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April 14, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Ora Mae Torres, Chair
James Grady
Dorothy Burrill
                                Jon Henry (joined meeting at 7:15 p.m.)
                                Roger Blanchette                
Reg Foster
                                Steve Cushing
ALSO PRESENT:           Jon Witten
                                Helen Westergard
                                Andrea Smith
                                Suzanne Peterson
Mrs. Torres called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Meeting Minutes
Moved by Mr. Blanchette and seconded by Mrs. Burrill to approve the minutes of the March 11 meeting as written.  VOTE:  5-0-2 (Mr. Cushing, Mr. Foster abstained)

Little Neck Village project updates
DHCD Tax Credit Application
The Little Neck Village expansion was not in the first round of LIHTC awards.  The next submission date will be the end of June/July 1 and there is a possibility of a second tier of awards prior to the second submission date.   There were approximately 80 applications in this round and 39 of them were approved.  

Captain’s Cottage
The Town will be entering into a Memo of Agreement with the State Historic Commission and Mass. Housing Finance Agency prior to the demolition of the Captain’s Cottage.   

Little Neck Village
Waiting List
The waiting list is in the process of being updated.  59 letters and pre-applications were sent out; 7 letters were returned by the Post Office, 6 requests to be removed from the waiting list have been received, 15 requests to remain on the waiting list have been received.  Of the 15 requests to remain on the list 13 were residents or had a family member who was a resident, and 2 were non-residents.    
Mrs. Torres said it appears that many of the requests to be removed from the list may be due to excess income.  She it was her understanding that when the project was constructed in 1976 it was intended to be affordable housing for low income seniors; however, some people on the list were under the impression that it was for anybody who met the residency requirements and if a tenant had more money they simply paid more rent.  Mrs. Burrell asked if there was anyone who was not eligible because they could not afford the new rents of $894.  She was told the income limits, not the rent amount, was included in the application.  Mrs. Burrell voiced concern that the Trust will be missing people who won’t be able to afford the rent that will result from the 30%-60% gap.  She asked if there was a way to learn more about the demographics of Marion’s elderly population; Mrs. Torres said she believed the names on the waiting list represented that population.    
Mr. Blanchette asked what will be done with the returned mail; he was told one contained a forwarding address and that person has been contacted.  Mrs. Torres said most housing agencies require potential tenants to take responsibility for updating their addresses with the agencies.       
Mr. Foster noted that the title of the chapter authorizing the funds for the original construction of Little Neck Village was, “For Elderly People of Low Income”, and it has always been intended for elderly people of low income.  Mrs. Burrill explained how Village Court in Mattapoisett and Marconi Village calculates the rents and stated for the record her continued concern over the gap caused by the 30% and 60% spread proposed for Little Neck Village.

Decision – New Tenants
At last month’s meeting the Trust agreed to delay their decision on renting the vacant unit until the first round of funding was announced.  Mr. Foster asked when the unit became vacant; he was told it officially became vacant approximately one month ago.  Mrs. Burrill said there are people on the waiting list who have been waiting for a long time, and the Trust does not know when and if the project will be approved.  Trustees discussed whether EA Fish’s agreement to maintain the current rent of existing tenants applied to a tenant who will be occupying the vacant unit.  Ms. Burrill asked if the Trust should notify EA Fish of the vacancy and waiting list and was told yes.  Mrs. Torres asked if this should be brought up in the lease negotiations.  Mr. Grady said the most conservative approach would be to notify the new tenant that they will have to pay a higher rent when EA Fish takes over management.  
Moved by Mr. Grady and seconded by Mrs. Burrill that the Trust rent the vacant apartment as soon as possible after the work is completed by DPW and that the tenant come off the list as appropriately should and that the tenant be advised in writing that he or she is subject to a rent increase at the time if they choose to move to the new development and that may involve a revised rent schedule.  But for the time being the rent will be structured the same as the other tenants.  It is the sense of the Trust that every effort will be made to meet with Mr. Fish and/or his representatives in order to improve the current tenant list so that the new tenant will receive the benefit of the rent agreement.   VOTE:  7-0-0

FY10 Leases
The paperwork for the FY10 leases will be prepared and mailed to the tenants this week.  Attorney Witten will review the leases and make a recommendation on the addition of language relative to construction.  

Moved by Mr. Grady and seconded by Mr. Cushing to take agenda items 5a and 5b out of order at this time and address agenda item 4 afterwards.  VOTE:  7-0-0

Old/New Business
Staff Report  
A call was received today from a resident of Little Neck Village; she stated that the unit identification numbers are black and are placed directly on the siding of the buildings.    The resident recommends the numbers be replaced or painted a lighter color.  Mr. Zora will be contacted and asked to replace or repaint the numbers.

A letter was received from a resident of Little Neck Village voicing two complaints:  
1.  The second level common patio areas have missing, cracked, or loose bricks and concrete blocks.
2.  Infestation of bugs, including spiders.  

A procedure to address and resolve complaints and requests for repairs was discussed.  

Financial Statements
When reviewing financial statements at last month’s meeting the Trust had a question about investment income; Mrs. Torres explained the income is interest earned from a savings account.             

LIHTC Application
Andrea Smith asked if the application will be automatically resubmitted to DHCD or if a new application will be required.  Mrs. Torres said it was not clear if there will be another announcement prior to the next submission or if a new submission will be required.  Mrs. Smith asked if an additional announcement will be the result of other towns not moving forward with their projects; Mrs. Torres said she is not sure and the additional announcement is only hearsay at this time.    
Executive Session
Moved by Mr. Grady and seconded by Mr. Blanchette at 7:55 p.m. that the Trust go into Executive Session solely for the purpose of discussing litigation with counsel as it relates to a land issue involving Little Neck Village and the lease as it relates to that matter.  The Trust will not be coming back from Executive Session to open session.  VOTE:  A roll call vote was taken with Mr. Grady, Mrs. Torres, Mr. Blanchette, Mr. Henry, Mr. Cushing, Mr. Foster, and Mrs. Burrill all voting yes.    

Respectfully submitted,

Ora Mae Torres, Chair