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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 2005/10/20
Lyme Zoning Board of Adjustment
Minutes: October 20, 2005

Board members: Present - George Hartmann, Chair, Alan Greatorex, Vice Chair; Walter Swift, Jim Poage, Ross McIntyre
Alternate members: Present - Jackie Glass, Marcia Armstrong
Absent - Margot Maddock
Staff: Vickie Davis, Zoning Administrator; Adair Mulligan, recorder
Public: Mark Schiffman, John Griesemer, Nancy and William Corrette, Jeffrey Clayton and Johanna Laro

Minutes of the September 15 meeting were amended by Alan Greatorex and approved on a motion by Ross seconded by Jim. George abstained because he had not been present at the meeting.

Mark Schiffman, Applicant, Permit Application 2005-092, M415 L11
Project: build screen porch at 34 Hardscrabble Lane.
Mark & Jen Schiffman propose to build a porch on their house at 34 Hardscrabble Lane in the Mountain & Forest District.  This requires a special exception under section 8.22 of the zoning ordinance to build within the property setbacks. An addition of 204 sf had been approved in a previous application in the same setback. The present project would remove 135 sf and add 165 sf, for a net addition of 30 sf. Mark explained that his house is near the far corner of his lot and that nearly the entire dwelling is in the setback. The area proposed is the least impacting on the setback. The garage is already 50 feet closer to the Hano boundary. Ross asked if a gazebo had been considered. Mark said that he wants to build a contiguous screened porch. The deck was part of the original building.Deliberations: Walter moved to grant a special exception to convert and enlarge a portion of the existing deck to a roofed screened porch with a net addition of 30 sf to the building footprint. The house is located in the  Mountain & Forest District where setbacks are 150 feet. The house was built before zoning and has had one addition of 204 sf. The addition is a net of 30 sf, leaving 766 sf against the 1000 sf allowance for future expansion. Conditions are that the porch will be built substantially as shown on the architectural sketch by Chris Jackson. Ross seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

John Griesemer, Applicant, Permit Application 2005-097, M201 L27
Project: build shed addition to barn at 4 Market Street.
John Griesemer proposes to add a shed to his garage/house in the Lyme Common District.  This requires a special exception to build within the property setback, exceed the maximum building footprint and maximum lot coverage allowances under sections 8.22 and 8.25 of the zoning ordinance. If the present interpretation about footprints is used, there is no need for a special exception for that, but if a different interpretation is given, it is needed. The proposal exceeds lot coverage and intrudes into the side setback. John said that the shed would be built in the style of the barn and would be a place to store lawn tools. He said that his neighbor has no objection. Vickie noted that there were several errors on the previous tax cards and the dimensions are confusing. Part of the garage had been removed, leaving a concrete apron that is now part of the driveway.
        Board members were uncomfortable that the addition would be only 1.5 feet from the south boundary line. Walter asked why the shed could not be put elsewhere rather than on the boundary line. John said that he hopes to keep as much of the southern exposure as possible and that the proposed location is the only part of the lot that is not actively used. While there is room elsewhere on the lot, he thought it would not be a good idea to place a shed in direct view of the church or the Alden Inn. He currently cannot put his vehicles in his garage/barn with the tools in the way and wants to move them before winter. Jim wondered if driveway calculations would change, and would like the numbers to be correct. Walter noted that setbacks in this district are 20 feet. Alan asked if there are state building codes for setbacks. Vickie said she knew of none. George asked how far it is to the west property line. It was agreed to ask John to look at alternatives and add measurements, doors, windows, major plumbing, and a sketch of the entire plot with dimensions. Voted unanimously to continue the case until November 17 on a motion by George seconded by Ross.

William Corrette, Applicant, Permit Application 2005-093, M401 L69
Project: build sunroom addition to house at 38 River Road.
William Corrette proposes to build an addition to his home in the Rural District.  This requires a special exception to exceed the maximum building footprint under section 8.25 of the zoning ordinance. The addition would be 196 sf, leaving 895 sf for future additions. William asked if a garage addition would be possible in the future, and Vickie advised him to see her when he is ready.
Deliberations: Ross moved to grant a special exception for the addition, noting that the planned addition would exceed the maximum building footprint by 105 sf, which is allowed under section 8.25. There are no setback issues. The addition is for a sun porch, with no increase in bedrooms to create septic issues. The house was built in 1958. Construction will be substantially as shown. Section 10.50 was considered and deemed not relevant. Walter seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Joanna Laro and Arthur Laro, Applicants, Permit Application 2005-101, M201 L107
Project: build addition to house at 32 High Street.
Joanna & Arthur Laro propose to add on to their house in the Lyme Common District.  This requires a special exception to encroach into the property setback under section 8.22 of the zoning ordinance. Jeffrey Clayton said that this will be an expansion of the kitchen 8 feet toward the sandpit, filling in a notch in the house. The addition will be one story. There is no change in the driveway.
Deliberations: Jim moved to grant a special exception for 128 sf addition to the house which was built in 1963.  This fills in a notch in the house which is entirely in the 20foot side setback and does not intrude more than the existing structure. Section 8.25 allows expansion of existing houses into the side setback for a total of 500 sf. This addition leaves a remainder of 372 sf for future expansion. Conditions of section 10.50 are met. There was no testimony by abutters. Addition will be built according to best building practices and conform to energy standard codes. Ross seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Other Business
Vickie described a proposed change in the zoning ordinance that would deal with the future treatment of non-conforming uses of pre-zoning structures that go out of use. There was considerable discussion and examples proposed. The Planning Board will make a recommendation.

Meeting adjourned 9:02 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Adair Mulligan, Recorder