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Meeting Minutes 10/22/2007

PRESENT: Mayor Philip Trifiletti
Trustees Thomas A. Murphy
Toni Pergola Ryan
John M. Hofstetter
Anthony Fava
Village Manager Leonard M. Verrastro
Village Attorney Lino Sciarretta
Police Department Lieutenant James Gaffney
Clerk-Treasurer Agostino A. Fusco


As there was a group of young men that came to address the Board, Mayor Trifiletti invited them to speak first, so that they did not have to stay late. Doug Brown spoke on behalf of the group. He stated that they would like to have a skating park built at Harbor Island behind the water treatment plant. They attended the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board at the Board’s suggestion. The Parks and Recreation Board approved it in theory, however they would like to see the park plans. Mr. Brown stated that everything they are suggesting for the park is portable and will not cost the Village any money to build. Mayor Trifiletti informed the group that the suggested site for this park is where the tennis courts are going to be built and even though the equipment is portable, he would not want something put there that would just have to moved in the near future. The Mayor asked the group to also speak with the Harbor Island Master Plan Committee as the group is looking at having this at the Harbor. He also suggested other sites be investigated. Village Manager Verrastro is having the Village’s insurance company look at the liability this would bring to the Village. Mr. Brown stated that he would like it run as a basketball or tennis court is run, with no supervision, having the same freedom as basketball players. Trustee Fava, as liaison to the Parks and Recreation Board stated that there would be an ID card system set up for a nominal fee and that interested parties would be asked to fill out a form and sign a waiver and would then be given an ID card to present to a park ranger, stopping unauthorized use. The Board is concerned that there would be no supervision. Trustee Murphy suggested the group go back to the Parks and Recreation Board to have them help find a spot for a skate park. Trustee Ryan suggested the group show a video to the Boards demonstrating how these parks are constructed and how they operate.


A. Board of Trustees Regular Meeting – July 9, 2007

B. Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law 11-2007 (Subdivision Regulations) – July 9, 2007

C. Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law 12-2007 (Illegal Connections) – July 9, 2007

D. Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law 13-2007 (Wetlands) – July 9, 2007

E. Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law 14-2007 (Flood Damage Prevention) – July 9, 2007

F. Public Hearing on Village of Mamaroneck Comprehensive Plan Update – July 9, 2007

On motion of Trustee Murphy, seconded by Trustee Fava:

RESOLVED, that the above listed minutes be and are hereby approved as submitted.

Ayes: Fava, Hofstetter, Ryan, Murphy, Trifiletti

Nays: None


Clerk-Treasurer Fusco informed the Board that the only bills the Board should focus on were due to flood damage. They are $19,178 for building improvements and $56,940 for contractual services. These will be reimbursed either by FEMA or our insurance company.

On motion of Trustee Murphy, seconded by Trustee Hofstetter:

RESOLVED that the Abstract of Audited Vouchers listed below, copy being filed with the Village Clerk, be and the same are hereby ordered paid:

General Fund $ 392,217.62

Capital Fund 214,175.00

Mamaroneck Health Center 140.00

Guarantee & Bid Deposit 11,786.32

$ 618,318.94

Ayes: Fava, Hofstetter, Ryan, Murphy, Trifiletti

Nays: None



Village Manager Verrastro reminded the Board that these positions need to be filled so if there are residents who are interested in serving on one of these boards, they should contact the Clerk-Treasurer’s office.



Mayor Trifiletti stated that this resolution would substitute the firm of Silverberg Zalantis, for Thacher, Proffitt & Wood and the law office of Joseph Messina, to represent the Village and Zoning Board of Appeals in the Westchester Day School case. Trustee Murphy believes that it is time to move in a different direction in the case and is hopeful that an amicable solution can be found.

Mr. Mauro Gabriele appeared before the Board to state that he believes this is shortsighted and that you "cannot switch horses in the middle of a race". In his opinion, the amount of time it will take to bring another law firm up to speed will cost a small fortune. He also believes that the attorneys handling this case have done a very good job and that the judges have been shortsighted in their decisions. He implored the Board not to make this mistake and that it will be a detriment to the Village.

