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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2006/01/04
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  January 4th, 2006 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Marya Klee, Simon Carr. Cynthia Bognolo.
Apologies:      Al Pryor.

1.      Operation:
a.      January 1st was extremely busy with Christmas trash and the station not having been open the previous week.  This meant that the fiber and containers roll-offs were completely filled and the overflow has had to be stored under tarps.  
b.      Plastics:  There is a lot of confusion over what types of #1 and #2 plastics we may throw.  Steve will verify these with NRRA and we will then assemble a sample “string” to be hung by the containers’ roll-off.
c.      Operational Regulations:  These had been discussed and are now close to being finalized.:
i.      We need to have fluorescent vests available for operators and volunteers prior to implementing the regulations.  Steve will arrange to order these.
ii.     Gloves: There was concern about handling toxic materials, although it was felt that this was not a problem in the recyclables area.  We should keep a pair of heavy duty rubber gloves available for the attendants’ use.
iii.    There was a question over the provision of a gaylord for containers being redeemed for charity.  We should confirm with Sithavady which charity she is collecting for.
d.      Attendants:
i.      Jed was still trawling the scrap metal bin.  Once the regulations have been finalized Pete, as Selectboard representative will talk with Jed, to emphasize that he must comply with the regulations.
ii.     The Town has not yet advertised for a replacement for Steve; this is now urgent.

2.      Development:
a.      Town Report: Steve will prepare the report based on the figures that Pete has assembled.
b.      Compactor:   The old town garage is being retained as a salt shed; this makes the location of a compactor harder.  We need to talk with NH DES to ensure that a new proposed location is acceptable and would enable us to obtain the necessary permit.  Don Maurer, who was the DES contact has moved on. Steve will contact DES and talk to whoever is the new contact.

3.      Bargain Barn:  We have not had a response from them regarding any possible contribution.  Therefore, we should proceed with a warrant article for the town meeting to see whether the town is prepared to grant exemptions to charitable organizations.

4.      Next meeting: The next meeting will be Wednesday January 18th 2005 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Fire Station Meeting Room.