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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2006/06/07
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  June 7th 2006 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Charles Ragan, Cynthia Bognolo, Marya Klee, Simon Carr.
Apologies:      Al Pryor, Katie Jenks, Pete MacDonald.

1.      Operation:  
a.      Charles and Judy had met with Al and Jed on May 28th.  Charles summarized the discussion and said that he would ensure that the minutes of this meeting were distributed to the committee.  The committee expressed their extreme concern that the BOS and operators had changed the interim regulations without any reference to the committee, especially as these regulations were based on requirements from our insurers.
b.      First Aid Kit:  We now had a mailbox.  Simon will arrange fixings for clamping it to the fence.
c.      Tire Container:  In view of the relatively small number of tires being re-cycled through the year, the tire container was not covering its costs.  As there were several other opportunities for disposing of tires in the area, it was felt that we could drop the tire container and use the freed-up space more efficiently.  It was agreed that this would be proposed to the BOS.
d.      Lyme Country Store was now handling bags and pink cards on a COD only basis.  As there were only taking two boxes at a time this meant that Pete was having to supply them several times a week.
e.      Bargain Barn:  Steve reported that the Bargain Barn were not separating their recyclables from the clothing and similar waste.  Charles will talk with Darlene regarding this.

2.      Charge:  Dick Jones was now preparing the revised draft charge.
3.      Compactor:  
a.      Charles summarized the situation, with regard to funds appropriated at Town Meeting.  The BOS wished to proceed with the salt shed, at a current estimated cost of $62,000 and allow the residue of $27,000 to be allocated to the compactor.  As the motions at Town Meeting regarding raising the funds were unclear, the BOS had asked the Town Counsel to review the motions and minutes of Town Meeting in order to confirm whether they could allocate the funds in this manner.
b.      Simon had prepared a plan showing the approximate position of roll-offs and the compactor within the fenced area.  It was possible to position the compactor and container within the area, however the committee were concerned that locating it within this area would cause severe congestion.  Simon will prepare a further plan showing the as-built gates and incorporating the steps and proposed shed.

4.      Beautification:  In view of the likely cost issues, it was agreed that the beautification program would be deferred until the fall.  The Utility Club had offered to donate $900 towards this program and Cynthia will contact them to ensure this money will still be held available.

5.      Meeting with Selectboard:  In view of the various issues that had arisen, regarding regulations and the compactor location, it was agreed that the committee would ask for a meeting in order to resolve these.  Wednesday June 28th was provisionally proposed.

6.      Next meeting:  The next meeting will be Wednesday June 21st 2006 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Fire Station Meeting Room.  

Respectfully submitted
Simon Carr, scribe