On motion of Trustee Murphy, seconded by Trustee Hofstetter:

WHEREAS, on October 17, 2007, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in the action entitled Westchester Day School v. the Village of Mamaroneck (Docket No. 06-1464) (the "Action") rendered a decision that was adverse to the Village of Mamaroneck;

WHEREAS, the Village Board of the Village of Mamaroneck ("Village Board") is greatly concerned about the substantial legal fees incurred by the Village of Mamaroneck in defending the claims raised in the Action and is concerned about the potential great costs to the Village of Mamaroneck’s residents and taxpayers; and

WHEREAS, the Village Board believes that it is in the best interest of the Village of Mamaroneck to have one law firm represent both the Village of Mamaroneck and the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Mamaroneck going forward;

NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED that the law firm of Silverberg Zalantis LLP shall be substituted in the place and stead of the law firms of Thacher Proffitt & Wood LLP (currently representing the Village of Mamaroneck) and the Law Offices of Joseph Messina (currently representing the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Mamaroneck); and

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the law firms of Thacher Proffitt & Wood LLP and the Law Offices of Joseph Messina are hereby directed to execute and deliver all required documents to effectuate the change of counsel and transfer of the Action to Silverberg Zalantis LLP and are further hereby directed to turn over all files concerning and/or relating to the Action, including all electronic files, to Silverberg Zalantis LLP.

Ayes: Fava, Hofstetter, Ryan, Murphy, Trifiletti

Nays: None


As the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees scheduled to be held on Monday, November 12, 2007, falls on a holiday (Veteran’s Day), it needs to be rescheduled.On motion of Trustee Ryan, seconded by Trustee Hofstetter:

RESOLVED that the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees scheduled to be held on Monday, November 12, 2007, be and the same is hereby rescheduled for Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. in the Courtroom at Village Hall.

Ayes: Fava, Hofstetter, Ryan, Murphy, Trifiletti

Nays: None



Trustee Murphy, as representative on the Cable TV Board informed the Board that the sole cable provider in the area is Cablevision and that Verizon has been stringing fiber optic cable in the area to be able to offer television, telephone and data service. They need a franchise agreement to be able to offer cable television service. The Cable TV Board has been in negotiations with Verizon for the past year and is in tandem negotiations with Cablevision, as their franchise agreement is up for renewal. This will bring competition to the market, having more than one company serving the area. Trustee Murphy explained that the Villages of Mamaroneck and Larchmont with the Town of Mamaroneck are part of a Cable Television Board of Control and we receive 5% of the cable provider’s gross income as our franchise fee. The Board has put this money back in cable television with LMC-TV. An agreement has been negotiated with Verizon, part of which is a good amount of "PEG" money that will go directly to LMC-TV for equipment. Trustee Murphy believes it is a good agreement that will provide money for LMC-TV in the future. All three communities need to accept this agreement, after pubic hearings are held. Trustee Murphy asked that a copy of the agreement be put on the website.

On motion of Trustee Murphy, seconded by Trustee Ryan:

RESOLVED that a public hearing will be held by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck on the 13th day of November 2007 at 7:30 p.m. on the Verizon New York Cable Franchise Agreement.

Ayes: Fava, Hofstetter, Ryan, Murphy, Trifiletti

Nays: None


Mayor Trifiletti read a letter sent from Lee Bloom, member of the Board of Directors of the Westchester Chapter/ United Nations Association of the United States of America, asking the Village Board to proclaim United Nations Week in the Village of Mamaroneck and fly our UN flag in the Village flag array during the week of October 21 – 28, 2007 in observance of the 62nd anniversary of the UN’s founding in 1945. Mayor Trifiletti then read a copy of the Proclamation, which has been filed for the record.

Mr. Bloom addressed the Board thanking them for their courtesy and support.


Village Manager Verrastro informed the Board that the Village has been awarded $2,747 in State funds, with no local match required, for the transportation of Senior Citizens as part of our Community Services program. This money is to subsidize fuel costs in transporting seniors to doctor’s visits, lab appointments, hospitals, etc., administered through our Community Services Office. Authorization is required for the Village Manager to execute this agreement with the County.

