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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2006/01/18
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   -- January 18th, 2006 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Marya Klee, Simon Carr. Cynthia Bognolo.
Apologies:      Al Pryor.

1.      Operation:  
a.      Plastics:  We appear to be operating satisfactorily in terms of the different grades we are throwing.  We will assemble a sample “string” of approved containers to be hung by the containers’ roll-off, but will accept that other varieties of #1 and #2 may be thrown.
b.      Operational Regulations:  These had now been finalized:
i.      We have fluorescent vests, hard hats and gloves available for operators and volunteers.  It was agreed that it was not necessary to wear hats except when working in bins.
ii.     The Selectboard has approved the provision a Gaylord for containers being redeemed for charity.  Marya will do a ‘charity redeemables’ notice for this.
iii.    We need to release the interim regulations to everyone.  This will by means of updating the web page, releasing them on the Lyme listserver and including a flyer within the church newsletter.
c.      The third attendant’s position has now been advertised.

2.      Bargain Barn: The town has received a $100 payment for the trash disposed of by the Bargain Barn.  The committee agreed to recommend to the Selectboard that they should ask the Bargain Barn to put a plan in place, over the next two-three years to pay the going rate for the disposal of trash.

3.      Development:
a.      Town Report: Steve had prepared a draft report with Pete’s figures. It was suggested that this should be modified to emphasize the pay-per-throw aspect.  The revised report has now been submitted for the Town report.  We would also ask Elise to include before and after photos of the station.
b.      Permit:  Steve had talked with NH DES who said that they only need a site plan for us to proceed with the permit application.  Simon will prepare a drawing for this.  The old town garage is not being retained

4.      Next meeting: The next meeting will be Wednesday February 15th 2005 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Fire Station Meeting Room.