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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2006/12/06
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting – December 6th 2006 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Pete Bleyler, Steve Maddock, Marya Klee, Cynthia Bognolo, Simon Carr.
Apologies:      Al Pryor, Pete MacDonald, Charles Ragan.

1.      Operation:  
a.      The compactor has now been installed, but is not wired as the electrician needed additional parts.  These are on order and connection is provisionally scheduled for Tuesday, December 12th.
b.      The missing padlocks had now been replaced.  They are keyed as the existing ones and we have enough for the compactor dog kennel.
c.      Pete had prepared a summary of the duties envisaged of the transfer Station supervisor.  This was reviewed and Pete will submit the revised document to the Selectboard. He had also reviewed the proposed budget and, in line with the duties envisaged, had revised the suggested labor cost to $18,000.  He will copy this to the Barney Brannen as chair of the Budget Committee.
d.      Pete had revised the transfer station handout, in the light of recent operational changes.  This was reviewed and he will give the revised copy to the Selectboard for approval.
e.      The committee discussed the possibility of putting haulage out to bid, but felt that currently this was not desirable unless Whitcher’s price for hauling the compactor roll-off was too high.  It was felt that it would be better to investigate this in three to six months’ time when the new operation had settled down.

2.      NRRA are planning a large presentation on electronics recycling for the December meeting, to emphasize the need to implement programs before the July 2007 deadline. Steve and Simon will be attending.

3.      Hut for attendants.  To implement our permit, we need to have a hut for keeping, records, first aid kit and similar.  It was thought that there are sufficient funds allocated to the compactor to implement a hut and, thereby, be in a position to implement our permit-by-notification process.

4.      It was agreed that we could go to a monthly meeting.  Steve will talk with Charles to see if there is a more convenient time for him.

5.      Next meeting:  The next meeting will be Wednesday January 3rd 2007, time to be confirmed, at Lyme Fire Station Meeting Room.

Respectfully submitted
Simon Carr, scribe