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Zoning Board of Appeals September 6, 2012


September 6, 2012


1.      Adjourned Application 6SP-2012, VIPULKUMAR PATEL D/B/A FARMER’S MARKET, 955 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 8, Block 54, Lot 1A1), for a special permit to operate an existing farmer’s market under new ownership.  (C-1 District)

2.      Application #11SP-2012, RICHARD BECKER D/B/A 3SIXD RESTAURANT GROUP, LLC, 360 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 9, Block 18, Lot 23A), for a special permit to operate a restaurant in an existing restaurant space.  (C-2 District)

3.      Application 12SP-2012, JAVES CHAVEZ, 543 Halstead Avenue (Section 4, Block 26, Lot 4A1), for a special permit to operate a drop-off/pick-up only dry cleaning service.  (C-1 District)

4.      Application #13SP-2012, HECTOR A. SOTO D/B/A ASHLEY CJ CORP., 152-158 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 9, Block 50, Lot 19A), for a special permit to operate an existing restaurant under new ownership.  (C-2 District)

5.      Adjourned Application #24A-2012, F & B LLC. D/B/A CLUB CAR RESTAURANT, 1 Station Plaza (Section 9, Block 2, Lot 2A1), for an area variance of Article VIII, Sections 342-54 (Layout, Location & Maintenance) and 342-56 (Off Street Parking Requirements) for a Certificate of Occupancy for additional seating where the applicant proposes zero on-site parking spaces and 28 on-site parking spaces are required.  (C-1 District)

6.      Application #14SP-2012, F & B LLC. D/B/A CLUB CAR RESTAURANT, 1 Station Plaza (Section 9, Block 2, Lot 2A1), to amend a special permit to operate a restaurant in order to increase seating inside the restaurant and add seasonal outside seating.  (C-1 District)

7.      Application #1S-2012, F & B LLC. D/B/A CLUB CAR RESTAURANT, 1 Station Plaza (Section 9, Block 2, Lot 2A1), for a sign variance to erect three façade signs as the signs are a violation of Village Code 286-12 (Signs) where business establishments shall be limited to one façade sign and the applicant proposes three façade signs.  (C-1 District)

8.      Application #22A-2012, DANIEL LORD & LAURA COYLE, 315 West Street (Section 4, Block 46, Lot 2D1), to receive a Certificate of Compliance for a deck built under Permit 21306 as the deck violates Article V, Section 342-27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the applicant has an 8.12 foot front yard setback and 20 feet is required.  (R-5 District)

9.      Application #25A-2012, PETER UNGER AND JULIA UNGER, 540 Munro Avenue (Section 9, Block 47, Lot 12), for an area variance to construct a retaining wall on a corner lot as the retaining wall violates Article IV, Section 342-14C(1) where the applicant proposes a 6 foot high retaining wall with a four foot long section of the wall varying in height from six feet to ten feet, and the maximum height allowed is 4 feet.  (R-7.5 District)

10.     Application #26A-2012, THIERRY POURCHET AND FLORENCE POURCHET, 1000 Seahaven Drive (Section 9, Block 111, Lot 3), to legalize an existing shed where the legalization of the shed violates Article V, Section 342-27 of the Schedule of Minimum Requirements where the applicant proposes 10 feet from the front yard setback and 25 feet is required.  The shed also violates the side yard setback where the applicant has 2.2 feet for the side yard and 20 feet is required.  The shed also violates the combined side yard setback where the applicant has an 18.6 feet setback and 45 feet is required.  (R-20 District)

11.     Application #28A-2012, JEFFERSON MEIGHAN AND MARCIA MEIGHAN, 118 Mt. Pleasant Avenue (Section 9, Block 40, Lot 26), to install on-grade terrace and structural support columns for a second floor balcony where the on-grade deck, change of the rear steps and the alteration of the second floor balcony with a deck below violates Article IX, Section 342-64(A) (Nonconforming Uses & Buildings):  A building or structure the use of which does not conform to the use regulations for the district in which it is situated shall not be altered, enlarged or extended unless the use is changed to a conforming use.  The dwelling is a three family house in a single family zone.  (R-5 District)

12.     Application #29A-2012, JAMES JACKMAN D/B/A J & G CERTIFIED AUTO SERVICE, INC, 976 Mamaroneck Avenue (Section 8, Block 53, Lot 4), for an area variance of Article VIII, Section 342-56 (Off Street Parking Requirements) where the applicant wishes to alter the interior of an existing convenience store and proposes 10 parking spaces where 12 parking spaces are required.  (C-1 District)


        1.      April 5, 2012 Minutes
        2.      May 3, 2012 Minutes
        2.      June 7, 2012 Minutes
        3.      July 18, 2012 Minutes


  • ZBA Procedures
And such other matters that may come before the Board