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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2006/04/05
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee – April 5, 2006

Attending: Steve Maddock, Cynthia Bognolo, Katie Jenks, Charles Ragan, Pete Bleyler

1.      Steve Maddock opened the meeting at 10:30 and welcomed new members Katie Jenks and Charles Ragan.

2.      The committee edited, and then approved, the proposed recommended changes to the Transfer Station Committee’s “Charge” from the Select Board.  Pete will send out recommendations to the Board.

3.      Steve mentioned that he’s attempting to set up a meeting with the Highway Garage committee to discuss the placement of the compactor and salt shed.  Katie requested that we not purchase and install a compactor until she and others have had the opportunity to visit other existing compactors when the weather is much warmer.  Charles supported Katie’s request.

4.      After discussion about the landscaping between the transfer station fence and High Street, Cynthia agreed to contact the Utility Club to see if they’ll take this on as a project.  No decisions were made as to how much this might cost and, more importantly, who would pay for it.

5.      We discussed that Lyme Country Store has agreed to continue to sell PAYT bags and cards, and that the Town Clerk’s office is now selling them as well.  Pete picked up the remaining inventory of bags and cards from Nichols Hardware on April 1.

6.      Pete distributed copies of two proposals we’ve received for the compactor, one from Leavitt Business Enterprises, and one from Atlantic Leasing Corporation.  We’re still waiting for a proposal form Northeast Waste.  Everyone agreed that we should have a 3-phase motor for the compactor.  All of the professionals highly recommend this.  Charles suggested that we inquire about the cost of having 3-phase power brought down to the Highway Garage/Transfer Station from Dorchester Road.

7.      Meeting adjourned at 11:43.

Respectfully submitted by Peter Bleyler, Acting Scribe