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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2006/05/17
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting – May 17th 2006 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Cynthia Bognolo, Katie Jenks, Marya Klee
Apologies:      Simon Carr, Al Pryor, Charles Ragan

1.First Aid (Mail)box/Safety
a. Katie and Cynthia have obtained a mailbox and first aid kit.  Katie will paint  the box stand-out yellow, then give it to Steve for mounting.  
b. Steve spent 2 hours with Wally Ragan going over the Transfer Station.  We will receive an “OK” from the Safety Committee as items have been completed or remedies are in progress.

2. New Site:  Katie reviewed her investigation of possible new sites.  Some landowners       might be interested in leasing or selling parcels to the Town.  

3. Tires:  Steve raised the point that we might wish to review the policy of collecting tires after the summer season.  The annual cost is $1,200.  13 tires came in for Green-Up, less than 20 since December.  This might ease the reconfiguration for the compactor.  There is a facility, Evergreen, in Wilder that takes tires for payment which would provide a relatively local alternative (as well as paying where you buy) for townspeople.

4.Compactor:  Steve will plan a warm weather field trip to see compactors on site.  When Simon has prepared a new within-the-fence site plan, the Committee will present it to the Selectboard.

5. Beautification:  Steve will pursue a consultation with Elmer Brown and the Utility Club as improving the site is beneficial to the town long or short term.

6. Supplying Country Store:  Given the schedules of Committee members Simon, Steve and Pete will all have a supply of pink cards to replenish the Country Store.   The policy will continue to NOT sell cards at the Transfer Station.

7. Police Notification:  Police attention to the incidents of unpleasant remarks and dumping trash not in green bags seems successful.  A new license number was given to the Chief.

8. Asbestos:  Steve will query NRRA as to the State regulations/requirements for dumping asbestos materials.

9. BOS Follow-up:  Steve will inquire as to status of the revised Charge for this committee and the proposed meeting with Al and Jed.

10. Next Meeting:  The next meeting will be Wednesday, June 7th2006 10:30 a.m. at the Lyme Fire Station Meeting Room.

Respectfully submitted, Marya Klee, substitute scribe