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February 17, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Ora Mae Torres, Chair
James Grady
Dorothy Burrill
                                Steve Cushing
Jon Henry
                                Roger Blanchette (left meeting at _______)                              
ALSO PRESENT:           Jon Witten
                                Paul Dawson

Mrs. Torres called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.

Executive Session
Moved by Mr. Blanchette and seconded by Mrs. Burrill at 4:05 p.m. that the Trust go into Executive Session to discuss matters under negotiation and contractual matters with respect to the real property lease of Little Neck Village.  The Trust will reconvene and do other business after Executive Session.  VOTE:  A roll call vote was taken with Mrs. Torres, Mr. Blanchette, Mr. Henry, Mrs. Burrill, Mr. Cushing, and Mr. Grady all voting yes.    

CPC Application
NOTE:  Mr. Blanchette left the meeting during this discussion.  
John Rockwell was present for this discussion.  At last week’s CPC meeting he spoke with Mrs. Burrill about a possible partnership between the Trust and the Open Space Acquisition Committee.   The Open Space Acquisition Committee is submitting a CPC application to purchase a 3.4 acre property on Wareham Street and is proposing to subdivide the lot into two parcels.  One of the parcels would be 5000 square feet and would be transferred to the Trust for construction of an affordable housing unit.  A dwelling currently exists on the site; it would require extensive rehabilitation or demolition.  

At the January 12 meeting the Trust had agreed to pursue four priorities (accessory dwelling units, family housing, assisted living, and update of the Affordable Housing Plan/Housing Production Plan) in this year’s application for CPC funds.  The four priorities were bundled into one application but Ms. Burrill has been instructed by the CPC to submit separate applications.    

Moved by _____________ and seconded by Mr. Henry to drop three of the CPC applications and move forward with the request for funds to update the Affordable Housing Plan.  VOTE:  5-0-0

Moved by Mr. Grady and seconded by ______________ that the Trust join the Open Space Acquisition Committee in its application to the Community Preservation Committee for the purchase of the property referenced in their application dated February 10, 2009 and described as a 3.4 acre lot on Route 6 and as pursuant to the materials submitted by Mr. Rockwell to the Trust and that the Trust supports application.  VOTE:  5-0-0

Discussion – Housing Stock Count
Trust members briefly discussed the impact large projects have on the total housing stock count and the 10% affordable requirement.         

Moved by Mr. Grady and seconded by ___________ to adjourn at 5:55 p.m.   

Respectfully submitted,

Ora Mae Torres, Chair