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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 2007/12/20

Town of Lyme Zoning Board of AdjustmentMinutes, December 20, 2007.
Board members present: Alan Greatorex, Chair, George Hartmann, Ross McIntyre, Jim PoageAbsent-Walt SwiftAlternate members present: Margot Maddock, Francis Bowles, acting recorder.Absent-Jane FantPublic: Luc Beaubien, Gerald MovelleThe meeting was called to order at 7:30.
Luc Beaubien, Applicant, Permit Application 2007-094, Map 408 Lot 47.1Project: permit existing telecommunications tower and extend it 30 feet at 36 Horton Lane:Luc Beaubien, Finowen, requested a continuation of Finowen’s hearing for a communications tower permit. He stated that he will meet with the conservation commission on January 4th or 5th to review his application. His application is also pending before the planning board. George Hartmann moved that the hearing be continued until 7:40 on January 17. Ross McIintyre seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
The minutes for the meetings of November 6th and 15th were reviewed and accepted. George Hartmann read the potion of the November 15th minutes dealing with Gerald Movelle’s application out loud to refresh the memories of all concerned.Gerald Movelle, Applicant, Permit Application 2007-092, Map 407 Lot 14Project: replace septic system and add basement to home at 53 Post Pond:The hearing for Gerald Movelle, as agent for Tara Greco, began at 8:10. This hearing is for a replacement septic system and placement of a foundation under an existing camp on the shore of Post Pond. Alan Greatorex appointed Margot Maddock to sit as a regular member for this hearing. Mr. Movelle presented a revised septic plan that responded to concerns expressed by the conservation commission regarding movement of the driveway and cutting of trees. The revised plan leaves the driveway in its present location, does not cut the trees that concerned the conservation commission and moves the leachfield slightly to allow these conditions. The leachfield is kept more than 75’ from a culvert. The setbacks on the leachfield are found to be 10’ from the road and 25’ from the side property line. Essentially all of the property is in the shoreland conservation district. Mr. Movelle noted that the state has approved the septic design based on the the revised drawing and that a permit number will be issued in a few days.The board entered deliberations. Alan noted that 75’ is required for a front setback and 35’ is required for side setback in the Rural District, and that the property is almost entirely within the Shoreland Conservation District. Jim noted that under section 5.13.E.3, a special exception is required, and may be granted, for a replacement septic system.Ross noted that replacement of the foundation will not change the footprint of the existing structure or further encroach into the shoreland zone. This meets the requirements of 8.27.Ross McIntyre made a motion to approve the application of Gerald Movelle for Tara Greco at map 407, Lot 14 in the rural district for special exceptions for construction of the replacement septic system under sections 5.13.E.3 and 8.27 and to install a foundation under the existing structure under section 8.27.Findings of fact: The lot is in the rural district and the shoreland conservation district. The Conservation Commission recommends the new septic system installation as an improvement as it decreases the likelihood of contamination in Post Pond. The requirements of Section 10:40 have been met. A copy of the Conservation Commission letter is to be made part of the file on this project. The existing metal septic tank will be removed and replaced with a more efficient tank and leachfield.Conditions: An approved copy of the septic system plan must be filed with the zoning administrator before a building permit can be issued. Any foundation drainage is to be designed to divert silt away from draining into Post Pond. Best construction practices are to be followed with particular attention paid to controlling runoff into Post Pond.The motion was seconded by Jim Poage and passed unanimously.The meeting was adjourned at 8:55.Respectfully submitted, Francis P. Bowles, acting recorder
Lyme ZBA minutes December 21, 2007                                                              Page 2