On motion of Trustee Hofstetter, seconded by Trustee Ryan:

RESOLVED, that Village Manager Verrastro be and is herby authorized to execute the agreement by and between the County of Westchester, acting by and through its Department of Senior Programs and Services and the Village of Mamaroneck for transportation funding for Senior Citizens as part of the Village’s Community Services Program.

Ayes: Fava, Hofstetter, Ryan, Murphy, Trifiletti

Nays: None



Village Manager Verrastro informed the Board that this is an intermunicpal agreement with the County of Westchester for access to telecommunications services through the network provided to the County under an agreement with Cablevision. This agreement was first entered into on March 2, 2000 with Cablevision Lightpath, Inc. for the provision of full voice, video and data transmission services along a high-speed telecommunications network for a five year term commencing on January 1, 2001. The County and Cablevision have renewed the agreement for an additional five year term, for the period commencing January1, 2006. There is a thirty day notice period for canceling this agreement if a better deal is negotiated with another carrier.

On motion of Trustee Hofstetter, seconded by Trustee Ryan:

RESOLVED, that Village Manager Leonard M. Verrastro is hereby authorized to sign an agreement with the County of Westchester for use of Cablevision’s transmission services for a five year period commencing January 1, 2006, on behalf of the Village of Mamaroneck.

Ayes: Fava, Hofstetter, Ryan, Murphy, Trifiletti

Nays: None


A Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law 16-2007, a Local Law amending Section 254-3 (Specific Prohibitions) of Chapter 254 (Noise) of the Code of the Village of Mamaroneck needs to be scheduled. Mr. Chris Simonowski, a local landscaper appeared before the Board stating that he believes the timing of this came at a point where it would not be noticed by area landscapers and gardeners as it would not prohibit the use of leaf blowers until October 1st. He also asked why landscapers are being singled out for using machinery that produces noise, when there are things like jackhammers and wood chippers that are just as loud or louder out there with just the leaf blowers being targeted. He also mentioned that other municipalities that have these ordinances make exceptions for municipal workers, schools and golf courses and their leaf blowers make the same noise as those being used by landscapers and gardeners. He said that landscapers are getting around the leaf blower laws by using other equipment to blow clippings and leaves, which can be dangerous. He also believes that it is not an affective law and generally is not enforced.

Trustee Ryan stated that this proposed law came out of the Committee for the Environment and by no means did they try to time it so that it would not be noticed. The law had an error in it and had to be redrafted. Secondly, it is not only the noise that concerns the Committee, but the health of the community, as there are studies linking this piece of equipment to asthma and other respiratory problems. It is not only for the safety of the residents who hire the landscapers, but for the landscapers themselves as they are constantly using this equipment. That was their main reason for suggesting this law. Trustee Murphy understands that there are leaf blowers that have lower emissions; however, it is not only the emissions that are dangerous, but that the particulate matter that is being blown stays in the air.

On motion of Trustee Ryan, seconded by Trustee Murphy:

BE IT RESOLVED that a Public Hearing is hereby scheduled for November 26, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the Courtroom at Village Hall to consider Proposed Local Law 16-2007 pertaining to Leaf Blowers.

Ayes: Ryan, Hofstetter, Ryan, Murphy, Trifiletti

Nays: None



The Village’s IT Consultant, Frank Walsh, appeared before the Board, along with representatives from the Police Department, Regan Kelly and Chris Leahey and Fire Department, Chiefs Casterella and DeLitta, in connection with the replacement of the Village’s telephone system and to answer any questions the Board may have. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was prepared by Mr. Walsh of Business Communication Management in conjunction with the Village’s IT Committee. A spreadsheet summarizing the responses received to the RFP, which includes both "Voice Over IP" and a digital system was submitted to the Board and filed with the Clerk-Treasurer’s office. The final recommendation of the IT Committee, after meeting with the vendors, is for the Village to install a hybrid version of the IP Office System, which would be a combination of digital and IP telephones. Based on this recommendation, the cost would be an average between the digital and IP solution type. In order to proceed, the following appropriation is being requested:

System cost and installation $180,000

Consultant Fees 10,000

Contingency 10,000

Total Estimated Cost $200,000

As had been previously discussed, the current telephone system is over 20 years old and there have been numerous failures to the system, when the Village has been without voice mail and the Police and other departments have been without telephone service. The current system has become more and more difficult to maintain. The IT Committee and Village Manager are requesting that the Board approve this appropriation in the Capital Projects Fund, which can be amortized up to a period of ten (10) years.

