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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2007/01/03
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting – January 3rd 2007 10:00 a.m.

In Attendance:  Pete Bleyler, Steve Maddock, Cynthia Bognolo, Charles Ragan, Simon Carr.
Apologies:      Al Pryor, Pete MacDonald.

1.      Operation:  
a.      The compactor is now running satisfactorily and works correctly on automatic. Jed is now operating the compactor, with Al looking after the transfer station.
b.      The question of whether to ask for bids for the MSW waste haulage was raised but left temporarily in abeyance.

2.      Staffing and second operating day:  There had been no applicant, prepared to work at the hourly rate offered.  Without another attendant it was not possible to undertake the second day.   Charles said the BOS were determined to do all that was necessary to get the second day operating.

3.      Tracking of Operations:  There was concern about the tracking of pulls and their reconciliation with billing.  It was agreed that this was an operational issue, which we have been specifically charged not to deal with.  We should refer the issue to the BOS to put a suitable operational procedure in place.

4.      Electronics recycling:  Steve proposed that the we ask the BOS to define a cut-off day for the acceptance of TVs and VDUs.  He suggested that we ask for April 15th and that, at the same time, notification should be given of an electronics day later in the year, utilizing the NRRA one-day program.

5.      Weather protection:  Charles said the BOS had discussed the issue of weather protection and had suggested a pole barn over all containers.  However, as we had agreed with the neighboring residents, last year, that we would endeavor to relocate the transfer station to a permanent site, it seems inappropriate to be constructing a permanent structure on this site.  It was felt that small hut, providing storage for the necessary records and equipment and also providing shelter to the operators would be more appropriate and also re-locatable.

6.      Permit: Charles had had an inspection with Melanie Wheeler from the DES.  She had raised the issue of the lack of a permit, together with some issues that related to the permit. Simon said that the application was primarily waiting on him preparing a location plan for the transfer station and compactor.  He took the permit paperwork and would endeavor to prepare a suitable plan.

7.      Next meeting:  The next meeting will be Wednesday April 4th 2007, 10:00 a.m., at Lyme Fire Station Meeting Room.

Respectfully submitted
Simon Carr, scribe