representative
Moved by Mr. Grady and seconded by Mr. Henry that Ms. Burrill be reaffirmed as the Trust’s representative to the Community Preservation Committee for the next fiscal year.  VOTE:  6-0-0

Open Space/MAHT CPC project
Mr. Rockwell has informed Mrs. Torres that there are some problems with the property, primarily because a firm figure (including closing costs and legal fees) has not been agreed to.  Mr. Rockwell is looking for another property to work with in the event that the issue is not resolved.  

One Stop Application Presentation – Dana Angelo
Mr. Angelo gave the Trust an update on the application due June 25.  He said over the last month EA Fish has been trying to show DHCD, Mass Housing, and MHC that they are ready to proceed once the tax credits have been approved.  

The Trust discussed and approved a letter to be sent to DHCD; the letter, which will be signed by various Board Chairs and Department heads, will voice support for the project.           
Moved by Mr. Grady and seconded by that the Trustees vote formally to approve the project known as Little Neck Village and the latest application for 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits and also to give our vote to the appropriate parties including, but not limited to, Ms. Tina Brooks, undersecretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts DHCD.  VOTE:  6-0-0

Executive Session
Moved by Mr. Grady and seconded by Ms. Burrill at 8:25 p.m. that the Trust go into Executive Session and not come out thereafter for the purpose of discussing legal matters involving real estate transfers and related legal matters concerning pending matters.  VOTE:  A roll call vote was taken with Mr. Grady, Ms. Burrill, Mr. Foster, Mrs. Torres, Mr. Henry, and Mr. Cushing all voting yes.    

Respectfully submitted,

Ora Mae Torres, Chair