BOT 10-22-07 pg. 7

There will the ability for unified messaging between email and voicemail and forwarding calls for mobility. The yearly cost of general maintenance of the existing system is $14,000 for general maintenance and $82,000 for service.

On motion of Trustee Fava, seconded by Trustee Hofstetter:

RESOLVED that $200,000 be and is hereby appropriated in the Capital Projects Fund for the purchase and installation of a new Village-wide Telephone/Communication System; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the financing for this project will be provided by the future adoption of the necessary bond resolution.

Ayes: Fava, Ryan, Hofstetter, Murphy, Trifiletti

Nays: None



In connection with an Intermunicipal Agreement (IMA) between the Village and the County, the County contracted with Savin Engineers to conduct an engineering investigation to identify sources of infiltration and inflow into the sanitary sewers serving certain neighborhoods identified as problem areas by the Village. Trustee Murphy stated that some residents are getting raw sewage in their homes. The IMA provided that the Village would rehabilitate the defective sanitary sewers identified and owned by the Village over a three year period and, in addition, will cause any illegal connections that were discovered to be disconnected.

Copies of the Executive Summary, Section VI – Recommendations and Table 22 – Cost Estimate of Recommended Rehabilitation, along with an overall summary that was distributed at a meeting held with the County, Savin Engineers and Village staff was provided to the Board for review. These reports are also on file with the Village Manager and Clerk-Treasurer. As the first phase of the rehabilitation, the General Foreman, Tony Iacovelli, has requested that $500,000 of that funding be appropriated in the Captial Projects Fund to begin the work on the locations listed in a memo submitted to the Board, which is also on file with the Village Manager and Clerk-Treasurer. The first phase will take from 4 – 6 months to complete.

On motion of Trustee Fava, seconded by Trustee Murphy:

RESOLVED that $500,000 be and is hereby appropriated in the Capital Projects Fund for the rehabilitation of sewer lines as identified in the report prepared by Savin Engineers, P.C. dated January 2007, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the financing in the amount of $500,000 be provided by the future adoption of the necessary bond resolution.

Ayes: Fava, Hofstetter, Ryan, Murphy, Trifiletti

Nays: None



In connection with proposed renovations for the Police Department at 169 Mt. Pleasant Avenue, a Request for Proposal was prepared for architectural services. Three responses were received and reviewed. This renovation had to be addressed for several reasons. One is that the Police Department is in the process of gaining accreditation. As part of this there needs to be two locker rooms; one for male officers and one for females. Also, the front desk will be moved to outside the courtroom, making it ADA compliant and able to protect the upper floors.

If the Board is willing to proceed, it is recommended that based on his proposal, an agreement be entered into with Gregg Cameron DeAngelis, AIA, for a total fee of $16,000, which would not include Option Two at this time.

On motion of Trustee Fava, seconded by Trustee Murphy:

RESOLVED that the Village Manager be and is hereby authorized to execute the agreement with Gregg Cameron DeAngelis, AIA on behalf of the Village; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following transfer of funds be and is hereby approved

From To

Account Amount Account Amount

A1990 Contingent A1010 Board of Trustees

.999 Account $16,000 .421 Contract Svs. $16,000

Ayes: Fava, Hofstetter, Ryan, Murphy, Trifiletti

Nays: None


The Village’s IT Committee and Telecommunications Consultant, Frank Walsh of Business Communications Management (BCM), have been meeting over the past several months discussing the migration and consolidation of the email exchange servers for the Police, Fire, and all other Village Departments. The Village currently uses three servers. The IT Committee recommends consolidation of these servers to one, which will be housed in a new IT room at Village Hall, 169 Mt. Pleasant Avenue.

