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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2007/05/02
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting – May 2, 2007

In attendance:  Pete Bleyler, Cynthia Bognolo, Marya Klee, Steve Maddock
Apologies:  Simon Carr, Al Pryor, Charles Ragan

1.      Personnel – The committee requests that the Board of Selectmen offer the third employee position to Lance Goodrich.  Steve Maddock spoke with Lance, he is eager and is familiar with the operation.  Employees are inconsistent in following the regulations set up by the BOS (e.g., safety glasses, vests).  We suggest that the occasion of the new hire is an opportunity to stress the need to follow the rules.

2.      Compactor Operations – The compactor has been working well, resulting in significant savings in haul charges of up to $800/month.  We haul every two or three weeks for $200 compared with the weekly truck/operator fee of $300.   The compactor appears to be far from capacity when the 100% light comes on.  We will seek guidance from the supplier and experienced operators (NRRA) about this issue.

3.      Second Day Opening – The committee feels that the Town voted for the compactor purchase with the understanding that there would eventually be a second opening day.  Costs would be covered by the savings in haul charges.  Personnel issues are the key to this goal.  When we are operating solidly with a three-person staff we urge the BOS to implement the commitment to the second day.  (Many of the proponents of this measure were working and unable to attend Town Meeting.)

4.      Ban on Electronic Screen Technology – NH law will ban placing electronic screens (TVs, computer monitors) in landfills as of July 1st 2007.  The committee urges the BOS to implement this ban as soon as possible and to take all measures to avoid a pre-ban mass dumping of screens.  It is likely that we will propose a one-day a year special collection for these items.  This operations costs $600 to the Town and a by weight charge to the consumer.  It might be feasible to join with neighboring communities in order to defray the cost to the Town.  Our current disposal charge is $10/screen on an average of two per week.

5.      Website Update – Steve Maddock is correcting/updating the website information and requesting a new photo.  

6.      Fence Screen – The plastic closures are inadequate to the task of keeping the screen in place over time and storms.  Steve Maddock will investigate metal alternatives and set up a work day for replacing the fasteners.

7.      Gate Repair – Steve Maddock will call the installers to get an estimate for straightening the gate pole and get BOS approval for the expenditure.

8.      Holiday Policy – The committee urges the Select Board to have the Transfer Station open on a Saturday if they want to close it for a Sunday holiday.  In 2008 this will be Easter only.

9.      Licensing Application – The committee will coordinate with Simon Carr to complete the application for NH licensing.

10.     Operations – Administrative tasks are not always being accomplished on a timely basis.  Calling hauls, tracking costs and revenues, lock management, repair work, coordinating special processing (e.g.,  refrigerators, tires), NRRA attendance, publicity (e.g., Toxic Waste, Electronic Screens) are all tasks that need a supervisor to have the Transfer Station run efficiently and safely.

11.     Steve will send a memo to the Board of Selectmen outlining some of the above issues and saying that we would like to meet with the Board to discuss the memo.

12.     The next meeting of the Transfer Station Committee will be on Wednesday, June 6, 10am, at the Fire House.

Respectfully submitted, Marya Klee