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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2006/04/19
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  April 19th 2006 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance: Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Cynthia Bognolo (part), Charles Ragan (part), Katie Jenks (part), Marya Klee, Pauline Field,  Simon Carr
Apologies: Al Pryor.

1.      Operation:  
a.      The notices that the transfer station would be closed on Easter Sunday went out too late to warn everybody in town.  As a consequence, about 15-20 citizens left their green bags outside the transfer station.  Charles moved them inside, for which the committee thanked him.  We need to get the information out earlier.  It was agreed that we should ask for a space each month in the church’s’ newsletter, starting with an apology in the next issue.  We should also ensure that known dates of closure are incorporated in the rates fliers and in annual notice.  
b.      Packer Operation: There have been a number of citizens giving Dan, (Whitcher’s packer operator) some abuse as they throw their trash and, in some instances, not throwing their trash in green bags.  Dan has been unable to get the license plates so that the police can follow up on this.
c.      Operation by Attendants:  Jed had been seen together with an out-of-town truck, loading materials from the transfer station on a Sunday afternoon, in contravention of the transfer station rules.  Al had given Fred permission to throw bulky materials for free.  It was agreed that we would draft letters to all the attendants, for the Selectboard to send, regarding the need for them all to comply with all the transfer station rules.
d.      Fiber Bin Steps:  the safety committee had raised the issue that the end of these stairs were unprotected.  Our aim is to relocate these and add the second set of risers.  In the meantime, it was essential that the end of the steps be protected by, at least, warning tape.
e.      First Aid Kit:  Cynthia had cut herself recently and it took Al a long time to locate the first-aid kit.  We should have a more accessible one and Katie suggested keeping it in a mailbox, fixed inside the fence.

2.      Compactor:  
a.      Simon had prepared a draft plan, showing setbacks from the brook and well and with the compactor in front of the old garage slab.  This was considered unacceptable and Simon was asked to prepare alternatives, prior to next Wednesday’s meeting with the Selectboard.
b.      The committee questioned the requirement for a 75ft setback from the well, as with such a setback the highway garage, old highway garage and the leach field all fall inside.  Simon undertook to get the precise information from Charles.

3.      NRRA:
a.      The is now a small textile recovery operation out of Lawrence, MA which takes clean bagged textiles for a few cents/lb.  Gordon is monitoring it but it may be a useful option for disposal of much of the Bargain Barn/Rummage Sale waste.
b.      The State Solid Waste Surcharge bill has been held but will probably go to the legislature next year, when it will add $1/ton to all landfill waste.
c.      TV & Computer Disposal.  There is a State bill, which has passed the House, but not yet the Senate, which bans TVs and computers from landfill.   The probability is that we will have to organize a program to accept PCs and TVs.

4.      Committee Membership and Remit:  
a.      Katie had not yet received her appointment from the town Office.
b.      Katie said that she understood that the transfer station was only temporarily located on the present site.  She was shown the committee’s original charge, which was to consider temporary location of the transfer station during the construction of the new highway garage.  However, the Highway Department committee found that construction could take place with the transfer station in place and it was agreed that it did not need to re-locate.

5.      Green-up Day: by virtue of providing the New Hampshire the Beautiful bags for Green-up day, we were eligible for an issue of daffodil bulbs, which we should take up.  Cynthia had had a price of $1,800 for evergreen planting along High St.  She would be approaching the Utility Club to see if they would bear half this cost.

6.      Next meeting: The next meeting will be Wednesday April 26th 2006, with the Selectboard at Lyme Fire Station Meeting Room.  Time to be advised.   The next regular meeting will be Wednesday May 3rd 2006 10.30 a. m. at Lyme Fire Station Meeting Room.  

Respectfully submitted
Simon Carr, scribe