After preparing a Request for Proposal, the Village received proposals from two firms. An Executive Summary was prepared for the Board’s review. Total Computer Group is the recommended vendor for a fee of $16,500. The project will also include new hardware, software and licenses for an additional cost of $20,500 bringing the total to $37,000. The server will be obtained from state contract. The IT Committee is planning to use the Police Department’s server as back up server for the Village. This server is only 2-3 years old. The other servers will be used as ancillary servers.

On motion of Trustee Murphy, seconded by Trustee Fava:

RESOLVED that $37,000 be and is hereby appropriated in the Capital Projects Fund for the design and installation of a new exchange server which will consolidate the current email exchange servers maintained separately for the Police, Fire and all other Village Departments; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the financing for this project will be provided by the future adoption of the necessary bond resolution.

Ayes: Fava, Hofstetter, Ryan, Murphy, Trifiletti

Nays: None




This is an agreement with Westchester County for January 1 – December 31, 2007.


This contract awarded to Clickable Oil is Filed for the Record.


This contract is Filed for the Record.

Village Manager Verrastro reminded residents that this is the last week for pick up of organic waste. This pick up with begin again in April.


Clerk-Treasurer Fusco thanked the IT Committee for their hard work over the last several months and all of the time they spent for the betterment of the Village.




A. Zoning Board of Appeals – July 24, 2007

B. Zoning Board of Appeals – September 6, 2007


Mr. Sid Albert appeared regarding a problem he has been dealing with for a very long time, which is the garbage being picked up in the middle of the night at the Toy Box on the Boston Post Road. He has called the police department and they do not respond. He notified the Board that the next time this happens, he is going to drive his car down and block the truck’s exit from the parking lot. He would like this problem resolved. The Board informed Mr. Albert that according to Village Code, the earliest the garbage can be picked up is 6 a.m. and this should not be happening. Trustee Hofstetter stated that he brought this issue to the attention of the Board several months prior as a resident of that neighborhood and it stopped for awhile. The Mayor asked the Village Manager to contact the carting company informing them that this practice must stop. Lt. Gaffney stated that he will inform the officers on the midnight shift to keep an eye on this area. Mr. Albert also stated that as the meter fees on Mamaroneck Avenue were raised, he thought it would have been nice to put stickers on the meters informing residents of the change.

Ms. Clara Borretto appeared. She lives on Grand Street and asked the Board if anyone is supervising the installation of the new sidewalks. Village Manager Verrastro informed her that the General Foreman and someone from the County are supervising. Ms. Borretto asked the Board if it would be possible to get a mirror put on the pole at Pelham Avenue and Old White Plains Road as it is difficult to see the cars coming down Old White Plains Road. She also asked for an update on a traffic study that was going to be done as there have been no speed limit signs put on Grand Street. She also mentioned that on Saturday she was in front of the Hispanic Resource Center and Judy Myers was almost hit, as she pulled out of the parking lot. Ms. Borretto was told that the data is being collected now.

Jim Hanley appeared to report on Fields For Kids. He thanked the Mayor and Trustees Ryan and Murphy for attending their round table last Saturday which was a follow up to their round table last March where they got the majority of local government and school officials together to speak about the lack of playing fields for the area’s children. A few items that were brought up at the meeting were: working with Sport Time at Harbor Island, action steps taken at Taylor’s Lane and relocating a light pole at Harbor Island to open up another practice field. He asked about the schedule with Sport Time. Mayor Trifiletti informed Mr. Hanley that Sport Time has just submitted a proposal with pictures on how the facility would look behind the sewage plant. The Mayor also announced that Sport Time will present this plan and their previous plan with the building and fields at their present site, at the November 13, 2007 meeting. After that there will be a public hearing held and a final decision made. He is hoping that this will be done by the end of the year, or in January. Trustee Murphy stated that not only does a site need to be approved, but the terms of the contract also need to be finalized. Mr. Hanley suggested having a series of meetings to discuss the master plan for Harbor Island as they did in Larchmont. Mr. Hanley also suggested that a complete survey of the entire Harbor Island Park be done as the Harbor Island Implementation Committee would find it very helpful in going forward with any plans. The issue of Kemper Park and not having a field in front of the High School was raised. Mr. Hanley notified the Board that the School Board has come up with another plan for fields that does not impact Kemper Park and he urged the Board to support the school in this effort. Lastly, Fields For Kids is waiting for their next project. They raised over $1 million for the Flint Park/Lorenzin Field master plan in Larchmont and brought over $2 million back to that community by co-writing the legacy plan with the Village of Larchmont. They would like to work with the Village of Mamaroneck next. Trustee Murphy stated that if the school plans pass, it will take some pressure off of the fields at the Harbor and Flint Park, allowing the fields to be rested more and more space for recreation leagues and for the residents of the Village.

