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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2007/08/01
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting – August 1, 2007

In attendance:  Simon Carr,  Marya Klee, Steve Maddock, C. Ragan

1.      Minute Correction --  Please note the correct spelling for Bonnie Koch and Chris Whitcher.

2.      Second Day Opening –  The Board of Selectmen has approved a second day of operations to come into effect when staffing, with a supervisor, is stable.  The supervisor position has been advertised.  Several inquiries have come in, but not applications.  Transfer Station Committee members would be happy to answer questions any applicant may have concerning the operation.

3.      Tire Disposal – New fee proposal:  $4 for 1 tire, $6 for 2; 17”-19” for $8; 20”-24” for $20.  Marya will email the Selectboard requesting formal approval. These changes would be included in Steve’s brochure revision.

4.      Certification –  The application is ready pending Rod Finley’s site plan and sign-off as Professional Engineer.

5.      Operations --  NRRA had no suggestions for safety railings for the Metal and C&D containers. Steve will seek suggestions from Steve Waterman who made the steps. Dishwashers are now mostly plastic and should be placed in the C&D container and charged a fee, not in the metal container.  Punch cards are again being sold at the Country Store.  Stickers will remain available only by mail from the Town Office.  

6.      The next meeting of the Transfer Station Committee will be on Wednesday, September 5, 10am, at the Fire House.

Respectfully submitted, Marya Klee