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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 2006/06/15
Lyme Zoning Board of Adjustment
Minutes: June 15, 2006

Board members: Present - Alan Greatorex, Chair; George Hartmann, Jim Poage
Absent - Walter Swift, Ross McIntyre
Alternate members: Present - Marcia Armstrong
Absent - Margot Maddock
Staff: Vickie Davis, Zoning Administrator; Adair Mulligan, recorder
Public: Ray and Tina Clark, Don and Betsy Derrick (Habitat for Humanity), Russell Balch

Chairman Greatorex appointed Marcia Armstrong to sit as a regular member.

Ray Clark, Applicant, Permit Application 2006-126, M201 L80.2
Project: build new house and garage at 25 Pleasant Street.
Continuation of the May 18 hearing, in which Ray Clark received approval to build a house and garage at his property in the Lyme Common District. Among the conditions is a requirement to obtain ZBA approval for the plan to relocate the water pipe serving the abutter’s property.
        The applicant submitted a plan that identified the location and section of a drainage swale that is satisfactory to the abutter. Jim, after reviewing the sketches furnished to the Board, asked if Ray is confident he will intercept the old water line. Russell Balch explained that the water line comes from the north and that it is better to put in a new line on a new route in case work on it is ever needed. Ray added that the design was Russell’s solution, and he considers it the least intrusive. Jim agreed.  Alan asked if there is room to do the rerouting. Ray said he would use a trencher which would be minimally invasive. There is no ledge, and with a 20' setback between the garage and the property line, there should be enough room. George asked if Russell is satisfied, and Russell confirmed that he is, and that he understands the drainage swale will be adequate to the task. Alan asked about grounds keeping issues. Ray said the slopes of the swale near the property line will be ~45 degrees and will require a hand mower or string weed-eater. Ray confirmed that the agreement has been notarized. Alan advised Russell to get it recorded. Vickie advised calling the registry of deeds to see if they will record it.
Deliberations: Jim moved to accept the plan submitted by the applicant and Mr. Balch to relocate a water right serving the abutting property to the west. The applicant will build a drainage ditch or swale to prevent water runoff from entering the abutter’s barn. He recommended recording the agreement between the abutter and the applicant, which has been notarized, with the property deed. George seconded the motion and advised adding that all conditions approved on May 18 apply here.  Unanimously approved the amended motion.
        Alan cautioned that he is not sure whether the 30 day right of appeal still applies, but that others might argue that it does. Ray added that he has received the energy code approval from the state.

Minutes of the May 18 meeting were approved after correction of several typographic errors, on a motion by Jim seconded by Marcia. George abstained as he had been absent for the last meeting.

Meeting adjourned 8:10 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Adair Mulligan, Recorder