Doug Dunaway appeared to inform the board that the florist on Spencer Avenue is constantly using the Spencer Parking Lot to park their trucks. This is at all hours of the day and night. Mr. Dunaway had photos of this that he shared with the Board. Not only are the trucks parked there during the night, but they are very noisy. The lot previously had signs stating that no commercial vehicles are allowed. Those signs were removed when the lot was renovated and they were not put back. Mr. Dunaway also informed the Board that these trucks are above the weight allowed by Village Code. This is an enforcement issue. The No Truck Parking signs will also be put back in the lot. Lt. Gaffney informed the Board that this will be looked in to and the laws enforced.

Stuart Tiekert appeared regarding the issue of the dead trees at Harbor Island that were brought up at the last meeting. He stated that the Tree Committee has had nothing to do with leaving these dead trees up as they were not aware of them and have requested a list of trees that need to be removed from the Village, but not have yet received this list.

Mr. Tiekert then raised the issue of Pine Street and now that the Article 78 has been decided, things can begin to move forward. He read the case and met with Rob Yamuder regarding some inconsistencies in his affidavit. Rob also informed him that the Village lost the $50,000 Bond as it has expired. Mr. Tiekert believes that Rob does not have a good understanding on how bad the construction was on Pine Street and they agreed to have a meeting about this. He was dismayed when he received a call from the Village Manager’s office canceling this meeting. Mr. Tiekert asked the Mayor to make sure that this issue is handled as he had been involved with the construction from the beginning. Mayor Trifiletti stated that the only involvement he had with the Pine Street construction was to insure the safety of a 300-year old tree, and nothing else. Village Manager Verrastro stated that Mr. Pannetta cannot obtain a certificate of occupancy on his home until the issues are resolved and that he cannot sell his home without this C of O. The Village may have to use imminent domain to get easements on properties so that the drainage issue can be addressed and fixed. Mr. Tiekert asked if the Village Manager and Assistant Village Manager would meet with him in the near future to go over the issue of Pine Street. The Village Manager would check schedules and have his office set up a meeting.

Mr. Randolph Scott appeared to bring two issues to the Board’s attention. One is how there is a Verizon generator in front of the mini-park on Madison Street and the wood plank that is being used to cover the cables running across the street is slick causing two ladies to slip on it. He is asking how long the residents can expect this to be there as it is a hazard. Village Manager Verrastro will look into this. The other issue is a request for something for the small children to play on at the park, as they are playing with the metal Verizon boxes, climbing on them. The Mayor asked the Village Manager to work with the Recreation Department to see if there is something that could be put there for the children to occupy themselves with.

Trustee Ryan reported on the Village’s first E-waste Day, which was very successful. This was an idea that came out of a meeting between the Committee for the Environment and the County. This is something that will happen bi-annually in the Village. Trustee Ryan informed the residents that she will be working again with the USO this year to raise money to send phone cards to our troops overseas for their use over the holidays.

Trustee Fava reported that on Monday, October 29th at the Women’s Club on Cortland Avenue, the Council of the Arts will be hosting an "Edutainment", which is an educational entertainment program on a feminist intended program to give voice to women historians.

Trustee Hofstetter reported that the Mamaroneck EMS is looking at starting up the ambulance fund again to encourage donations.

Mayor Trifiletti reminded all that the election will be on November 6, 2007, so everyone should get out and vote.


There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.