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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2006/03/15
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   -- March 15th, 2006 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance: Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Cynthia Bognolo, Marya Klee, Simon Carr
Apologies:Al Pryor.

1.      Operation:  
a.      Packer Operation: There have been a number of citizens giving Dan, (Whitcher’s packer operator) some abuse as they throw their trash.  We need to get the license plates so that the police can follow up on this.
b.      Green Bag Sales: JJ from the Country Store has told Pete that they no longer wish to handle bag sales.  In part this is due to the low-level abuse that they get when selling the bags.  With the Nichols’ store being up for sale, we have issues in how to distribute bags.  It was agreed that selling bags at the transfer station, whether by attendants or volunteers was not a suitable solution and, consequently, that there would be no Sunday sales of bags or tokens.  Patty Jenks had agreed that the town office would sell bags, although storage space is strictly limited.  Cynthia and Steve will talk to the banks to investigate whether they might sell bags.  Long River Studio is another possibility; again they have very little storage space.
c.      Attendant’s Hours:  We had received a couple of complaints that the attendants were not getting there in time to prepare the transfer station to be open at the appropriate time.  We need to ask the Selectboard to emphasize to them of the need to be prompt.

2.      Compactor:  This was approved at Town Meeting, along with the Highway Department’s salt shed.
a.      Positioning: There was some concern from the abutters about positioning.  We need to agree an appropriate position, in conjunction with the highway garage committee and with the abutters.  
b.      Tenders:  Pete will proceed with obtaining tenders for the compactor.  It was thought that lead time was in the region of four weeks and, with the discussions we need on positioning, it was felt that we should be to start operation with the compactor at the beginning of July.  

3.      NRRA: TV & Computer Disposal.  There is a State bill, which has passed the House, but not yet the Senate, which bans TVs and computers from landfill.   The probability is that we will have to organize a program to accept PCs and TVs.

4.      Committee Membership:  Katie Jenks and Martha Smith had expressed interest in joining the committee.  Katie had intended to attend, but was sick.

5.      Next meeting: The next meeting will be Wednesday April 5th 2006 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Fire Station Meeting Room.