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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2005/10/26
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  October 26th, 2005 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Pete MacDonald, Marya Klee, Simon Carr.
Apologies:      Cynthia Bognolo, Al Pryor.

1.      Operation:
a.      Safety:
i.      Three sets of steps were due to be shipped today (October 26th) and should arrive within a further 5-6 days.
ii.     We had now received the safety report, which has now been distributed to committee members.  This had also been considered by the Safety Committee.  Many of the requirements are those that we need to comply with to obtain a state permit.  There was concern that users would object to some of the proposed requirements, however we can justify them on the basis that they are essential for us to be covered by our insurers.  It was also felt that a number of the requirements could be met by use of facilities already provided in the town garage.
iii.    We should contact DES and ask them to visit so that we get a definitive set of requirements needed to achieve the permit.   
b.      Fiber:  Liz Bedard, NRRA, had commented that our load per pull was not as high as other towns.  Although we were tramping down in the container, this is obviously not as good as mechanical packing down.  The bin is not readily accessible to the loader but it should be possible to do so with a backhoe. Steve had proposed the purchase of a second fiber bin.  This would not provide any economies in haul charges but would simplify the handling of fiber overflow.
c.      We needed to resolve some of the operational issues.  To this end, we would forward the safety report to the Selectboard and Steve would prepare a draft document for our meeting next week, with the intention of the committee taking it to the Selectboard the following week.

2.      Development:
a.      Budget Committee: We needed to submit a proposal in time for their meeting of November 9th.  Steve and Pete Bleyler will prepare this.
b.      Compactor:  we were still awaiting an alternative price.
c.      Old Highway Garage:  The Selectboard had considered the proposal for retaining this, but felt it would be better to remove it and the adjoining shed and lay out the site as most appropriate then.  The buildings should be demolished by the end of the year.

3.      Beautification:
a.      Simon had checked the screening at the Thayer school construction site.  This was similar to the closed mesh PVC screen at 95% opacity.  A 120ft by 6ft roll of this would be $417.00 plus delivery.  It was agreed we would get a roll of this and move the thinner screen to the back of the site.
b.      The Conservation Commission were hoping to make Lyme a tree city.  This requires a planting project, which could be funded.  It might be possible to get the planting along High Street undertaken under this initiative.

4.      The Next NRRA meeting is the annual meeting with lunch on November 9th at noon.

5.      Steve will communicate with Matt Stevens and invite him to attend a future meeting.

6.      Pete MacDonald is leaving for Washington and will not be able to attend further meetings until the Spring.  He will be able to receive email there.  The committee expressed their thanks to Pete and looked forward to seeing him in the new year.

7.      Next meeting: The next meeting will be Wednesday November 2nd 2005 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Center Academy